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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. There can be limitations. If there are, you would see it in the conditions listed with the product purchase.
  2. I am not really sure what you are asking. There is no dedicated “under construction” function. But by definition, Pages allows you to put arbitrary content on a page, and that would include “under construction messages” you might want to show. You can also use the permission system for this. So, you could work on content you hide from everyone but your admin group, while every group other than “admins” would see your “under construction” message.
  3. You can convert WordPress posts to Pages databases. https://invisioncommunity.com/services/convert/ You can still have tags, featured images and so on. Slideshows/image galleries are NOT a native feature in Pages articles. Just single images. While the conversion is automatic, you probably have to do a lot of cleaning up to do after the conversion. The homepage as part of the suite is no problem at all. But keep in mind that by default you only get a basic layout with a main content column and a sidebar. Replicating your WordPress design would require a lot of customization.
  4. If this is used on a display page for a Pages record, you would not actually load content from a different URL. You would just segment the content and have it all there, so a user can switch between the tabs without ever leaving the page. (If you want to use external content, you would either have the external URL provide the tab content or you would add the login of dealing with the tabs to each of the pages that are references. Either way, that would all have to be coded. Nothing like that is provided in the Pages system.)
  5. Next time, also try clearing the datastore directory via FTP. That’s usually my magic bullet against such random/complete failures.
  6. It’s by design. The whole point of clubs is that they are user-centered. Users can create them at will, other users can join and leave at will. The club type defines how that goes. That’s it. This leads to various issues and there is lots of room for improvement, but I don’t think club types + group permission will come anytime soon.
  7. Actually, that shouldn’t be necessary unless you set custom URLs. As long as the marker like “-r15” remains, a change of the title and the URL – or even the category – doesn’t matter. The system will automatically forward to the correct record.
  8. I increased those two values and so far all uploads went through. 👍
  9. Yeah, let’s stick to the functionalities.
  10. That’s a valid issue though. It even got worse recently now that website owners are getting sued for loading Google fonts without “need”. And YouTube videos automatically loaded as iFrame contain them too – not to mention all the other calls to Google, Twitter, Facebook and so on for their embedded content.
  11. Thank you. Do you maybe have recommendations for these values for my use case?
  12. I am building a new site with the Gallery application (and S3 storage) where up to 1500 images need to be uploaded to a new album at once. The problem is, that the created albums cut off at a certain point and don’t contain all images that were selected. When I upload: It runs through the collection process without error showing all images as thumbnail (e.g. 1000) It runs through the storage process with the progress bar without errors I am forwarded to the album, but it only has like the first 500 images. I don’t see any errors anywhere. The album is just incomplete. So my question is: Is there a limit that IPS sets somewhere? And if not, it there something I need to tweak in my php.ini to process all files? I guess the list of files to be saved is stored somewhere (RAM? MySQL? File system?) but it can’t hold all the entries at once and so some are getting skipped.
  13. Don’t worry. It’s opt-in with the content the user wants to follow. So there is no point for any default settings.
  14. ACP → Community → Forums → Settings → Forum Settings → Topic Summary Settings
  15. The digest mails are controlled by the user. Not sure what kind of settings you expect for that.
  16. Yeah, you haven’t mentioned the title at all before. That’s a totally different question, and a tricky one. For some content types, you can choose an alternative title, for some you can’t. What is being displayed comes from a language string and you might be able to change the wording in the language settings. But there is no menu type for “don’t make this clickable at all”. That’s not how the IPS menu works.
  17. That’s is not true. Just choose any of the other options and your problem will be solved. You can create a sub menu for any main menu entry, completely independent from the type of the main menu entry. It’s all done through drag-and-drop. That decides what is a main menu entry and what is a sub-menu entry.
  18. We are going around in circles. You are not matching the translations properly. And when you then write in English, what you say is simply not true. But let’s just get out of that circle and just ignore the words for a moment. They are just labels. We are talking about the process of an online sale. That’s what matters. And that “document”, that IPS creates when a checkout is started need to exist when the order is submitted and—depending on the payment method—this means potentially BEFORE the payment is being made. That’s a fact. Please stop saying otherwise just because of your mistranslation of the English words being used. The customer needs a document to see what is being owed to the seller when they pay manually (e.g. via check or wire-transfer). The seller needs a document to demonstrate what the customer legally owes as payment. By asking for the “invoice” to be postponed until after the payment, you are asking for a legally required document to be removed from the process. And that’s why you are wrong when you say it like you do in English. It’s not a matter of opinion or country law. It’s just what invoice means in English. Proof 1: pay attention to “payment at later time”. Proof 2: pay attention to “sum due”, e.g. “still needs to be paid”. You are clearly not using that definition and therefore everything you say in English is wrong and your feature request becomes unreasonable as well. If those things don’t match your local translation, what needs to change would be your language strings. But please stop asking for the process to change (invoice after vs. before the payment), when it is legally required around the world. The only thing that actually should change eventually is that the invoice gets postponed from the start of the checkout to the end of the checkout.
  19. Well, that’s a translation issue then. It doesn’t change the legality or process. Think of a waiter printing out the “bill”/“check” (whatever you might want to call or translate it) in a restaurant. That document is the “invoice”. It doesn’t matter if you have already paid it or not. It shows what you owe the restaurant. That is separate from the “receipt”, “credit card slip” and so on documenting the payment. An invoice for online sales can be both (proof of purchase, proof of payment), but it absolutely needs to be the former and as such exist independent from a payment.
  20. Not true. I have to keep correcting that. An invoice is NOT a payment receipt. An invoice is the manifestation of the legally binding sales contract. As such, it is tied to the moment of purchase. That occurs when the customers hits the final “buy now” button at the end of the checkout process. In fact, the invoice is the legally binding document to show what the customers owes. Before real-time online purchases, that was the main use of the invoice. “Here is what you ordered. Now pay within the time stated on the invoice …”. With real-time payments it’s not as obvious anymore, but with IPS Commerce one can still use the option “manual payment” for manual wire-transfer payments for example. This absolutely needs an invoice prior to the payment – for both the seller and the customer.
  21. Where? In the generated page or in the field when you use the SOURCE mode? I’m with My Sharona: those extra line should be in the field content itself. SuperGrid just defines the layout of the page. It doesn’t change the content of fields.
  22. So the fact that my All Activity page fails is unrelated? I also tried a search index rebuild, which fails and now the queue is locked. 😕
  23. My “All Activity” page just broke and it only returns a white page. The error log shows multiple new errors all like this: I see that file (core->modules->admin->system->metatags.php) in backup folders but it is indeed missing from the current installation and a fresh download I tried.
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