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Everything posted by opentype

  1. Example: https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/614011-jordan-miller/?tab=node_gallery_galleryImages In the upcoming version, it’s also a profile tab: https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/614011-jordan-miller/content/?type=gallery_image&change_section=1
  2. You would do that on the member’s profile, not in the Gallery.
  3. Then you can turn off “adminsitration validation” in the registration settings. Approving new posts is usually enough. Keep in mind though that could still mean spam in the profile fields. For even better control you would need to add a new entry-level group and then promote those members to the regular member group once they have approved posts. Check IPS’ group promotion feature for more details.
  4. The new gallery display works fine and looks nice when the album ordering is set to something like “start date”. But when the same album is set to ordering by “caption”, everything breaks down. it won’t load the album’s thumbnails anymore the prev/next buttons jump the the beginning or end, not the next/previous images
  5. Looks like a Cloudflare URL: https://developers.cloudflare.com/bots/reference/javascript-detections/
  6. The ordering is set up in the block settings. You can choose an ordering field and whether the order should be ascending or descending. There is no drag-and-drop ordering for Pages records. If the default ordering options aren’t sufficient, you might need to create ordering options yourself. You could order the entries by the title and add a number in front of each title. Or you create a hidden ordering field.
  7. The database and the records will not show the SuperAccordion look. You will need to proceed to create Pages blocks with the SuperAccordion template activated for them. (step 5) Buy and install SuperAccordion Pro through the IPS Marketplace Create a Pages database and put it on a page Create records in the database using at least the stock fields “title” and “content”. If you create an FAQ database, the title field will be the question and the content field will be the answer. Use multiple categories for your Pages database if you want to have multiple SuperAccordion blocks. Create at least one Pages block with the type “feed block” and choose the database which you created in step 3. If you create multiple blocks, pick a category as feed source, so the block will only show records from one specific category. This is how the blocks on this page were created. Make sure the number of entries set for the block is higher than the number of entries you want for the category. Also, choose a reasonable sorting option, like “Record ID, ascending”. While setting up the block, choose “SuperAccordion Pro” as template for the block. Open the block manager on the front end and drag the “Custom Block” from the Pages section onto the page. Select the block you just created. Repeat step 5 to 8 until you have added all blocks you want on your page.
  8. While we are improving the Gallery, maybe there is still time to squeeze these in: Option to use the FIRST image as album cover Currently images are shown in reverse in feeds and the last image is used as cover by default. That is very counter-intuitive and handled differently by any modern social media or image sharing site. A “cover” is by definition the “front” image and that should usually be the image people upload first, not last. I have a use case where I upload old copyright-free books and showing the backside of the book as cover by default makes no sense at all, but I would expect this request applies to pretty much every gallery. Even on a car or dog community, I would expect an album to always show in the order of the files being uploaded (not in reverse) by default and to use the FIRST image being uploaded as the cover. Option to change the cover image by the creator of the album For some reason, this is currently a mod feature, but I do not see why. It’s the user’s albums. They should be able to pick which image best represents the album—at least as an admin-option to give users that permission.
  9. As explained, you also need to make Pages the default app.
  10. You would first need to set Pages as the default app and then you can also pick any page to be the default (within Pages). (Important: Changing the default app can change ALL your community URLs) If you use Page Builder pages, you just drag-and-drop blocks you have created in advance under Pages → Blocks. If you create a custom HTML page, you add those blocks with their identifier: {block="block-id"}
  11. This is usually done with the Pages app. You can create a blank page and then put various “blocks“ (also called widgets) on it. This can be done with drag-and-drop. But NOT including the full-width view you have on that image. That requires custom code.
  12. Seems to be resolved with the 4.7.6 release.
  13. It’s an annoyance for us too. IPS has just recently started to remove options from lower tiers and change their plans several times in a single year. Not much we can do about it. In general, if you are unsure, you can always ask upfront in the support topics for the products. We can only describe the products. If it says it’s for “Pages databases”, it clearly describes that Pages databases are required, but of course you need to understand what that means. If not, please ask.
  14. You would need to contact IPS about that. That’s unrelated to my product and out of my control. By the way: the Marketplace login/logout is at the top of the Marketplace section in the ACP. Just make sure you use the correct account there.
  15. As was shown before, many platforms were hit, so there is no reason to assume it is related to IPS or a specific version.
  16. You would indeed need full Pages access to use this product. Whether you have it or not would be something to check with IPS.
  17. They probably use hacked databases from social media sites and login with accounts that use the same data everywhere. Has anyone checked the server logs to see what these IPs are doing?
  18. I am getting these too on one site. Seems to be a clever spam attack, since they do not use new accounts. But they do use repeating IP addresses and those t.me links, both of which you could block.
  19. Same question as before: Are you sure the template (this time for the database) is stock or is it custom?
  20. It CAN be an issue related to the user browsing or the server settings, but there can also be an IPS bug. I am leaning towards the latter, since I can replicate this issue across multiple installations on completely different servers.
  21. I’m seeing wrong dates/times too. After saving, the event always defaults to “UTC” even though that was not selected. I have events set up in the past which still show correctly, but it doesn’t seem to be able to fix new events with this problem.
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