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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. It’s unfortunately how payments in Commerce works. You get a specific time to renew, and once that time has expired, you cannot renew anymore, because the invoice has expired. But you also cannot purchase again, because there is already an invoice pending. But you cannot pay that invoice because it is expired … Always reminds me of this:
  2. It’s how these crawlers work. They aren’t operating in real time and rendering the previews might take a while after linking the content for the first time. One can use the Twitter Card Validator and the Facebook Sharing Debugger to investigate potential problems. (And even with those, it might need several attempts to retrieve the actual data.)
  3. I usually use Pages for this purpose. A category is a course—a record is a Lesson. A problem I run into with this method is that a “category” can’t hold any other information than title and description. There is no category image, no category rating (to rate the course), no custom fields to add additional information about the course. So that is something I would like to see improved. More power to Pages categories.
  4. Not possible, but welcome to the club. It’s been requested quite a few times. Again, there is no option for that. You would have to manually code a custom template to output your data as table.
  5. The last paragraph explains exactly what to do.
  6. Looks like a legitimate message that gets sent out for incomplete “post before register” submissions. If you want to prevent that, you would need to turn off Post before Register. If you allow guest submissions, you also get bounces like that. It’s in the nature of this functionality.
  7. For requests like that, I would always suggest, to not just explain WHAT you want, but also WHY you want it. At the moment, feed blocks (all of them! Pages, Commerce, Gallery, Blogs …) only load a few entries and then for the complete list of the content you go to the actual listing view, e.g. the forums itself. What’s your use case where it would be useful to go through all content of a specific type within the block itself? (Just asking to improve the feature request. I am not against it.)
  8. Yeah, the title and body field are “special fields”. You can’t edit them this way. Just like changing the order in the ACP doesn’t do anything.
  9. I will not say that because it is not true. Feel free to make your subjective assessment of what you find “visually appealing” based on a single screenshot if you must. But that doesn’t make it true for everyone, nor will it create a need for me to declare the same. In fact, when I was working on this template, I started with the main column and I was working in the main column most of the time! So it IS expressly designed to work there.
  10. Did you not do the required app review in time? I did do it for two communities and it got approved quickly. I didn’t bother with a third community and had embeds removed today as expected. Probably much harder now to get it back.
  11. @Yamamura I explained myself with words, so what I think can be considered and possibly discussed. Like an adult. Reacting just with laughter is kind of childish and pathetic. If you have something to say, say it, so we can judge whether it’s justified and reasonable or not. Let’s see who’s position is actually “laughable“.
  12. Sorry, but it’s simply a failure to understand responsive web design. You can’t take one screenshot and move things around to “solve” something (e.g filling white-space), because that “solution” would likely break the display in other situations you haven’t considered. For example: Users can have ANY screen width, from a few hundreds pixels to a couple of thousand. The layout needs to work in any of them at the same time! And the content is dynamic too. There are 5 people online in this screenshot. But what if it’s 50? There is column that gets activated when there are invisible users, but just because it isn’t in the screenshot, you don’t consider it. But I do have considered all these parameters and that’s why it looks the way it does.
  13. If I login from the /login/ page, I am being forwarded to a JavaScript output. I can replicate that on all my installations, including my one CiC account. Logging out can produce the same result, but not every time.
  14. Let me try a screenshot. You answers are not really clear about THIS setting: It’s per member group.
  15. According to which settings exactly? Have you checked the member group settings for status updates?
  16. The forums are always the right choice, since an answer here can be helpful for many. So I always prefer it over private questions.
  17. Under Pages → Templates. And yes, that’s the right way to add page-specific CSS.
  18. There are some requirements regarding the user data which come from the payment providers, as explained in the ACP:
  19. It’s the Blogs app. There is no stock template like that for Pages.
  20. The dates appear in so many places and you would have to code in conditions at every place. I don’t think it’s worth it. It will be really messy and hard to maintain. There is an app on the Marketplace to update post dates: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8684-change-post-date/ Personally, I don’t see a problem with the way it already is. Hiding the dates could cause more harm than good because it can cause suspicion.
  21. I would also like to see the Marketplace link return to the native menu. While the ACP is required to install resources, I still use the website version to keep up to date with new release and search for products. I used to check it all the time and used it much more often than opening Our Picks for example, which have a spot in the menu.
  22. What do you use to identify the account? Display name or email address? I just tried and I can actually replicate the problem of not being able to login with the username there, even though it says usernames are accepted. It does work with the email address though.
  23. I’ve gotten this problem a couple of times over the years and it was always a human error. I would suggest to walk through the process with the user with login credentials you agree on and both know. It should be easy to narrow down the problem this way. And if there really would be a problem, it would be easy to proof as well, since you would be able to replicate it when trying to log in as that user.
  24. Just to state the obvious: have you checked the member group permissions? There is a dedicated member group setting to allow attachment in private messages.
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