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TXT & PHP Widget

Pete T

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Thank you for this plugin @Pete T, do you have any plans to update it so that you can select which devices it shows to? e.g. I could exclude mobile. This visibility option is a core setting in 4.5. so I guess it should hopefully be relatively easy to add that feature into it? All of the other widgets I have have it, please would you be able to add it if possible? It would be great 🙂 

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Implementation question. I use Adsense with an ad in the page header location.  However when users select "Unread Content" to view new posts the header ad disappears above the thread header. No option is available for this location in the ad setup section.  I suspect this behavior is because the Unread Content is dynamic, created on the fly when the users click on Unread Content.  Would this work if placed only on the Unread Content page, or end up displaying multiple header ads on the home landing page for the forums?

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18 minutes ago, Aldro said:

@Pete T -- I am on 1.00 of this plugin for years now and we went to 4.5. I see that there are updates now, but if I go ahead and update, will that result in any current PHP & TXT Widgets breaking down? Will we lose content?

I never tested the full amount of options as in both text widget and phone widget but all my text did stay with the upgrade, but I always say any client/custom backup first before upgrading just incase.

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On 9/23/2020 at 11:07 PM, P15-D24 said:

Implementation question. I use Adsense with an ad in the page header location.  However when users select "Unread Content" to view new posts the header ad disappears above the thread header. No option is available for this location in the ad setup section.  I suspect this behavior is because the Unread Content is dynamic, created on the fly when the users click on Unread Content.  Would this work if placed only on the Unread Content page, or end up displaying multiple header ads on the home landing page for the forums?

you have to add the block to that page.

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  • 4 weeks later...
12 hours ago, mr_hopp said:

This has been such a great and useful plugin! Thank you so much, @Pete T!

Now that I've updated Invision to the latest build, I'm just making sure it won't break my site: Is this plugin compatible with Invision Community 4.5 before I re-enable it?

Thanks again! 

  • Compatibility


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  • 2 months later...

I really like the concept behind the plugin. IT creates so many opportunities for developers. Thank you for creating and supporting it.

What the code would like for checking within the plugin 

1. what the topic id is?

2. the the usergroup id is?

3. read the database field value for forums_topics table's topic_meta_data field?

Thank you very much.

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  • 1 month later...

So I just upgraded from IPS v4.4.9 to IPS v4.5.4.2  and I expected some plugins to no longer function or require updating. I removed this plugin and reinstalled the latest available download. The widget boxes show up and I can place them in a page and edit them... once all is saved and the page is refreshed - the output is missing.  Any suggestions? I really find this plugin useful and kinda need it not... I'm hooked!

Edited by Ford Doctor
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Hello @Pete T.




On your app, when I put an image with the PHP code fonction, the image disapears after a few days and the code of the image is replaced by a spacer.png image.



How can I fix this problem please ?




Thank you.

Edited by Bocar
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  • 2 weeks later...


Does this plugin allow me to use objects within the IPS namespace? I'm hoping to write some custom code that requires their datetime object, but when I try to stick that code in a php block, it errors out the entire page and I have to manually remove the block from the database.

Perhaps I'm doing something wrong? I'm not very familiar with how to import a class into PHP, especially the IPS ones if they allow it. (I really jsut want their client-side timezone conversion)


// this block runs fine, but if I remove the die() for the rest, it kills the page.
if ( !defined( '\IPS\DateTime' ) )
	echo "Something has gone wrong.\n";
	echo getcwd();

// I've clipped out some other code, but it's safe to assume $event exists with these properties
// The code worked fine when I used normal php datetime objects
$eventStart =  \IPS\DateTime::createFromFormat(DateTime::ISO8601, (string)$event->startTimeUTC);
$eventEnd =  \IPS\DateTime::createFromFormat(DateTime::ISO8601, (string)$event->endTimeUTC);


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
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