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Upgrade from IP. 3.4.x to IPS4.0 (updated)


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hi. i tried woodsmans pretty well described steps on page 1 of this topic.
i tried to get a clean upgrade from the productive server onto a test server.
for me, the following steps were necessary in addition to that before the upgrade:
- i cleaned up my default language pack (which was in a mess) as described here:
- in the adminCP under system/system/settings/general configuration, check if the settings
  in "Path to 'upload' directory" and "Upload URL" are correct and if not, change them
  and click on change settings.

​Yes I should have said something on how to remove any lanuage packs and keeping the default. Sorry about that!

Setting up a 3.4.7 and earlier yes there are 3 areas where URL's that need to be modified to point to the correct uploads path.  The 1st is found in System - System Settings - General configuration. There are 2 elements that need to be changed. Path to 'upload' directory and Upload URL These apply also to the blog and gallery setting if you have them. The both of these are found here. System - System Settings - IPS APPS.

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uh your step isnt workingf or me, going to ugprade page just leads  me to coding contains error


2, Providing you have IP.Downloads copy these files back to your Forum Root Directory from the _347folder.
Copy the following folders, downloads, public, screenshots and uploads along with your conf_global.php file. Otherwise only public, uploads and conf_ global.php will due.

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I would say so.

I've created a test installation from the 3.4.7 live board and followed the instructions from the upgrader. No issues with this anymore since beta 5. The issue tracker also does not seem to contain obvious issues.

The background tasks took some time to run. While they run some posts look a bit broken (quotes for example are not yet styled).

So I think I'm going to upgrade soon :rolleyes:

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Having already done the upgrade by merely overwriting everything with IPB 4.0 and running the converter then upgrade script, what can I safely delete? I also noticed a fresh install creates 110 tables in the database, where as I have 133.

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I would say so.

I've created a test installation from the 3.4.7 live board and followed the instructions from the upgrader. No issues with this anymore since beta 5. The issue tracker also does not seem to contain obvious issues.

The background tasks took some time to run. While they run some posts look a bit broken (quotes for example are not yet styled).

So I think I'm going to upgrade soon :rolleyes:

​There are files being built in the background which can take some time. This most likely is what you have experienced.

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Hi Woodsman. Thank you for your excelent tutorial.

I'm having a couple of difficulties since I'm a novice with online communities. 


I tried doing a test upgrade of my 3.4.7 site using wamp environment. I did a clean install, since I've never used it before. Then I downloaded all of the files from my live site FTP server and put them in ..\wamp\www\IPS4 Then I logged into PhpMyAdmin on my live site and exported (downloaded) my database. Then I created a new database on localhost's PhpMyAdmin and imported the database I just downloaded. After that I created a new user and gave him all of the priviliges for the new database. I modified the global_conf.php in ..\wamp\www\IPS4 accordingly

When I go to localhost/ips4 I get this error: http://i.imgur.com/pRmHAw4.png


I tried following the tutorial as best I could, but obviously I'm doing something wrong. I'd really appreciate some help with this.

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Hi B_U_R_I

There are a couple of things to look for. The first check to make sure the conf_global.php is correct. Also look for odd characters namely the colon (:) that may have added itself... This happens to me frequently in Wamp during save.

Next compare the database including physical size. It sounds as though the whole file did not transfer... This can be caused mainly from the server download.

When exporting the original database, remember to export using the "Export Method". Make sure to select "Select All". Select your compression option then got to the bottom and hit Go.

OK don't hit it I don't want you angry with me for breaking your monitor so select "Go" instead.

export-1.thumb.png.4428188931b5aa03f94b4  export-2.thumb.png.56c3b66c199d00698470f

I always take a minimum 3 backups. 1st 2 as a gzip to compare and make sure they are exact, and the 2nd without compression ( Just Habit).

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

i have rolled a copy of my live 3.4.8 and trying to upgrade from this version to and get a lot of error, other have tried from this 3.4.8 ?

​I did without any issues.  I didn't follow the steps in the first post, but it's similar.  I ran the compatibility file (ensured that all passed), converted to UTF-8mb4, uploaded the files in their respective directories, changed database (made another specifically for the upgrade after cloning the previous), and ran the install script provided.

Anything custom like BBCodes, templates, mods, etc. did not port over (although I expected the BBCodes to port but they didn't).  I also had to redo the ACP admin restrictions.

What errors were you getting?

Edited by GrooveOnBeat
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I've created a copy of my live DB, that's all fine on 3.4.8, then deleted all files bar conf_global, public and uploads.. then I got to /admin/upgrade and get this error:


array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array


I have Nexus using ioncube but I disabled this completely before attempting the update.  Any help :/

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I've created a copy of my live DB, that's all fine on 3.4.8, then deleted all files bar conf_global, public and uploads.. then I got to /admin/upgrade and get this error:


array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array


I have Nexus using ioncube but I disabled this completely before attempting the update.  Any help :/

​Did you keep the pertinent files described in the original post?

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Attempting to upgrade on a dev server to test IPB4 out before I consider going live with it. Getting this error when installing the UTF converter:

Table 'ipbupgrade.core_tasks' doesn't exist

Can't find any mention of this anywhere else. Any idea?

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