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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. Create the feed blocks in the ACP and then add them on the front end as Custom Block. (I prefer that anyway because of the added options like permissions and templates.)
  2. Haven’t tried but my guess is the block gets suppressed when there are no records, so the code isn’t even executed.
  3. Looks like IPS’ clould file storage location has been blacklisted. Maybe because one customer added questionable files. If you click the More Information link, you might see a link to report it as “not threats”. Probably not an instant fix though.
  4. I had this earlier this month. In my case, the files and screenshots where still stored in a /downloads and /screenshots folder, but IPS was now looking for the files in the regular /uploads folder. Moving and merging the folders solved it for me.
  5. It’s not a bug. In the product settings it specifically explains that only single-option fields can be used. So you need to create a field (select OR radio) for each option and then the options can be combined on the product page and different prices can be set for the different combination of options.
  6. It is possible with the method I described. I use it myself.
  7. You can use select or radio. You would need to add the single-option field first and assign it to products from the field itself (which is a little weird). Then you can set the prices while editing the product. If you have multiple options, you need to set the combined price. You can’t just set an additional price for the option. So, if you have a 3 colors and 4 sizes, you need to set the price for each possible combination.
  8. I know this product and will probably purchase it when my SES test is successful. But does it do anything differently in regards to the sending limits? Because that was the question.
  9. A bit counter-intuitive, but okay, I now understand how to do it.
  10. When I want to search for multiple words … … it is suggested to add “AND” in between to search for both words at once. But if I do that, it doesn’t actually search for both words together, it just treats AND as another search word and delivers dozens of posts containing the word “and”.
  11. opentype

    Pages - Update

    Answered in the same paragraph: Yep. That’s what it is for. I use it all the time this way. Theme resources are connected to the specific theme. Pages templates work independent from any theme, so the media needs to be independent as well. A theme might be deleted at any time, for example because it is not updated anymore. That shouldn’t kill the images added to a Pages block.
  12. You need to make sure to have this setting turned on for your admin group:
  13. It’s not an error. It’s an explanation.
  14. That ruins the clean solution of doing it as plugin/app so the text input can be offered as fields. But I often build stuff like that for clients directly in the ACP, where I build one main block or page which then calls all the bits and pieces from other Pages blocks, including text blocks the user can edit in the future. But that’s not really “importable”.
  15. Any chance to turn this into a Marketplace product? I have an upcoming project where I would need to link Gallery albums from Pages records and use the data there for a little image gallery. Would that work with this approach? There was even once a product for that, but the developer left.
  16. When I try to download templates in Safari from the sections Pages → Templates it doesn’t actually download the XML but the current admin page itself as HTML. I tried it on multiple installations including my CiC account. In Firefox, it works correctly.
  17. I am currently trying out Amazon SES. It says my current limits are: Would the second value conflict with sending out newsletters via IPS’ bulk mail feature? And wasn’t there once a setting to use separate services for bulk mail vs. transactional mails? I can’t find that anymore.
  18. Sorry, that’s a limitation coming from YouTube. The widget just styles what is an RSS feed. That’s the beauty of it. That’s what makes it so easy to use out of the box. For more flexibility, we would need to use the YouTube API and each user would need a registered developer account and so on. But that would be a completely different product.
  19. No, it is not for the reasons already given. The global block caching time is set under System → Advanced Configuration → Server Environment → Performance → Cache sidebar, header and footer blocks
  20. In the field section of the database, you need to make the field containing the quote the “title” field if you want to use SuperQuote. That’s the structure that is expected and necessary. If you can’t use this structure, you might need to create a second database for the SuperQuote records. The randomization depends on the global setting for the caching time of blocks. There is no setting to allow other periods specifically for SuperQuote.
  21. Can you clarify how this course section is being built? Is that a single Pages database? A third-party app? Something else? While you referred to the different section as “pages”, a Pages database for example will only ever be on one page and all widgets are identical for all categories and records. That’s a limitation coming from the IPS framework.
  22. In general: Go to Systems —> Applications. All modules there with the star symbol can be set as homepage. If a function isn’t available there, you can’t set it as homepage.
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