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Everything posted by opentype

  1. I am getting these too on one site. Seems to be a clever spam attack, since they do not use new accounts. But they do use repeating IP addresses and those t.me links, both of which you could block.
  2. Same question as before: Are you sure the template (this time for the database) is stock or is it custom?
  3. It CAN be an issue related to the user browsing or the server settings, but there can also be an IPS bug. I am leaning towards the latter, since I can replicate this issue across multiple installations on completely different servers.
  4. I’m seeing wrong dates/times too. After saving, the event always defaults to “UTC” even though that was not selected. I have events set up in the past which still show correctly, but it doesn’t seem to be able to fix new events with this problem.
  5. Is the Spotify embed code up to date? When using the native IPS embed feature (in the editor or the Pages Spotify field), I get lots of console errors. Seems to be a general issue independent from the site or the Spotify song. Testing here … Yep. Happens here too.
  6. You can set up custom fields for the database, e.g. a select box field, and then make the entries of that field filters on the front end. For a recipe database, you could have an “ingredients” filter, a “type of day” filter, a “country of origin” filter and then let the user pick and choose from the entire database.
  7. Tags are global by design. If you really want to connect multiple articles, have a look at the filter options. That can work better. But only for a smaller amount of known “tags” that are set up in the ACP as filter field.
  8. I need to offer the EU VAT ID check, but it is also costing me customers. People get stuck for various reasons if the VAT check isn’t successful and then they just give up. I just lost a sale of over 700 Euros yesterday. And it turns out: the user didn’t even had to add a VAT number since he was in the same country as me. It would to be useful to provide better explanations and provide an escape route so people don’t get stuck. I will probably tweak the language strings myself, but a proper solution for all IPS customers also wouldn’t hurt. Add a default description field to the VAT ID field. We need to explain to customers what this number is and who should add it. Otherwise people will attempt to add other tax numbers and get stuck. The default description string could also clarify that this is “only for VAT-registered business customers in the EU except for when they are in the same country as the store”. That’s a confusing, but important detail. An option to clear and move on. When the VAT check fails for whatever reason, we still don’t want to loose the customer. They should get a technical option to clear the field and see a description explaining that they could move on without the tax reduction. In theory, they can already achieve that by manually removing the field content, but in my experience, they just don’t think of that option. They are asked to provide an ID, and they are going to try to achieve that or give up entirely.
  9. Wouldn’t be hard to modify that block template, but I don’t think it exists already. I do have a Pages template to create these kinds of column views, but it would only create the list view. The content would all have to be replicated manually as Pages database.
  10. There is no built-in option for that. It would need some custom CSS to hide the elements you don’t want when printed.
  11. There is a front-end block called Member Subscriptions in the Commerce section for that. I will not look the way you ask for, but it would be a start.
  12. It sounds like you asking for the impossible. You want a cache to save you under high load, but you also don’t want to set the cache to cache times, where it could actually significantly reduce the load. If you can’t compromise on the cache, you probably have to rethink your server setup and move to a setup with load balancing options. A one-server setup, powerful or not, will have its limits.
  13. It looks like the Commerce VAT ID is failing every time on all my sites. I tried multiple IDs from different numbers I know are correct but I only get error messages. “The VAT number provided is not valid.” (most of the time) “There was an error validating the VAT number. Please try again later or contact us for assistance.” (sometimes)
  14. In Pages, you can achieve that out-of-the-box by adding the articles to different categories and use the category permissions as a paywall.
  15. Was there another option besides “fix automatically”? If so, that’s probably the route you need to take.
  16. Not necessarily. I was also thinking of adding an editor button to create these types of button. Can just be set up once and then it can be used without messing with the source code every time.
  17. It will work out of the box and look like this: https://www.opentype.space/supergrid/?show=categories
  18. To add images, you would need to add the Category Images resource.
  19. Yes, but you would need to manually create a custom button with custom HTML for that. The CSS classes are listed here:
  20. I am creating a community which will eventually have a huge amount of Gallery images stored on S3. I understand S3 it is a reliable service but I still need a backup to protect the data against hacking, misconfigurations, human errors and so on. There seem to be many options. Versioning, bucket mirroring, AWS Backup (with tons of options), copies to external providers … Does anyone have any experience with these? I’m a little overwhelmed by all the options at the moment.
  21. What’s the file type/suffix? It doesn’t sound like an IPS issue, as the web software has no control over how a file is treated once downloaded.
  22. Sure, for the whole suite, a “global” option could make sense once the layout containers are revamped someday. On the other hand: it will probably just reverse the problem. Then people will complain and say: I added a global sidebar/block and now I have all these places where something doesn’t make sense and I now I have to manually suppress it (if that is even supported).
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