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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. Not easily possible. You would have to customize the template, make room for the image and text and add them to the section that is used for the mobile view.
  2. Also, if it helps: The link “View the full article” will always be there. It doesn’t indicate that something was cut off on the side of Invision Community.
  3. Yeah, it’s just text, but text can be styled. So that’s probably what is happening. Impossible to tell from a screenshot though.
  4. What’s the feed you are trying to import? Does it actually contain the full articles?
  5. With an address on file, that part gets skipped during checkout, but users can still click on step 1 again: And of course, you should add a link to the address section to your menu if you don’t have that already. The link will look like /clients/addresses/
  6. Sorry, the plugin only affects the regular forums, not the Q&A type. I just clarified that in the product description. It hasn’t come up before. If you can’t use it because of that, I can ask IPS to issue a refund.
  7. It’s certainly unrelated to SuperDirectory, as that just changes the design, not the core functionality of Pages databases. My suggestion would be to check the database permission and save it again (even if there were no changes made). I mean the permission table, not the just the settings in the database settings.
  8. I’ve seen that on client websites before, where the icon was set as a language string and someone translated it, so the English icon name couldn’t be found anymore. Do you have other languages installed?
  9. It’s even worse because you also loose functionality. The new entry plan doesn’t allow custom/external apps and plugins anymore, so if you have just a single one, apparently you would need to go from the $30 plan to the $129 plan. That’s a price increase of over 400 % just to keep the site working as it was. And to top it off, they even make you pay an “upgrade fee” as if we would want to upgrade. If anything, I would expect a discount for the existing licenses.
  10. It’s expected and usually nothing to worry about when content is deliberately blocked through a robots.txt. But have a look at the URLs it is giving as example and check to make sure that removing them from the index is okay.
  11. This entire column is just a relic from the early days of forums where all activity started on the forum index. Wherever the link leads now, it makes little sense (given that Activity Feeds are now far superior to see new posts). There could be 20 new posts in 10 active topics in any given forum. What good is ONE link? Why would anyone see that one topic out of the hundreds in that forum and not – for example – the one posted shortly before the last one? And why would a guest start reading that topic backwards from the last post? Apart from the “that’s how it’s always been” argument, none of it makes any sense. The only potential purpose is as an indicator of forum activity, but there would be much better ways to show that than with the latest post. For example, something like “15 posts in the last 24 hours”.
  12. It’s always on. If you want to check it out, make sure to look at other people’s records, not your own.
  13. It’s a flaw in how Commerce treats renewals in general. It’s unrelated to your price change.
  14. Pages can use filters if you set a suitable field (like ‘select box’) as filter and then add the filter widget to the page. That would be supported by every Pages database, doesn’t matter which template (like SuperGrid) is being used. (tags don’t work as filters, neither do Database categories. Categories act like folders.)
  15. Well, since it’s not really required, it also wasn’t built. Someone would need to code that for all the IPS app you run.
  16. Yeah, that clearly says nothing whatsoever about content.
  17. Maybe just change the message type from “ipsMessage_warning” to “ipsMessage_info”. Otherwise people see it as “something must be wrong here”.
  18. Yep. https://www.opentype.space/superdocs/ips-community-tips/pages/you-can-only-have-1-category-to-store-records-in-the-database-directly-r1/
  19. That’s a very typical sign of problems with the server processing limits.
  20. I am not using Telegram, so I can’t say for sure, but I would expect it would work. Feel free to try it by posting a test URL like this one on Telegram, which uses my plugin.
  21. Pretty sure that’s just a description of this functionality: (activating a CSS file for a specific page)
  22. While this was fixed for the login page, it is still happing while logging out on Safari (Desktop) from the user menu. See my initial post. I did mention it was a consistent problem for the /login/, but also happens while logging out. But it was apparently not fixed there. So, whatever fix you applied to the login page, might also be required for the logout performed from the user menu (“Sign out” button).
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