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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. You have to switch the setting “Database index” to “Show categories”. Then the selection will appear.
  2. You can also use the “Allowed File Types” setting for attachments to prevent users from trying to upload video formats.
  3. When I create a Pages feed block in the ACP, it is added to the block caching, but I have a case where I need some processing on every page load. Is there an easy way to achieve this? So far, the only option I see is to create a PHP block instead and code the content of the feed block from scratch, but that seems quite cumbersome just to create a feed block clone without caching.
  4. Wouldn’t this disable Search independent from Content Discovery features?
  5. The video works for me on a Mac, but like I said: support will vary, when the video is directly embedded in the post. Using YouTube or Vimeo is the safer option.
  6. The question isn’t clear. OBS (“Open Broadcaster Software”) is a video software, not a file format. The software would have to export a video as something like an mp4 file, which then can be embedded like other attachments. (Whether it will will play will depend on the support of the format and video codec on the side of the viewer.)
  7. In a stock theme, this should be enough: At the moment, your site still calls the Inter font from Google.
  8. Let your products stand out on social media! Install this plugin and all your Commerce product get a proper sharer image.
  9. Do you have fields which have this checked?
  10. As mentioned before, you need to drag the ‘Database filters’ widget on the page. And of course you need to have fields which are set as filter.
  11. If anyone is interested: those time values are stored as ‘UNIX time’, which does start in 1970. So, a missing time value will end up as zero, which equals January 1st, 1970. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time
  12. The moderation actions menu must be used from the end of the page. The bar to select entries is still in the same place.
  13. Version 2.0 of ‘Enhanced Forum Views’ has been released with a new ‘Above the Fold’ mode, which drastically removes the clutter above the posts in the topic view. Unnecessary details are either removed entirely or moved to the end of the topic.
  14. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/444123-pages-or-blog-for-site/
  15. There is the Recovery Mode for a situation like this: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/client-services/getting-support-r292/ (scroll to the end)
  16. Usually, you would just revert the specific template that is mentioned, not the entire theme. But keep in mind that this error just gives a generic suggestion. (Note that is says it “may” be out of date.) Following the instruction might not actually fix the problem. To reset the template: Open it in the theme editor and click the Revert button. Keep in mind, this deletes all customization you might have added to the template. To start over with a new theme, click the Create New button on the theme page.
  17. There really should not be a connection tot the template used. All a template does is change the appearance of content when viewed. It doesn’t affect anything else and certainly not in other areas (like feeds). All of those act independently. A database record doesn’t even have to be opened, so my template wouldn’t even be executed in any way. From what you describe it sounds more like a problem with background tasks or time zones.
  18. It comes from this: But I am not seeing any core change CSS that touched this.
  19. Rounding in Commerce doesn’t seem to be consistent, giving different prices in different locations: Product view page: Other places (Listing, Checkout …) If you want to replicate it, the price of the product is 39,50 € with 19% tax applied, which is 47,005. So, it looks like the 5 at the end is sometimes dropped and sometimes used.
  20. Yes, it is set up like this. All images will be displayed in a container with the same aspect ratio. That’s standard practise throughout the IPS platform. See blog headers, club headers and so on.
  21. I can certainly replicate problems on that page. But you have soooo many blocks and third-party stuff on it, it’s hard to tell where it’s coming from. I would try removing everything one after another to narrow down where it is coming from. My guess would be that one of the main blocks either needs too much space or has faulty HTML.
  22. They are removed from the same type of group. There are however independent settings for primary and secondary groups. And that was the question from your first post. That’s why I said multiple times it is possible. But if you will have multiple courses, you really need to make the course product(s) and the support product(s) independent products (possibly linked based on your requirements). You will not be able to combine this properly into one product. People who buy one product, buy one product. You are trying to sell two products as one—a course that never expires and a support product that can expire. That’s not how Commerce understands a product. Either it is a subscription product or not—not both at once.
  23. Oh, the support is optional! That complicates things. You can’t add an optional subscription to a Commerce product. And I assume the website will only ever offer one course? Because otherwise assigning the permissions as a primary group wouldn’t make sense, since one can only ever be in one primary group. A simple solution would be to split this up and create one product that includes the support and one product that doesn’t include the support. So, the user doesn’t make a choice on the product page, but instead makes the choice on the product listing page! Then for one product you add the support group and for the other you don’t. You can also let the user stay in the primary group when the product is not renewed and the secondary group access is revoked. At least the interface suggests, that this is possible. The only other option is to create product bundles of multiple products, but I think you already explored that in earlier topics. It might work technically, but the way these choices are presented to the users might be less than ideal.
  24. You still haven’t fully explained your setup. How are you selling two parts (course + support) at once. Is this all done with one product? Or a bundle? This will make a difference. What you ask for is possible. The answer is yes. But no one will be able to tell if it is compatible with your current implementation.
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