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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. {{if $formValue}} // Your code {{endif}} Wrap it all like this.
  2. As explained in the linked topic, there is nothing to solve. Today’s text rendering can stack diacritical marks, which is required for certain languages. So what you are seeing is technically “working as intended”. It’s not a bug. People put this text there to achieve exactly the effect you are seeing. The technique of stacking diacritical marks can be misused wherever there is a text input field (as demonstrated above), but that’s best dealt with through moderation (e.g. hiding the posts). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zalgo_text
  3. It shouldn’t look like this. The image should float next to the text. Minor changes to the size/placement could be made with CSS alone. Note that the image sits inside a container and BOTH need to be changed to make the image bigger. For bigger changes, the template needs to be edited. Important: Don’t change the default template though! Create a new template of the same type and assign it to the database first. Then you can change your custom template.
  4. Just click the “create new” button in the ACP. It’s as simple as that.
  5. Probably best to just create a new theme and assign it as default.
  6. Revert back to 7.x. Parts of your site are probably not ready for PHP 8. You can check the error logs after you are back on 7.x. It might give you a hint where the problem was, e.g. “theme”, a certain 3rd-party app and so on.
  7. The default custom CSS for the block looks something like this: .app_cms_pagebuilderoembed_mp1qzgnrk { } Change it to: .app_cms_pagebuilderoembed_mp1qzgnrk .ipsEmbeddedVideo { width:50%; } Just to give you an idea. Don’t copy this code. Targeting the .ipsEmbeddedVideo is the key.
  8. Well, you create the code yourself. There won’t be lazy loading unless you code it in. Personally, I would just add native lazy loading like: <img src="{file='$file' extension='cms_Records'}" class="ipsImage" alt="{$record->_title}" loading="lazy"> I don’t have IPS’ custom lazy loading code memorized, since I don’t use that on any of my websites.
  9. Like this: Type “quick” in the acp search bar.
  10. From my point of view, situations like this call for an emergency email or front end push message to ALL admins. I installed the update on 5 sites and had no idea it had effectively deactivated sign-ups on all of them. (I don’t use quick-registration) And this includes sites with like 100 new members a day (and potential clients which might never come back). If I hadn’t seen this topic, the problem might have persisted for days, if not weeks. There isn’t even a backend warning. Having the main registration form working isn’t “optional” as the grey “optional update” link suggest, it’s absolutely CRUCIAL.
  11. I have it as a template change as well on my sites. Would make perfect sense as a Marketplace plugin.
  12. I don’t think that is possible. That part is easy. Just open the front end block manager as admin and remove it.
  13. I wouldn’t be so eager to convert everything. First of all, there are still users who cannot see WebP images at all and switching over to WebP without keeping all previous images as fall-back would mean they don’t see any images at all. Second, the format itself doesn’t guarantee better images, especially if the WebP version is generated from an already compressed or optimized source image.
  14. Thanks! Yeah, would be great to test it on a different installation to be sure it’s an IPS issue. Steps to replicate: make sure storage location cms_records is set to Amazon S3 Add a test field “uploads” to a database with the option for multiple uploads Open a record and add a larger amount of images (e.g. 20+). Images can be small in size. It seems to be the amount that is the problem. Expected result: clicking “save” and “edit” becomes extremely slow for that record.
  15. I am not so sure this is related to the update. Probably a server misconfiguration with NGINX. You can test the server response for a link with free services like https://securityheaders.com You want a response of “200” but your server tries a 304 redirect (that fails). You need to find out why that occurs.
  16. If I remember correctly, when you click the (i), it says you can link your privacy policy when it explains how the user data can be deleted. That should be the applicable solution.
  17. Are you guys sure that this behaviour started after your changes? And how are those changes made anyway? I wouldn’t be surprised if those values were always cached and your action didn’t change a thing regarding the updating.
  18. I repeat: “View word keys?” That doesn’t require “highlighting”.
  19. Use the regular method: Turn on “View word keys?” open the page copy the word keys translate them all
  20. I switched over the “CMS Records” file storage location to Amazon S3 and found that editing the record gets slow to the point where it gets almost unusable – depending on how many files there are uploaded for a record. And it’s not just saving the form the first time. Even clicking “edit” and “save” without changes is extremely slow. I guess it makes serial API calls for each file and when you have something like a multi-upload field with 25 images this will just take too long. Is anyone else using Pages multi-uploads for databases in combination with Amazon S3 successfully? I need to know if this can work or if I need to drop my approach for this project entirely. (I also opened a ticket but it has gone nowhere in 18 days.)
  21. Well, everyone with access to club would see all the posts in the club. If that’s no problem, then yes, you could use forums within clubs as support topics.
  22. Would need customization. Like: .SR_recordImage { background-size: contain; }
  23. Yes, I already said that I narrowed it down to this. But I am not going to remove a valid security feature just to show webP pictures. This is not the right solution.
  24. Also reported here. So far no reply. I might open a ticket to get some clarification.
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