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  1. Sorting is only available with the listing templates, not with those frontpage/article views. One could however create listing templates that look like those frontpage/article views.
  2. New topics are highlighted in contrast to “just replies”. Like this: Is that what you are seeing? Doesn’t look like “almost double” to me.
  3. It could even be smoother than that: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/473885-feature-deprecation-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=2907946
  4. It’s worth noting that image processing is handled through server modules like GD or ImageMagick. It can take a few years until new formats are supported and the server packages get updated to make these changes available for hosting customers.
  5. By the way: seems to be related to the height calculation in Chrome. The image is there and shows fine in Safari and Firefox for me. Just Chrome has no height for the ImageBlock section.
  6. Yeah, that was my number one use-case for databases in clubs as well. I would have expected that this can easily be solved by turning on custom category permissions and then changing them to disallow posting outside the clubs. But for some reason, the setting is there, but with clubs activated, custom permissions for the default category outside the clubs aren’t available anymore.
  7. Sure. First, create an image attachment in the editor by choosing the file from your hard drive. then click on it, so the image is added to the post content. Then double-click on the image. In the dialog box, replace the content of the URL field with your target URL.
  8. It’s a browser issue. I see it frequently with Safari. There isn’t anything in the community software that can have any effect on it. The software just creates HTML to say where the image is and it is up to the browser to download it and deal with caching, download order, connection issues and so on.
  9. Yes. Or use a third-party solution.
  10. That’s perfectly normal. There is no problem to fix.
  11. I’m pretty sure they didn’t phrase it like that. They probably just asked for a proper imprint with data about the legal representation, which is simply the law here in Germany (see German Telemedia Act) and not something “draconian” that T-Online made up because the don’t “like” certain domains as you phrased it. But that’s all beside the point anyway, which is that services like United Internet (GMX, Web.de) in Germany or Orange in France have a market share of over 30% in those countries, similar to Gmail in the United States. So blocking these service would be like blocking Gmail.
  12. A Pages database is pretty much the same as a FAQ database if you call the entries “FAQ” instead of “articles”. You can get templates to tweak the appearance.
  13. I would buy a ‘link search and replace app’ with simple and regex functionality. While running global search-and-replace queries is somewhat dangerous, the app could just go trough the matching posts one by one, showing the old and the new link with an option to click the old and new link before clicking “skip”, “change” or “remove link and replace with …”. http to https changes would be typical, but there are more examples: Removing dead links entirely and replacing them with a note; Adding/changing affiliate links; Changing links from one domain to another after after takeovers or a rebranding (e.g. twitter.com to x.com); removing parts of of the domain (like www) or a specific folders after the external site changed their structure …
  14. None of these examples prove your point – they prove my point. Yes, a subscription has a default amount of time it lasts until in renews. Adobe has monthly subscriptions and yearly subscriptions. But both of them run INDEFINITELY unless they are cancelled. Show me the offer from Adobe where you can buy just "5 months” or “5 years” and then the subscription does not renew anymore. It does not exist, because that is not how subscriptions work. Yet, that is what you want and what you are falsely claiming is even necessary. I am sorry, but you misrepresent the facts around subscription in order to demand a feature you would like to see. That never works.
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