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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. There also seems to be a problem with the short-form months, which are not translated. The code looks like this: <span class='cEvents__monthNav__month'>{$monthObj->format( 'M' )}</span> A working code from the Upcoming Events widget looks like this: <time datetime='{$event->nextOccurrence( $today, 'startDate' )->mysqlDatetime()}' class='ipsCalendarDate'> <span class='ipsCalendarDate_month' data-controller="core.global.core.datetime" data-time="{$event->nextOccurrence( $today, 'startDate' )->format('c')}" data-format="%b">{$event->nextOccurrence( $today, 'startDate' )->monthNameShort}</span> </time>
  2. While you are still tweaking the Events app, please add settings for the various new sections. I’m sure they make perfect sense for Lego’s international community, but they will not work for many other communities. For example, a community for a local organization might never ever need the “events near you“ feature or location search. Search section: show/hide In your area: show/hide Also: mode (overview/monthly/weekly/daily) could be a choice of options just like we can choose the view modes for forums.
  3. You forgot to create a language string for “We couldn't find any events happening soon near you. Check back later!”
  4. But keep in mind that assigning a content field does a few things. It’s used as preview text in several areas and also assigned as text for social media sharing.
  5. If you assign “title” or “content” field, those fields are not using the field styling anymore. Those fields are then taken over by the view template. And usually, that is a good idea. But it’s confusing that the interface doesn’t at least hide those options.
  6. It depends. If it is indeed a bug, reporting it is a favour to IPS so they can fix their problem and end up with a better product. Being required to jump through hoops in order to help them doesn’t feel right. If it is likely an issue specific to a single installation and a custom server setup or third-party items, then that is a different story altogether. In this case, investigating it by IPS would be a favour to the site owner. Looking at the code, it seems very likely that this actually a bug. The template just calls <a href="{$item->url( "getPrefComment" )}" … and that rarely includes Commerce products. So, this might have simply been overlooked.
  7. It was a reasonable comment. Not sure why it is being ridiculed. Items might move up and down in the navigation hierarchy. Nothing wrong with that. But having an item in all three navigation levels makes no sense whatsoever. If it’s important enough for a main menu entry, than that is all that is needed. It couldn’t be more prominent than that. Everything else is just a waste of space and a cause of confusion. The only good reason to have entries in the menu multiple times is if those menus are shown to different user groups, which by the way, is something that cannot be done with Invision Community properly, because some menu entries can only be used once.
  8. If you are comfortable editing templates, this comes from the “embedItem” template in the theme. Shouldn’t be too hard to strip a few things there.
  9. It’s a setting in the ACP. Put “newsletter” in the ACP search to get to it.
  10. I have it running under 8.1 without being flagged or deactivated. I am not aware of any incompatibilities.
  11. What is valid would depend on context. The only real solution would be to offer a selection for the various ordering types.
  12. Just use the Quick Translation tool and edit it on the front end. Normally, I would prefer the View Word Key mode, but there are many pages of language strings that are returned for the language key “settings”.
  13. I can’t see any way how these times could ever add up to 45 minutes.
  14. Can you replicate this issue if you login as one of those members? If so, it’s certainly interesting that it is member-based. I would then try to figure out what’s different about a member than has this issue vs. one that does not have it. It should give an indication about what is causing the error.
  15. It’s not something I would suggest. You might also want to read my detailed description about why I can’t help with customization requests. https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/374850-opentype/?tab=field_core_pfield_23
  16. Are you sure everyone sees this? Otherwise it would just point to a browser loading issue, which is quite common. Browsers are getting very “aggressive” with caching, so even resources that weren’t loaded successfully are kept in this state for some time. If everyone sees this I would start by using the browser developer tools to see which resources are failing. That might give an indication.
  17. That error message doesn’t seem to point to (incompatible) code that I would have used in SuperBlocks. I would expect the error to be caused by something else. To be sure it is an issue with SuperBlocks, you would have to turn every other third-party app and plugin off, use a default IPS theme and test again. If you then can still replicate the issue, I would have to investigate it in your ACP. Since I can’t replicate any problems myself at the moment, there is not much I could do on my end.
  18. You picked “Plugin”. You need to pick “Custom” and then “Editor”.
  19. I always wonder how you decide what ends up being a patch and what is added to some future updates. Clients abandoning a purchase because the sign-up form is faulty seems a crucial bug to me and I would rather expect it to be something that needs fixing as soon as possible. After all, this can cost us money and clients. In the same spirit, I would have expected this significant visual bug to be a quick patch and that didn’t even make it in the release that followed the acknowledgement of the bug. I have this problem now across multiple websites since July with thousands of visitors accessing these faulty pages and so far I don’t even know if it will be in the next monthly release.
  20. Are you sure you are on the latest release and that you overwrote the templates when updating the plugin? Compatibility with PHP8.x was added with SuperBlocks 1.2 and it is running fine on my own installations with 8.0 and 8.1. If you see errors, check the ACP error logs as well. They usually give more details about what went wrong.
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