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  1. I am refining the sections in the Terms & Privacy Policy. In my searches for information, I came across Matt's blog post from 2017: https://invisioncommunity.com/news/invision-community/how-invision-communitys-tools-can-help-with-gdpr-compliance-r1052/ The links in there to the EU policy were very revealing and since our organization is US-based but global in reach, we need to really explain every aspect of what is private and what isn't on our site. If there is one takeaway from Matt's post and the EU policy, it is the need for transparency. I have created a policy that I think is extremely transparent about the user data collected during registration as well as the additional profile completion fields. What is missing is an explanation of what information is tracked by the logs in the acp. I need to disclose what separate items I can see in the logs about an individual user. Could someone refine this list or amend it? Obviously I don't have a good grasp on what logs are available and what information can be gleaned from the logs. Number of messages sent (received?) are tracked? [is this a log thing? Can I put my fingers on how many messages a user sent in a given timeframe?] Number of times a user has logged in and out? What device a user has used to access the platform? All the content a user has created in a given timeframe or what? images? posts? comments? articles? events? pages application data? What have I missed by being so unaware of the logs resource? Thank you for any inputs or thoughts.
  2. If you have time, could you explain the difference between Site Guidelines and Registration Terms (Terms of Use?)? Thank you in advance for any insight.
  3. This was my attempt at reporting a bug. I guess it didn't get picked up.
  4. @Jim M Okay, I'm getting closer. Referring to this post There is this part: To what does that refer? Does it mean the section in the ACP that says System > Site Promotion > Sharing and having one or more of those social media links enabled?
  5. Okay, I found this: So now I have located the Commerce referrals.
  6. @Jim MI am so confused. First, in the ACP, under System > Applications > System expand I see 'Referrals.' Since I have no idea what Referrals are, I find this in the Help Guide: That tells me to go to the ACP ... except when I do that, there is nothing there. There is nothing under Customers, under Store, under Payments, under Subscriptions, and under Support. So I do a huh? Then I do more Google searches and I find this: So are these two separate things? One for Commerce and another for ? Help!
  7. Please be kind. This may be a very simple (stupid) question for something that most would see as all but obvious. Is the Pages application a type of 'dynamic page?' As I prepare for our 4.7 upgrade, I was searching for a solution to display past newsletters. A Google Search brought up a Reddit thread that talked about using a WIX Dynamic Page. As I read through the thread, it sounded like essentially the style and presentation of IPS, both throughout the platform but also, perhaps, with the Pages application. A further search of a WIX Dynamic Page presented this explanation: https://support.wix.com/en/article/cms-about-dynamic-pages The link talks about dynamic list pages and dynamic item pages. If my assumption is correct, and all of my old newsletters are in separate .pdf files, how would you go about importing each .pdf file into a Pages newsletter application? Thanks for your thoughts.
  8. Found this issue on the mobile display. Asked Ehren since it was on his Dimension theme. He asked me to check if the issue occurred on the default theme. Yes, it did. His observation: I'm still on the 4.7 devsite: I'm using an Android phone, Samsung Zflip 5. Premise: Testing message notifications and mobile footer display. Finding: 1. Click on Messages icon in mobile footer. Same if you do the default theme, just a different location. 2., click on new message that is unread 3. new message appears as designed. directional buttons above message subject: <-= Message List & Options (dropdown) 4. Click on Options drop down 5. pop up appears with three options a. Move to b. Turn notifications off c Delete conversation. 6. Click on Move to and ..... folders appear for a second and then disappear. a. Do I have any folders beyond the default folders? Yes. One a.1 if you click the down arrow for the Inbox, you see: Inbox My New (unread) My Drafts Miami 2011 (a personal folder I have added) url for mobile is headstand.glrf.info
  9. I have some basic questions about the 4.7 board that I can't find in the Help guide. I have tried searches using the invisioncommunity search bar but the results are so far off that I almost always revert to a Google search that helps me find some of the answers. My feedback is for IPS to make a concerted effort to improve the search bar function using AI that helps to narrow search. Example: unread/read topic status buttons AI: are you asking about the topic status buttons? Yes AI: Those buttons show the read/unread status of a topic How can I change the shape of the status buttons AI: This topic might address your question .... or you can change the buttons with css ... or ...? Maybe it is just me but I find the IPS search bar so inaccurate and difficult that I just give up after a couple of pages of listings and use Google search.
  10. Following up on your topic - did you ever come up with a plugin or application to do what you wanted? Also, wouldn't the overview indicate new content additions? I am interested to know why you would want the icon for the club components in addition to the overview.
  11. I have 207 spam pending registrations to delete. These happened in the last two days. It's unbelievable.
  12. Is this a result of an update to 4.7.17 or 4.7.18? Still doesn't work for me on 4.7.16
  13. I would like to display a list view of upcoming events instead of just for the current month. The Help Guide shows an option for the Calendar default layout that includes 'Stream of upcoming events.' Yet in the ACP, that option is gone and instead there are radio buttons for Overview, Current Month, Current Week and Current Day. What happened to the stream of upcoming events? Was it replaced by the sidebar block 'Upcoming Events' which looks as elegant as lima beans mixed with cottage cheese?
  14. Is this Android shaming? Just for the record, not everyone at Invision Community has an Apple phone. 🤫 I know of at least one staff member who has an Android phone.
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