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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. It’s always been this way ever since there were HTML posts. It’s not just background colors: if you copy raw HTML from one website to another, there could be dozens of styling declarations that could break a layout.
  2. You would choose external storage if you run out space on your own server and or if the local storage is more expensive.
  3. You choose a default page under ACP → Pages → Pages
  4. Keep in mind that a sitemap just says to Google to check out those pages. Indexing can still fail when the pages are blocked from indexing in any way.
  5. Not a huge deal, but still confusing: This option in the Database Filter Widget to only show my own records … is very useful, but pointless and confusing if the database is set to only show my own records. I suggest, the filter widget checks that settings and suppresses the choice to only show my own files.
  6. There is another indication for that: When doing a “site:” search, Google says “no information available” and links to this: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/7489871?hl=en
  7. SuperHelp is just a template. Languages are controlled as part of the Pages functionality. If you want better language support, you would need to ask IPS for better language support of the Pages app.
  8. I would rather put the question to the Russians: are there any payment options left that IPS could potentially implement? You might know this better than IPS.
  9. No, “contain” belongs to “background-size”, not “background-position”.
  10. There are no plans to refine this apart from the aspect ratio options. But you could override the behaviour in the custom.css. Something like: .SG_record_image { background-position: bottom !important; } https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/background-position Currently it also uses background-size:cover, which causes parts of the image to be hidden. You could also change that to something like background-position: contain, which would reduce the image to fit in the container.
  11. There are more than the two options “cached” and “not cached”.
  12. Pretty sure this is a (IPS) caching issue. I’ve seen this for other block types too. The code in the template is okay. It will actually remove the profile links for guests, when guests are not allowed to see profiles. But the problem is: If the cached version is generated after a member(!) saw the block, then guests will also see that same cached HTML code including those links. And once the block cache time is up, the next version of the block may or may not have those links. You never know.
  13. Where/how are you even getting this kind of display? This is how the mobile forum view looks for this forum:
  14. By the way: if this is functionality is ever being changed, I would also suggest to add other options, like removing access to personal messages, which are “personal” by definition and not something moderators should ever get access to. Frankly, I wouldn’t mind having that functionality removed altogether. I would feel much better if I could tell my members “there is no easy way to access messages” than to say “It’s actually super easy, but trust me, I am not going to (mis-)use it”.
  15. The widget only controls who is or isn’t a subscriber. The newsletters are sent in the ACP under → Members → Bulk Mail.
  16. There is nothing else to set up. But in order to see it, you need to log in with an account that is NOT currently a bulk mail subscriber. Otherwise it just won’t show.
  17. Then you need to separate the link and non-link options. Not only that. It would be a huuuuge security risk if user HTML input in the profile fields would actually be rendered as HTML.
  18. What do you mean by “text field”? Where exactly did you put that HTML? You can’t put HTML as an option for a field. It needs to go in the field labelled “Custom topic formatting”.
  19. Who’s records should they edit? Because for other people’s records, there are just two choices: you make those members admins you turn on the Wiki functionality Otherwise members will only be able to edit their own records, if the permissions are granted and it is turned on for the database: This might also be of interest:
  20. For streams: you would have to choose “Content items, comments, and reviews”. That would include new entries for comments. There is no comments-only option. A widget for Pages comments is still missing. There was a plugin available once, but not anymore.
  21. It’s a quick “fix”, but a proper guest checkout should come anyway to comply with EU regulations. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/467795-commerce-app-requirement-for-guest-checkout/
  22. You would have to override the “float” of the menu items, which are <li> elements. However setting them float:right would also reverse the order of the menu. Not a good idea. There is also JavaScript acting on the menu, which can mess things up. I wouldn’t do these kind of “tweaks” unless it serves a clear need and you are absolutely sure you know what you are doing.
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