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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. Yes, you can activate the Recovery Mode for such issues via FTP.
  2. It’s working as intended. I had a discussion about this with Matt years ago. So, it might better be feature request.
  3. It kills all HTML (styling), because the text field needs to be cut somewhere and that won’t work if the the HTML isn’t removed first. So you can’t preserve the custom font styling there. But you could probably solve your issue globally by defining a proper font stack for your entire website, where the browser falls back to your Tolkien font automatically. You just need to define it globally and make sure that no other font containing these “private use area” character is called first.
  4. Customization → Emails → Invoice Warning Email (I wouldn’t mess with the HTML unless absolutely necessary, but inside the HTML you see the language strings like “email_expire_warning” which you can easily change in the language settings.)
  5. The IPS blog isn’t created with the blog app. That’s why there might be differences in the appearance. But I wouldn’t worry about those. Search results are about relevance, not about some “seo magic” in the background. (No matter what SEO plugins promise.) If you want to optimize something, make sure the titles reflect what people might search for and make sure that people will link to your page and your content. Building that up might take years though.
  6. For me, it’s within the “Mentions and my Content”, but a separate entry.
  7. Pretty sure this is working as intended. When the error message says “you need to login to view this”, then you need to login in to view this. Just tell the user to click the big red button.
  8. So is the user logged in or not? Not every link in an email will work automatically, especially if it contains private information like an invoice does. An Ebay pay now link for example will also fail when you are not logged in with the right account.
  9. Are you in the right support topic? You are not showing as a client for Pages SuperGallery.
  10. Not sure, but if you are worried about it, you could use the language count from your first post to make sure the code is only used with one language present.
  11. Sure. In this case, you just call the array_merge code from the database template where you need the flags. {{\IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles, \IPS\Theme::i()->css( 'flags.css', 'core', 'global' ) );}}
  12. The flags are used for the language selector dropdown. If there is just one language, there is no language drop-down and no need to load the flags.
  13. I repeat my suggestion to use hCaptcha. I am using it on my websites where I also use Amazon SES and I have no problems with bounces. If that still doesn’t help, you might need to stop using ‘post before register’. In my experience, those spammers seem to put the websites they target on some kind of list and the automated attacks keep coming.
  14. No, we can’t agree to disagree as the statements weren’t about opinions. And to be even more precise: I didn’t even disagree with the assertion about what might happen. I am just weighing in, warning people about making premature decisions based on such typical claims. We don’t know what webhost EmpireKicking uses. Maybe switching to PHP would make things worse, maybe it would improve things, maybe it wouldn’t make a difference. My point was to explain that PHP mails can (depending on the host and the settings) also work well or even better than free or cheap plans for typical mail services. That’s just a fact and I have the data to demonstrate it. Admins should at least be aware of that. If they believe they must use external services as a general rule, they might waste time and money and end up with a worse performance while paying for the service they never needed.
  15. Thats a common assumption, but I am dealing with this for 20 years and it is not what I have found. In fact, I usually see the opposite! The entry level packages of external mail providers are usually performing badly, because they too combine a huge amount of clients over one IP/mail server and their services are specifically used for low quality mass mailings, so many of the large mail providers actively try to suppress such low quality mailings. A regular webhost on the other hand, which actively manages its mails server reputation (by fighting blacklisting, stopping bad actors et cetera) can – at least in theory – have a better reputation. The idea “PHP mail bad, external service good” is not true and it doesn’t even have a reasonable foundation. Just look at it from the point of view of the receiving mail server. There is no reason whatsoever why the receiving mail server should give credit to a mail coming from Sendgrid over a mail coming directly from Webhost So-and-so. The legitimacy of the mail isn’t defined by “send over API“ vs. “send via PHP”.
  16. What about the default option of using just PHP mails? Sometimes it can be better than the entry-level free or paid options of external mail services.
  17. The issue: when someone let’s a subscription (product subscription or regular subscription) expire, they will later not be able to buy it again, because the invoice on file prevents a new subscription. But the existing subscription also cannot be renewed because the invoice has expired. This can only be solved by intervention from an admin (manually finding and deleting these invoices), but there might be hundreds of those and it would require a constant monitoring of expired invoices. The solution: The check that prevents a new subscription with an invoice on file should be removed or adjusted. Someone who doesn’t have a subscription anymore, because subscription and invoice have expired, must be treated like anyone who never had a subscription. Both groups should see exactly the same offers because their status in relation to these subscriptions is the same. Why it matters: People run into this problem all the time and it’s not just an inconvenience, it it costing them money, because people who would want to pay cannot pay and probably just give up. Here are just a few examples from the recent days (and I have observed this and commented on it for years): Subscription buttons don't show up. (yesterday) Subscriptions Bug (yesterday) invoice has expired but member cannot renew (7 days ago) The development time to fix this is probably much cheaper than having IPS support deal with this issue for years, constantly identifying the issue and guiding people through the process of the possible work-arounds. So it would be a win-win situation to finally fix this. 😉
  18. This was the setting that was mentioned:
  19. As a quick hack, put this in your custom.css: [data-blockid="app_cms_Blocks_9cdpgw7f2"] h3 { overflow-wrap: break-word; } I will investigate this again in the future to see if it makes sense as a native configuration for the plugin.
  20. Do you have a live page to see this?
  21. Did you do that with the function to login as the user? That would be advised. If you can replicate it this way, it’s probably an expired invoice on file which prevents the new subscription.
  22. So we are talking about sharing specific topics and showing the category image or sharing the (sub) forum itself and sharing the category image?
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