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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. What exactly are you trying to achieve? If you want to use existing content, it will not be “fresh install”. All you would achieve is clear up the file system. But then again, that wouldn’t require any installation. You could just remove everything but the uploaded directory and upload the core files again.
  2. Probably related: Commerce pages create a “GeoIP Error”. [httpResponseText] => Unauthorized [X-Cache] => Error from cloudfront [content] => License Key Invalid
  3. It’s just a much more involved process in comparison to just adding your API details as with SendGrid. A sys admin who manages web servers, DNS settings and the like will have no problem with the process, but I wouldn’t recommend it to the regular IPS community owner. You can see the long list of instructions here: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9803-aws-simple-email-service-with-bounce-management/ Of course it’s doable, but one also needs to maintain that and know what to do when problems arise. So, I am hesitant to recommend it unless people the necessary experience.
  4. Answer is still the same. Just create an image with the color you want and upload it.
  5. So, any chance to put this on the Marketplace or is there something preventing this?
  6. That from a Yes/No field which shows for everyone except the premium group. I have a detailed description but that is part of my own premium offers. 😉
  7. A much better solution would be to use the Content Field only as a preview field with your introduction text. Then use a second editor field for the actual article. That way, only the preview field would be posted to the forums and it could update automatically. You could even take this further by using the field permissions to hide the premium content while letting everyone you choose to access the article page. Here is an example of that method: https://www.opentype.space/free-articles/phpsmtpsendgrid-do-i-need-to-use-an-external-email-service-with-invision-community-r2/
  8. Yeah, that’s a broken layout. The sidebar is pushed down I think. You would need to find the HTML errors causing this and then the sidebar will appear as it should.
  9. It’s not a global setting. Each page in Pages may or may not have a sidebar. For a Page Builder page, just open the front end block manager and put at least one widget into the sidebar. Then the sidebar will be used. You probably don’t use that but for the sake of completeness: Manual pages in Pages have setting in the ACP which controls the appearance of the sidebar.
  10. I am seeing system log errors which point to an attempted hack. It that a possible attack vector or can I ignore that?
  11. 1.) I set the image sorting for a Gallery category to “Caption”. 2.) I then create an album in that category, but it defaults to “Recently” updated. Shouldn’t the former setting control the default for the latter? And if not, what is the former setting even for? And finally: How to set “Caption” as a default order for newly created albums?
  12. You can’t (without code customization). It’s a list of clubs and clicking on a specific club takes you the specific club. To access the club index, adding the clubs function in the main menu would be the normal way to go.
  13. Nothing. I just deal with paid invoices and ignore the rest. As mentioned in earlier discussions about this, I don’t understand why you say you “have to delete each invoice”. No one forces you to do that and there is very little to achieve with that. I also hope this will be addressed some day, but IPS will not say “let’s quickly fix that for the next release”. Reworking how the checkout works probably requires major structural changes to the Commerce app and they are not going to touch that until they also want to make major Commerce changes for other reasons.
  14. Not possible. It’s just a single field with a link. There is no way to track and store additional information by default.
  15. https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/themes-and-customizations/css-framework/miscellaneous-r99/ Not used much anymore, but I also saw it failing on my site in the downloads app.
  16. That’s still not a stock template. Make sure to go into the database settings (and possibly also the category settings) to set all the templates back to standard options. In fact, the Listing Template in IPS doesn’t even support thumbnails.
  17. No, that is not how it works. It would only turn off the settings and the CSS – but the CSS isn’t working for you anyway, so it is expected that nothing changes. I really can’t say more. I haven’t seen your site, let alone your ACP, so I can’t check what is going on. You could start fresh and remove SuperGrid entirely. (Note that you would have to manually remove all SuperGrid templates. They are not removed by removing the plugin.) But it could also be that you have some other issues on your website which just result in the SuperGrid CSS not working. That is in fact very likely. I’ve seen it many times. Because IPS merges the different CSS files, a problem in one file could stop the rest of the additional CSS to fail.
  18. I would copy it all, paste it somewhere else, and clear the custom.css entirely. If things start working after that, it will tell you that the problem is in the custom.css. If so, it could be anything. Usually a missing } or something like that which breaks the rest of the code.
  19. Better to have just the latest one. (I don’t think that is the cause of the problems though)
  20. Make sure the plugin is turned back on, so the Supergrid CSS is used. Clear the cache afterwards. If the problem persists, there is a conflict in your CSS – probably in your custom.css.
  21. Yes, that’s what I mean as well. If you add a file URL (not a page), it should directly download that file. That’s why I am asking what type of URL we are talking about.
  22. Just for clarity: deactivating the plugin just turns off the ability to alter the settings. The installed templates will still be used if they are assigned to Pages databases.
  23. Are you just pointing to files on that external host or is it like a download page that comes up? Normally, there should be no need to worry about the windows with direct file links. If everything is set up properly, the external file would just be downloaded and the user would stay on your website.
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