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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. What type of login function is used exactly? Most should indeed keep you exactly where you were. I also don’t understand what you say about “after a payment”. There is no payment option in the forum, so you can’t return there after the payment. The “return to community” link will indeed take you to your homepage, whatever that may be.
  2. Okay, it’s back up after clearing the datastore folder. Wish I knew what the problem was. That was scary.
  3. Hi! My most active site suddenly broke. Everything that is a setting in the ACP is wiped. License key, email settings, everything. And the site is therefore broken too. Please help! I already did a table check in phpMyAdmin but I don’t see any problems.
  4. I would need some more information, e.g. what PHP version are you using and which block type is failing (e.g. forum topics, Pages database, calendar events …). Then I could try to replicate it. Of course, also make sure you are using the latest version.
  5. You do all that by changing the member group with the purchase/membership and then all the permissions for that group control what the user can see, including all the exclusive stuff.
  6. Almost. It doesn’t install a widget type, but a widget template for forum topic or post feeds. So you have to choose one of those (in that drop-down-menu) and then later select SuperTopics template for that widget.
  7. For requests like this, I would suggest to clearly state which country has such requirements, what the law is called and so on. It’s much better to judge the validity and the impact this way.
  8. You are asking in the “Developer” forum. It's unlikely that you get an answer here.
  9. Saving cookies isn’t tied to the account (like accepting the privacy policy), it is tied to the browser, so it’s not really something to log on the website. The user can check and edit their cookies within the browser if they need to.
  10. This is quite common. Check out the pages where Google found the problem. They are likely okay and Google just couldn’t crawl the CSS for some reason and therefore the page breaks visually. If you have confirmed, that the pages are actually okay, just click “Validate fix” for each error and Google will crawl the pages again and hopefully get it right this time. Of course, if you also see the same problem as Google, you need to actually fix the page first.
  11. It’s part of the payment service set up. It’s called Billing Agreement for Paypal. You can turn it off, force it to be on or make it a user-choice. I also have it turned off, but have it turned on for Stripe, which handles these things better. If you have active Billing Agreements, changing the mentioned setting will not touch existing renewals. PayPal will still try to process them. That’s part of the problem.
  12. The settings are under ACP → Members → Profiles → Profile Settings → Display Names → Allowed characters in display names I think in your case, you would have to switch to RegEx mode to only allow the a-to-z range without spaces or uppercase.
  13. It is only meant for Pages databases.
  14. You would need to modify the theme template called “logo”. It wouldn’t make much difference though. The advantage of an SVG graphic (with vector content) would be that it can be scaled up indefinitely without requiring a larger file size. But for an IPS website, that is mostly irrelevant as the logo is and stays rather small in every circumstance. It also won’t look better just because the original image is vector-based. The render engine has the same amount of pixels available. If you really use the optimum resolution, the result should be exactly the same.
  15. It can be turned around, so that you buy (multiple) Commerce products which then reveal linked downloads in the Downloads app, but this is unlikely to be used here on the site and has its downsides too.
  16. It works for links from the Music app starting with … https://music.apple.com/… This can include podcasts. It won’t work for links copied in the podcasts app which start with … https://podcasts.apple.com/…
  17. You can apply CSS classes to show and hide content based on whether the screen size relates to desktop, tablet or phone: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/themes-and-customizations/css-framework/responsiveness-r250/ (Personally, I would rethink this entire implementation though. iFrames are not a good way to implement banners.)
  18. Looks like a bug. I can replicate it, even here on this website. Only “custom” is working to narrow down the registration time.
  19. For the background color of the current day: .cCalendar td.cCalendar_today, .cCalendarWeek div.cCalendar_today { background: #FF0000; } The title of the event over the entire period is set as part of the calendar the event is assigned to. You change it in the ACP in the calendar settings.
  20. Yes. Type “post before register” in the ACP search bar to quickly get to the setting.
  21. Unless you force new tables to be created as InnoDB, it’s very likely that the message will reappear, for example, every time you install a third-party app.
  22. Looks like it. Make sure you are on the latest release of the plugin AND Invision Community and try clearing the cache. If i persists, I would probably need admin access to check what is causing the error in this specific case.
  23. Yep. #file_renewals { display:none !important; } #filedata_0_file_renewals { display:none !important; } #elField_file_renewals_label { display:none; } #elRadio_file_renewals_0_file_renewals { display:none; } #elRadio_file_renewals_1_file_renewals { display:none; }
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