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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. Those are fields which can be turned on from the Fields section of the database.
  2. Sure. It’s a language string of the suite with the ID “user_feedback”. ACP → Customization → Languages → Translate
  3. Then next time, when you don’t understand something in the product description—especially when it’s marked as required—, please ask in advance. That’s what the support topics are also for. “Record Image” is the official name of that field. I need to be able to simply call it that. It is impossible to explain every possible term I use in the product description or to explain the general usage of Invision Community regarding such functions. The latter is done through IPS’ Guides section. I do understand that very well. That’s why I go to great lengths to avoid such problems by: clearly listing what is required describing in detail what my products do describing in detail how to install and configure them listing all features and settings addressing FAQ and common problems running a paid demo site just for the purpose of letting users inspect every detail of my products on a live site (instead of just screenshots) Quite honestly, I wouldn’t know how I could possibly do anything on top of that. The client also needs to do his or her part by making sure they know and understand what they are getting before making the purchase.
  4. The product descriptions is very clear about that. It specifically says that the Record Image is “required”. In addition, it’s useful to have that anyway, since it also used for streams, social media sharing and so on. It certainly is on my demo page for SuperGrid so it shouldn’t come as a surprise. There shouldn’t be additional titles (or the author information shown in the screenshot) at the top of the content area and my product didn’t put them there. If you or other authors of your articles put them there, that problem was caused when these articles were created in the past. That is completely unrelated to my product.
  5. It’s because you are focused on the conferencing tools, which are either not meant for streaming to begin with or only offer streaming for a lot of money. Look for streaming solutions. On platforms like YouTube, live streaming with multiple people (and open invites) is a very normal thing and like I said, there are tons of free and commercial solutions available which can feed into platforms like YouTube. Online solutions for this can even push the stream out to all big platforms at once.
  6. Well, you are in the right place. If you have problems, describe them here in the support topic.
  7. Kind of. You can create a new page with Pages and then add the Activity Stream widget on it. It doesn’t allow you to chose an existing stream, but there are some settings to create a custom stream. You can also link a custom stream as “home” link from the menu, but that wouldn’t automatically picked up from other places like the logo. I am actually using that on one of my sites and I customized the logo template to link to “discover/6/”
  8. The client area or that chat window doesn’t really show that this is an option.
  9. Hard to say without access to the page. Could be a CSS issue.
  10. Not much clearer. Maybe give some specific examples. Are you saying if I am subscribed to product A for $20, I can also get product B for $20, even though it is meant to cost $50?
  11. Feed blocks are meant to show just a few entries (latest, featured, and so on). That’s by design. If you want to add a link, you would have to do that yourself, e.g. as a WYSIWYG block.
  12. I read it all 3 times, but I don’t understand what you are asking.
  13. Agreed. A proper support request is usually more elaborate than the quick chat message this interface seems to be made for.
  14. I have various products for all these different scenarios. SuperGrid comes with templates for the the database page itself but also for article blocks (which can show on any page). SuperGrid only works for articles (“Pages records”) though. I have a matching product for forum blocks called SuperTopics. And I also have a product called SuperBlocks which only works for blocks, but for almost all content types. It’s well suited for a homepage combining content from various parts of the website. No, you wouldn’t want to hide the article page. It’s where are ALL the articles will live, while pulling from that page through blocks will only show a few records, e.g. the latest ones. As said earlier, my suggestion is to start building this stuff first and see how it’s going, before thinking about applying additional products to make it look better.
  15. Yes, you can use SuperGrid on a homepage and yes, you can allow members in certain member groups (e.g. moderators) to write articles from the front page. But I want to make one thing perfectly clear: this product is only a design template for Pages databases. I highly recommend that you do not buy it unless you have worked with Pages databases and you fully understand what they do and how they work. After that, SuperGrid will be a useful options to make the output of your Pages databases look much nicer.
  16. I can certainly replicate it here. Example: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/?advanced_search_submitted=1&sortby=primary_id_field&sortdirection=asc&content_field_124[1]=8 Shows all providers. Only with a key is it limited to 4 providers.
  17. Yeah, I submitted that as feature request after the 4.0 release. 🙈
  18. The whole IPS system isn’t built for translatable content at this time. In theory, you could create custom editor fields to hold the other languages and then change all the Pages database templates to call the right field based on user’s language settings. It’s doable. I’ve done it for client once, but it’s really not a clean solution. You would also have to think about indexing through search engines and things like that. If I remember correctly @Meddysong uses this as well and has explored the ways to deal with this. So he might know more.
  19. It’s in the plugin settings unter “Plugins”. It’s a global setting, not a block setting.
  20. There is this setting already: It is also influenced by the number of entries as explained on the product page.
  21. I am not sure what is going on there. To narrow it down further, you could try to assign the IPS stock listing template and see if the button still appears. If so, it would be an IPS issue. If not, I will have to take another look. I guess you have Post before Register activated?
  22. Sure, if you don’t use a natively supported provider, you would have to embed custom HTML, which should be no problem as admin. I still think a YouTube live stream would be a good solution for going live on Invision Community. For meetings, you would just have to feed the stream into YouTube via RTMP, which almost any free or commercial software made for livestream meeting supports.
  23. YouTube would be an obvious choice as it automatically embeds. You can set up the video in advance (on an eligible channel) and then embed it already days in advance. Once it is live, it will play live and afterwards a replay will also be available. If multiple people are meant to “meet” in that stream, that would be possible as well, but a little bit more complicated.
  24. Do those events have cover images set up? Only those would be used—nothing from the editor field. It’s a global setting in the plugin settings:
  25. Check the permission settings for the forums itself, not just the member group permissions. Those are independent things.
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