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I'm setting up a new newsletter and see that posts by guests who have not yet registered are appearing in the newsletter (I have it set so guests can post prior to registering). I can't find the way to exclude those posts from appearing in the newsletter's recent post feed.

Help? Thanks!!

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Hello! I hope you're having a great 2021 so far. 🙂

Is there a way to force a specific newsletter to rebuild the subscriber list? I have an issue with at least one member who cannot receive the newsletter they're signed up for. They toggled it on in their Settings --> Account Settings --> Newsletters, but I don't see their name in the admin interface when I ask it to show me the list of subscribers.

Since this is happening with one member, I'm concerned it might have happened to others as well, hence why I was wondering if there was a way to rebuild things.


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3 hours ago, HeadStand said:

That's not my block. That's an IPS block and is totally unrelated to the newsletter.


so does you app have a block then, or does it use the standard IPS?

2 hours ago, Nathan Explosion said:

Viewing it as someone who hasn't already opted in to the newsletter?

if( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->allow_admin_mails )
	return "";
} else {


Thanks @Nathan Explosion

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Hi, I am using Newsletter Out-of-the-Box, and wonder about the following.

The spacing between links/items differ between blocks. For example, see the screen shot where there is no linebreak between items in the block extracting Articles from a Article page. The same goes for items from Blogs.

In all other blocks I use, there are Linebreak between items, for example in Forum topics as in the screen shot below.

If you share your email (DM) I can test-send a newsletter to you.


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  • 3 weeks later...


does the below setting ultimately control all of the app newsletter sends?

if( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->allow_admin_mails )


if it does then should there not be some 'warning/notice' given to a member who has signed up for a newsletter from this app but does not allow admin mails ?



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/27/2021 at 8:26 AM, sound said:

if it does then should there not be some 'warning/notice' given to a member who has signed up for a newsletter from this app but does not allow admin mails ?

If you explicitly sign up for a newsletter you should get it even if you turned off mail.

29 minutes ago, Claudia999 said:

I can't find the way to translate the word "comments". 😕


Looks like I hard-coded it 🤦‍♀️ Why did I do that? Good question. 😬

You can edit this in the template. newsletters -> global -> content -> core.

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And I found a bug (?) with calendar events.

I have recurring events since eons until the end of the world 😉 and thought I have to choose "Upcoming content" as type. But then in html-preview I only have the variable with the key of content.

It works only if I choose "popular content" as type (and then only the recurring event with a comment appear in preview and not the other recurring event without a comment although the minimum number of comments is set to 0).


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 5/12/2021 at 9:10 AM, HeadStand said:

If you explicitly sign up for a newsletter you should get it even if you turned off mail.

Looks like I hard-coded it 🤦‍♀️ Why did I do that? Good question. 😬

You can edit this in the template. newsletters -> global -> content -> core.


I hope you're doing well. I've noticed an issue with the above, as well. I've had at least two members not receive their Newsletters until they toggle on the in-System admin mail.

I know this app is not officially 4.6 compatible yet, but has anyone tested to see if it still works?

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A new version has been uploaded to the marketplace but is pending approval. Changes include:

  • Tested for 4.6 compatibility
  • Open Rate is now included when viewing newsletter back issues
  • Option to include guest content (disabled by default)
  • Fixed an issue where users who manually subscribed but opted out of emails did not receive the newsletter
  • Removed extra line break from some templates
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On 5/12/2021 at 12:35 PM, Claudia999 said:

And I found a bug (?) with calendar events.

I have recurring events since eons until the end of the world 😉 and thought I have to choose "Upcoming content" as type. But then in html-preview I only have the variable with the key of content.

It works only if I choose "popular content" as type (and then only the recurring event with a comment appear in preview and not the other recurring event without a comment although the minimum number of comments is set to 0).


I'm not exactly sure what the issue is. Can you please clarify what you're trying to do and what the problem is?

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On 7/5/2021 at 5:33 PM, John T Davis said:

I know this app is not officially 4.6 compatible yet, but has anyone tested to see if it still works?

I'd like to know myself as its holding up my upgrade to 4.6 along with another app. 

On 7/12/2021 at 8:00 PM, HeadStand said:

A new version has been uploaded to the marketplace but is pending approval. Changes include:

  • Tested for 4.6 compatibility
  • Open Rate is now included when viewing newsletter back issues
  • Option to include guest content (disabled by default)
  • Fixed an issue where users who manually subscribed but opted out of emails did not receive the newsletter
  • Removed extra line break from some templates

I guess it takes a some time for IPS to approve?

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On 7/12/2021 at 7:00 PM, HeadStand said:

A new version has been uploaded to the marketplace but is pending approval. Changes include:

  • Tested for 4.6 compatibility
  • Open Rate is now included when viewing newsletter back issues
  • Option to include guest content (disabled by default)
  • Fixed an issue where users who manually subscribed but opted out of emails did not receive the newsletter
  • Removed extra line break from some templates

Congratulations on the release!

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