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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. And what exactly is the question? Requiring admin approval is a checkbox in the database settings. That will send out an email by default.
  2. That’s not true. Here is an example from one of my communities, tested again just a second ago. Achieved just using Invision Community with the PHP mail option. (But optimized with SPF, DKIM and DMARC records.) Technically, there is no such thing as a “PHP mail” or an “SMTP mail”. Those are just different ways to initiate the email. But no option is intrinsically better or worse. But if you are fine with using SMTP, I guess we don’t need to debate these things.
  3. Yeah, that’s a terrible score. Switching to SMTP will probably fix it, but it also has disadvantages like slowing down replies. You can probably also get a perfect score with PHP Mails, but that will depend on your host, your DNS settings and so on. I won’t be able to tell you how to do it from a distance.
  4. What’s the exact error message? Try sending a test mail from the ACP to https://www.mail-tester.com and check the results.
  5. I see this functionality frequently with bigger shops. I might see prices in US$ as a guest, but when I create an account, I am actually forced to pay in Euro, which sometimes can be confusing/disappointing as the price increases this way. But from the point of view of the shop it can certainly help. I rather have EU customers pay me in Euro directly instead of giving them the choice to pay in US$ and so the money gets converted twice before it reaches my Euro bank account. Would certainly help with my bookkeeping.
  6. Yeah, this could work with the “Must associate” option as mentioned.
  7. This is certainly possible. What is not working for you about that? I also don’t see how your work-around of using associated products can help with anything. Even if the setup would work and would make sense for the users, it would just create a regular purchase of product B. I don’t see why you wouldn’t just offer product B directly.
  8. Run the site through something like webpagetest to identify the files that are too large. Chances are, there are also just too many images in general. Image compression will only reduce a certain percentage of the file size. Even with that, your homepage will still be way too heavy.
  9. Sorry, I don’t understand what you are asking.
  10. But you have to renew your license. It’s not “buying them again”, but when you make changes to the software suite, all parts of the suite need to be up to date. You can’t add the current Pages to an old install, that hasn’t been updated in 3 years and you also cannot get the 3-year-old Pages version that would fit the old installation. Updating, at least from time to time, is highly recommended anyway. You can have your license lapse for some time if you have too, but the longer that lasts the more problems you get, because security holes aren’t closed, bugs aren’t fixed, third-party connections aren’t updated and so on.
  11. It shouldn’t be a problem. “forum” is just a different word for “community” in such a context. One additional URL slug shouldn’t hurt the search ranking. To be clear: The version without /forum/ would be preferred, but only if you start fresh with your website. Changing it on an already establish site might cause more harm good.
  12. The question is: is there really a problem? Most users do not actively read full URLs and more and browsers even hide anything but the domain by default. I wouldn’t make significant changes to the URL structure unless you absolutely have to. Just “liking” a different structure better isn’t enough. It is indeed risky (in terms of SEO and potential technical problems) and you really have to know what you are doing. This includes things like being able to set up htaccess redirects and resolving potential conflicts that can occur because of conflicting link targets or multi-redirects.
  13. Well, normally all my template products just inherit the colors from the theme. But many custom themes were setting colors in such a problematic way that I had to force a background color for that article area. Guess I have to add another option to make that optional.
  14. Is it intended to use the achievements system (with badges), but to not use ranks? I don’t see an option to deactivate ranks. I tried to simply delete all ranks but it still shows in this awkward way:
  15. Or you add your functions to the article templates themselves. There you can easily work with the record data.
  16. The block is parsed independently from the rest of the page, so you can’t just compare content from one part of the page with content from another part. At least that is what I would expect. To inspect what’s in a variable: {{$test=var_dump($record);}}{{exit;}} This will output the variable content to the screen when the record is viewed and the variable is available.
  17. The embed code is hard-coded in the post, so changing something dynamically is not easily possible. And the styling itself comes from within the iframe.
  18. Yeah, it is not looking good for the Marketplace. It only still works for a handful of people, who started years ago and already have a range of products (and even they are getting fewer and fewer). But it is not attractive at all to start today. You need a $850 package to develop, test and showcase products for the entire suite. And that package isn’t the main focus anymore, so you better get a cloud package as well, but not one of the lower tiers, as they lack standard features and can’t even install custom apps … So, you really must create some killer apps to justify those costs.
  19. What ‘update’ means depends on this database setting: So, as you can see, it CAN mean “last comment”, or “last edited” or both.
  20. Yes, it is possible (by moving the entire installation to the root), but it is tricky. The little difference between /forum/ and /forums/ (as the default URL slug for the forums) means that either all your existing links and search engine results will break or you would have to customize the forum app URLs to keep the old links. Either way, this needs to be planned and tested carefully.
  21. It means you are posting a rich text snipped, not an URL. I would suggest to use this setting (Editor settings):
  22. It’s all the same error: can’t write to file system.
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