missing hovercard in the "Who's online" widget
thanks for the notification! great service ππ
missing hovercard in the "Who's online" widget
ahh that sounds good! I'll be patiently waiting for a fix. Is there some reference I can look for in the release notes? π thanks a lot!
missing hovercard in the "Who's online" widget
I tried the Italien language pack (randomly, no specific reason, By InvisionITA.it) as well. The issue also shows up in Italien after a while: So it's either some weird config we do on our server or the software just only like english π
missing hovercard in the "Who's online" widget
well I can do that, but I would not know what to ask them. They are probably "translation" people. Not debug-random-things-people. I would send myself back to here. If the language file can be imported, nothing can be wrong with it. I try to find a better clue or better question. It is most probably a cache issue. If I clear all caches the widget is correct. Only after a while it renders that logged out variant - but I'm still logged in (I can see an admin-only forum for example). Not sure how that can be caused by a language pack - as it works with an empty cache. Maybe the cache mechanism includes some language aspect somehow and doesn't work for non-english? It's just weird. None of the translation keys in that widget seem to be untranslated. But I might have missed one π€
missing hovercard in the "Who's online" widget
Hello we encounter a rather strange behavior with the "Who's online" widget. It usually shows a hovercard for the online members. this seems to always work when using the english translation. when switching to the german language pack (from invisionfocus, from the marketplace), the usernames sometimes are not rendered as links and don't show that hovercard: English as expected: German as expected: Germ, rendered without the links / hovercard: Also the html does not contain any links. But weirdly the current user ("wm") is not even in the html list. Good variant: Weird variant (no hovercard link, current user not in the list but shown in the browser): What we tried: deleted the language pack, reinstalled from marketplace. issues shows up again. clearing the system cache usually resolves this issue for some time. we compared all the templates if there are any changes we missed during the upgrades. But we have no changes in the templates that points at this weirdness. disabled the redis cache. issue still shows up. logs contain no errors or indicators whats going on. The template userLinkFromData is unchanged: But it's hard to read. It's very strange this only happens in the german language pack. If there is a missing translation that causes this we cannot find it. And sometimes it just works normally. Has anyone else noticed this? (Invision Community v4.7.4 - but we think this existed before this version too)
How to configure Rocket.Chat to use OAuth API in IPB 4.3?
hard to say. if people modify stuff they probably should add it to its sources to have it supported, or create an app nowadays. Hard to tell. We have never brought the integration from the forum with the chat that far.
How to configure Rocket.Chat to use OAuth API in IPB 4.3?
as far as I remember: the avatar is only updated on login. if you change it in the forum and move over to the chat, it does not refresh. And even login in again sets it, but the user sometimes has to select it in the profile. It is at least there to be selected.
How to configure Rocket.Chat to use OAuth API in IPB 4.3?
could you dig into the log's of Rocket.Chat and the error events in invision board? are there any hints? The client id that you used is correctly copy-pasted? and the scopes are also correct? I assume the error is from rocket.chat? Or is it visible in the browser? Also the communication between rocket.chat and invisionboard needs to be https - oauth is quite exact when it comes to the communication between the two tools π€
configure styles to be removed or preserved in the posts feed?
Hello we have added a custom style in the editor to use some special font. When a post is shown in the posts feed in the side-block that style is missing: the post look like: Is there a way to configure what styles should be preserved in that side-block or to be removed from the content in that block?
ossipetz started following Twenty years of Invision Community
Rocket.Chat Online Users - Support Topic
We are looking for someone who might be willing to continue with the Rocket.Chat Online Users widget (see sources on GitHub). We have moved our chat over to matrix.org / synapse and no longer have a Rocket.Chat server to test the widget with or continue to develop it. Feel free to fork the repository - and let me know where it went, so I can point people there. Or if you need some hints on how to do so (we use this Docker Image for local development of IPB applications) feel free to ask. If the widget was of some use to you: thanks for using it! π (we hopefully can find someone to pick it up)
Is there a way to repair upper and lower case on tags?
thanks for your reply! so I'm not touching anything and wait for that fix π
ossipetz started following Is there a way to repair upper and lower case on tags?
Is there a way to repair upper and lower case on tags?
Hello I've noted we have some "duplicate" tags. One is uppercase (like "Figuren") and one is in lowercase ("figuren"). When clicking on the tag the topics shown are with the exact same spelling. But when editing even when I select the one with the Uppercase first letter it will use the lower-case tag. I'm not sure how we created this mess. Visually the ones with the Uppercase are more readable - but I can live with using all lower-case tags. But I want to "merge" the tags with different upper and lowercase letters. Is there a way to achieve that? (The UI seems a bit confused with our tags, that didn't work out. I'm ok with some database work)
elasticsearch version confusion for 4.6.9
Alright! Thanks! Is there a way to reset or remove that stuck bulletin?
elasticsearch version confusion for 4.6.9
Hello we upgraded the test-forum to 4.6.9 There was a message the elasticsearch minimum version was bumped to 7.2 - as also stated in the release notes for 4.6.9. But that message is somehow gone. The support module in the AdminCP still states to not upgrade beyond 6.7: Is the release notes right or the message in the AdminCP? Could you please clarify this? Thanks! π
Howto configure IPB Oauth together with Matrix / Synapse.
After the setup instructions on using Rocket.Chat and the IPB OAuth API I thought I would share the settings for using Matrix Chat. Matrix in itself is more a specification. Its reference server is called Synapse. One of the well known Web Client is called Element-web (previously called Riot). There are several clients available to choose from. For more information the website is a good place: https://matrix.org/ Members with a forum account can use the same account to login into the element-web chat client. These are the settings in the IPB Admin Panel: Client Type: Custom Confidential OAuth Client Available Grant Types: Authorization Code Require PKCE for Authorization Code grant?: Not required Redirection URIs: https://matrix.yourhostname.com/_synapse/client/oidc/callback Authorization Prompt: Never this will allow your invisioncommunity members to just open the element chat, get redirected a few times, but then be already connected and online in the chat. Allow users to choose scopes? off Show in Account Settings? on Access Tokens: leave the defaults Scopes: profile and email. leave the defaults And these are the settings for the synapse server (to be put into the homeserver.yaml): oidc_providers: - idp_id: yourhostname idp_name: "Yourhostname.com Login" discover: false issuer: "https://www.hostname.com/" client_id: "changeme" client_secret: "secret_changeme_aswell" scopes: ["email", "profile"] authorization_endpoint: "https://www.yourhostname.com/oauth/authorize/" token_endpoint: "https://www.yourhostname.com/oauth/token/" userinfo_endpoint: "https://www.yourhostname.com/api/core/me" user_mapping_provider: config: subject_claim: "name" localpart_template: "{{ user.name }}" display_name_template: "{{ user.name }}" email_template: "{{ user.email }}" More details on setup context and the docker-containers that run all this can be found in our administrators own blog (where this is taken from with his permission). This hopefully is of some use for someone else βΊοΈ If you have an "online users widget" for synapse, please let me know π