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Everything posted by opentype

  1. I do on this site: https://www.typografie.info It’s a Pages page with blocks, not the Pages database index for those articles. There is a little more flexibility this way.
  2. It’s how the framework works. Blocks are added to “pages”, not “content items”. Just like you don’t add specific blocks to a single forum topic. A store product falls in the same category. What you are asking for is probably better achieved through a theme customization (plugin). You could add your (for example) videos as a custom product field (if you need it separate from the product description) and then change the product view template to add a column where your custom product fields will show.
  3. I guess it could be used this way, but it will only show “records”, so you would have to create a new database where the records represent your categories. Not sure that’s a good idea unless it solves something that couldn’t be done with categories normally.
  4. I’m 99% on Macs, so how do other operating systems deal with PDFs these days? I generate IPS invoices almost every day. I open them in the ACP, then click CMD + P to print them (for my bookkeeping which I have to store for 10 years) and from the very same dialog window I just click on “Save as PDF” to create my digital copies.
  5. Well, the logic works, but the mentioned products create grid child elements with each loop, so throwing ads in there at random points will probably break the layout. So the IF query would also need to end the grid container first and potentially start a new one after the ad.
  6. Yes. If you just cut off the content field, you can cut off HTML tags and brake the page. But you can shorten the truncated text.
  7. The email settings either work or they don’t. If verification emails are only sometimes not coming through, then they are likely treated as spam by the receiving email provider. You can look into improving your deliverability by looking into things like SPF/DKIM/DMARC… records and there are lots of “mail server test” tools which help you with this. You send a mail to them and they tell you what looks problematic and could use improvements.
  8. It is not possible. (Foster’s app only works if Pages is already the default app. So you can only change between different pages, not other parts of the suite like forums, profile pages and so on.)
  9. You could buy one or more of my other products, even if you have no immediate use for them. That would work equally well. 😉
  10. I don’t think what you ask for is possible. The sale discount only applies to single additional products. If you put in a 9, it means your 10th item will get a discount. And then the customer has to buy 20 items to get 2 discounted because he hits the 2 times 9 threshold.
  11. Firstly, please remove that larger chunk of code. That’s commercial software I sell. It should not be republished publicly. And to answer your question: unfortunately not. IPS’ function to get topic images doesn’t give access to a thumbnail. Otherwise I would have already done that.
  12. What you can do: Make sure RSS feeds for recent downloads are turned on in the Downloads settings. (If you need more control: Create a new stream and use the RSS feed there). Register with a service like IFTTT. Connect your Twitter account. Use a “RSS to Twitter” module, so every entry from the RSS feed is posted to Twitter.
  13. By the way: You can set the store product so it can only be purchased once. That prevents these kind of purchases. Unfortunately, it creates new problems. If someone lets the invoice expire without paying, they can never buy the product again. IPS never solved this issue.
  14. With the stock options, that’s not possible in a sensible way I would say. A custom block with custom MySQL query would be needed. Unless you structure the content itself, e.g. by putting all “A” entries into an “A” category. Then you can easily show entries from that category.
  15. Yes, but you should rather identify which tables are actually too large (e.g. in phpMyAdmin) instead of using purging options hoping something improves.
  16. Sure. Custom Feed block. Number of entries: higher than record count. Order by: title.
  17. You can’t do that in the template code, because when it is parsed on the server, the server doesn’t know what device it will be displayed on. However, the IPS framework has CSS classed to achieve this, so while both statements would be in the HTML code for everyone, one part could show on mobile devices only and another one only on desktop.
  18. It’s a template. You need to create a custom feed block and then assign that template. Then you access that custom block on the front page. Please follow the instruction in the “Additional Information” tab. It walks you through every step.
  19. It’s a personal setting in the account settings: https://invisioncommunity.com/settings/links/
  20. Well, the suggestion would be not to put text on the edges. The images are shown using the CSS background image mode “cover”, so whatever the aspect ratio, there will be no “black bars” on either side. The image is scaled up so it goes from every edge to every opposing edge. But that also means, things can be cut off in one of the two directions. But the calendar does that as well, so that’s not something that needs to be solved just for SuperBlocks.
  21. You need to use the template syntax as explained here on several pages. https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/themes-and-customizations/template-syntax/introduction-to-template-syntax-r137/
  22. So what are you trying to achieve? If you want to make a feature request to IPS, you would need to use the Feature Suggestions forum. But you posted in Help & Support, so I assumed you are looking for exactly the kind of help I provided. Telling you how you can achieve what you asked for. It’s kind of weird not to say “thank you” but “it’s too much work” for you.
  23. It kind of exist already. You just need to create a custom Pages block from the widget you need permissions for.
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