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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. Not sure. But just in case you are not aware: you can create the block in the ACP and then choose it on the front end as “custom block”. I prefer that method anyway. Much safer and easier to organize this way.
  2. There is an app for that. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9551-gt-members-group-enhancements/
  3. Probably. If the test installation already consumes too much resources, then it can only go downhill from there.
  4. The best solution would be a custom HTML block using the IPS grid system:
  5. Sure, but even then it’s also connected to IPS’ implementation. I upload an “application icon”, which is fine for this very purpose, but this is also downscaled and suggested as generic image. But that image might not work at all at tiny sizes. At least in this case, it would be necessary to force a dedicated small image. And in fact, that’s what happening for the ACP where you don’t output the full line of images. In other words: the problem is that the application icon is not just suggested as application icon in the generated code. If I remove the application icon, I get the desired result for the favicons, but then I do not have an application icon for when the website is saved to the homescreen.
  6. What method/service is set up to send emails? My guess would be that you use your hosting provider and they limit the amount of mails you can send out.
  7. Did you got that resolved eventually? I am currently investigating this myself. I feel like it’s the browsers which choose to go with the link rel="icon" generated from the application icon rather than the Favicon, even if the latter defined in the code and placed in the root directory.
  8. I have put it on my to-do list to check it out. If you need a quick fix, you could remove this check in the listing template {{if !settings.SuVo_preventdownvoting AND !$joined_recently}}
  9. Did you turn that switch off briefly before checking? Because that could be a caching problem. I can replicate the switch affecting an older admin account, which seems to be a bug. Have to check what has changed with PHP or IPS’ code so that the condition for checking the new accounts isn’t giving the right result anymore.
  10. Already submitted. Waiting for approval.
  11. Haven’t checked the code, but I would except it to use this ACP setting:
  12. I don’t. It’s perfectly normal to have non-public sections on a website.
  13. Personally, I add this to the structure of the forum itself, i.e. I have categories where I group public and member-only forums. Example: https://typography.guru/forums/ That makes it fairly obvious. In the past, I would also add a lock emoji to the forum name or description to achieve the same.
  14. Oh, yeah. What I said is really suitable for your case. (Don’t rely on a static block for your home page. Consider a custom feed page. That will be so much better.)
  15. True, but that’s not what you need to link from the menu! You can create a custom consolidated feed and make that your “default” by making it easily accessible as a main menu link. That’s what I do on my site where the Discovery page isn’t the homepage. My members quickly learn to use that link and power users bookmark it to access the site this way. They certainly don’t need to visit a page like the forum index. And why would they? Most of that page is covered by the forum listing, which hardly ever changes. It’s not a good entry page. And if people would use it because of a “recent discussions block with read/unread markers”, I’d rather remove that block completely to force them to use a better method. 😉 Maybe this change is also a chance to reconsider and find better ways to direct your users to new content.
  16. As with many feature requests, the “why” is usually more interesting than the “what”. How were you using these widgets? On what pages? For what purpose? On all my (three) IPS communities, I make sure that the Discovery page is in the main navigation and the main place to check for new content. On two out of the three sites it’s even the homepage. So no member would need to rely on feed blocks to know what has and hasn’t been read. It would be a rather poor way to discover unread content. If your use cases differ, it would help to explain or show it.
  17. Yeah, the breadcrumb ignores Pages folders. It’s only represented in the URL. The only other thing that shows in the breadcrumb navigation is database categories. Otherwise you only get Home → Your page.
  18. It sounds too much of a specialized function for such a small Marketplace. Contributors can easily announce that on the product page or in the support topic. And if you are subscribed to the support topic, you even already get a notification. Besides, resources getting unsupported is usually a long process, where the lack of orders and support requests signals that creating updates might not be worth it. If an automatic notification would go out, all remaining customers would be alerted and probably ask for the product to remain in active development. So it would completely defeat the purpose of helping to phase out the product. 😉 And I would guess that most resources become unsupported because the developer leaves the platform. It’s unlikely that they will bother to go through the process of setting up EOL notes for all their products in this case. Having the function wouldn't help at all in these cases.
  19. It’s not just a browser issue. The entire internet is moving to secure delivery of web pages. Eventually all your visitors will not see those images anymore or even worse: they might get warnings that these page are potentially fraudulent and the pages (not just the images) get blocked entirely for the users. In other words: You will have to move to secure content delivery at some point. In fact, you are already late to the party.
  20. Those image are served over HTTP, not HTTPS, so they might get blocked for security reasons. I think this was changed for performance reasons.
  21. Do it on the front end in the Account Settings. Here on the site it would be. https://invisioncommunity.com/settings/login/?service=2 The URL can be different on your site.
  22. Based on what? Because a total of two people in this topic say so? Out of the thousands of IPS clients who you have not consulted? That’s not how consensus works. Not by a long shot. But you win. I shut up. I saw a questionable statement. I questioned it. That’s what my sceptic nature demands. Not gonna debate language on a tech forum. You wouldn’t care anyway.
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