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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. You would use the new achievement system and let it recalculate after you set up your rules.
  2. Click this button in the ACP to control what is in the default stream: You can only turn off showing changes for the profile pictures altogether. There is no specific setting to social media profile sync.
  3. Not to mention that other languages might use longer words which might render the truncated version meaningless.
  4. It would help to provide steps to reproduce this. I don’t even know what we are looking at. Where are those screenshots from? ACP? Front end? A form submission page? A widget? An app?
  5. opentype


    Well, it’s not really related to PayPal as a provider. It will happen with other providers such as Stripe as well.
  6. The plugin works for any image format that Invision Community supports, including WebP in IC 4.6. However, I cannot control which image formats social media websites accept. I did a quick test. Twitter seems to accept WebP images, Facebook doesn’t currently. But you have to tell that to Facebook. It’s out of my control.
  7. That isn’t possible. Template tags like {block="block_id"} are only rendered in templates, not in an editor context. If the blocks are set up as HTML (not Editor) you can however call blocks from within blocks from within blocks …
  8. Yes, that’s how it works unfortunately. I would like to keep logged in on my phone and desktop computer at the same time.
  9. Topics with a marked answer cannot be opened anymore. Happens here on the forums and all my sites. Example: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/462565-link-back-to-landing-page/ Error: Call to a member function truncated() on null (0) Turning off “Enabled Solved” removed the error.
  10. Interesting. You might want to first try to report that as a bug to IPS. Because if the profiles aren’t accessible to guests, those links should not even be links. It’s more an IPS problem.
  11. Yes. (Technically, it’s not required to replace everything, but that’s the standard recommendation for most users.)
  12. I doubt this can be changed easily. The IPS carousel isn’t meant to show just one image.
  13. Well, I don’t know it any other way if that helps.
  14. I don’t think you are doing anything wrong. The command just can’t be executed because there are some conflicting settings preventing it. But we can’t know which from just the screenshot. Google “wrong create options” and you will find discussions about the potential causes and solutions.
  15. See my code example. You need to use the variables directly, not {like this}. This code is not “template output”.
  16. The meta tags can be overridden from any Pages template used to render the current page. You can add variables there as well. {{\IPS\Output::i()->metaTagsTitle = "Whatever ".$something ;}} {{\IPS\Output::i()->metaTags['og:description'] = "Something else" ;}} You can put that into the record template for example.
  17. You can do that with regular Commerce products that use renewals.
  18. You need to place it on a page with tags, that other content uses as well. The type of content doesn’t matter.
  19. It’s probably too much of an edge case when implemented exactly the way you ask for. The clean and obvious solution is the ability to simply assign profile fields to groups. Then you could have the text area field assigned to one group and a separate editor field assigned to the other group. There would be a broad use for that and it always puzzled me that this isn’t possible already. It’s kind of obvious. We probably don’t want people to sign up and set all kinds of advertising links on their profile, but we might be happy to allow it later on when they move up to another member group of active members, paying members and so on.
  20. The options to go the last post is also already available by clicking on the last reply date. Works in the activity feed and in the forum listings.
  21. Because it’s just a patch, not a new release. It can be caused by reports via support tickets, so something that happens privately. In this specific case, it was mentioned here though. The patch was already released Friday. And the “out of office” doesn’t mean all that much. IPS doesn’t really have an office. Staff works from different countries around the world.
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