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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. As mentioned on the product page “It’s a way to create galleries as part of the editorial content on your website”. So, for a few select galleries created by admins. Unlike Gallery, you get a clean “editorial look” and you can add text where necessary, including text-only pages for chapters, intro and so on. I specifically created that with a use for a museum in mind, where we want to create clean virtual exhibitions which guide the user step by step through the exhibition. The Gallery app is centered around user-content and much more powerful in that regard. Ordering, image manipulation and so on. SuperGallery uses the stock Pages features, as you can see in the video. Title, Content Field, Record Image. You could uninstall SuperGallery and would have a regular working Pages database, just without the gallery look.
  2. I am trying to generate a shorter preview text for a Commerce package in a plugin template, but I can’t figure it out. Doing a strip_tags on $item->description has no effect, since the product description is a translatable item. And $item->truncated(), which I see being used in some theme templates doesn’t seem to work from the plugin. (Call to undefined method IPS\nexus\Package\Product::truncated()) Anyone got any ideas?
  3. It’s a possibility. I think the product feed didn’t exist when SuperBlocks was first created.
  4. {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id === NULL}} This content *only* shows to guests, since they have a NULL member_id. {{endif}} {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}} This content *only* shows to logged-in users since their member_id is a number, which will equal true. {{endif}}
  5. Yeah, it doesn’t make sense. The arguments against it are objectively flawed and I have explained this many times. But if management doesn’t want it, what can you do. At least we have the third-party options.
  6. First, we need to be clear about words. Auto-renewal is just the process of starting subscription term after subscription term by issuing a new invoice unless the subscription is cancelled. That is true for all IPS subscriptions. There is no way to turn that off. Auto-charging is linked to the payment method. For Stripe, the card details can be saved and Stripe will then charge the cards, for PayPal there is the option of activating Billing Agreements, which does the same. If those options aren’t forced or not chosen by the user, then just an invoice will be created and the users have to manually pay for the next term. They have a certain amount of time for that around the date of the expiration. So, you will not always see the option to renew.
  7. A subscription continuous until cancelled by definition. So, you can only set the term. After the term is over, a new invoice will be created. (Automatic charging is an option that depends on the payment method) A temporary access pass comes up as feature request from time to time but it is not a feature yet.
  8. Depends on your set up. Do you allow guest posts? Do you use Post-before-Register? Do you validate email addresses? Do you use a Captcha? Which one? Do you use a Question-and-Answer challenge? Do you moderate posts, e.g. the ones with links or every user’s first post? There are many built-in options.
  9. Yes, uninstalling will remove the data. But there was never a way to install an already installed app or plugin. All you could potentially do is overwrite the files, but there should be no need to do that, as those files are never touched by the use of the product anyway.
  10. It’s a theme template (for all errors) + language strings. One exception: for the access to specific forums, you can set up a custom text per forum in the forum settings.
  11. Which one are you using? You mean the widget on the front end? Or a custom Pages block? Or something else? It could have a look at improving that.
  12. The default member groups are defined in your config file in the root directory. However, the normal logic would be to do it the other way around. Let normal members go into the default group and let paying members go into a different group (as set up in the product/subscription settings).
  13. Are you sure you are logged into the Marketplace while looking at that ACP page?
  14. It’s not a problem with Commerce per se. Blogs, Gallery, Files, Pages … none of the apps have gotten substantial changes, let alone permanent improvements for years. IPS doesn’t have dedicated teams working on the individual apps, so they only get minor improvements once in a while.
  15. Because the plugin needs to load additional content from the topics, but if the expected posts aren’t there, it breaks.
  16. Sorry, I can’t provide help with customizations.
  17. You can just copy it from anywhere. It’s just a Unicode character like any letter: 🇺🇦 In the IPS symbol picker: Another common variation people are using: 💙💛
  18. No, I meant just going to the last page in the forum, as you have done before, and checking the dates that are listed there for topic creation time/last activity.
  19. I investigated this today. It seems to be caused by corrupted forum data, where you have topic entries but missing posts for these topics. The best solution would be to delete these corrupted topics. (You can probably recognize them by being dated back to 1970) PHP 8 has a stricter treatment of errors, so the forum view would still work in earlier version, but the underlying problem exists independent from the PHP version or my plugin.
  20. What is the exact message from Google? “Excluded” is a category, but there are specific reasons given:
  21. Thanks for the pointer. I followed the lead and found an outdated cron key.
  22. When I start a hidden article, every page view of myself is counted, but once I publish the article $record->record_views doesn’t change anymore. Is this intentional? Is it updated later? I deliberately don’t have any caching activated for this.
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