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  1. sasiko replied to Flitterkill's post in a topic in Marketplace
    4.x you no longer have forum posts on profile here in forum. insted its called content count where its a combined posts of forum posts, file review, file comments, file uploads, status post, status comment, blog comments, blog submission, calendar submission etc. What i suggest was that you seperate forum posts from content count so we have forum post count again on forum. so when user see their profile or user profile from topic left side they see content count and forum posts
  2. sasiko replied to Flitterkill's post in a topic in Marketplace
    is it possible you can add feature where you seperate content count from forum posts? i would rather reward my members accesing a area for posting forum than posting thanks on file review just to increase their content count etc
  3. sasiko replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    have you tried this yet? https://www.mail-tester.com/
  4. edit you choose not to receive pm so i cant send you core_session table to show you that only my real members are logged in
  5. no errors, but like i said your plugin only works sometimes. not everytime. ill pm you the screenshot of the session columns when it stop working again
  6. this no longer works in when you delete and reupload it wokr sbut once sessions are refreshed it stops working
  7. sasiko replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    well glad u liked one of my suggestion. thanks
  8. sasiko replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    ye i just wanted a better moderation solution. another suggestion, can you add a feature so we can penalize a specific users so he cant invite anymore or grant him a period where he cant invite ?
  9. sasiko replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    i want to revisit my previous suggestion. regarding users inviting themself. i had several staff moderating the invitees and still got some issues with ppl getting banned and relogin with their second account. I know my suggestion isnt gonna solve it but at least it would deter them from doing it. any way to get a cookie detection and have a system quietly notify admin so we can ban inviter and the invitee. that way we minimize the chance significantly from that users from returning.
  10. sasiko replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    have you fixed the smtp email issue? im using sparkpost and none of my members can receive emails but sending email test works so the issue is still with this bug from invite app. sparkpost is a free email service so you can register and try it yourself. As soon as i choose php email, ppl can receive email invitation :/
  11. sasiko replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    probably but in the end that user will eventually use his real ip when he got his real account registered and thinks he is safe. using proxy ip isnt always the best because how slow the site are and if they are using vpn its probably gonna be temporary due to subscrption. not possible to have it detect ip when user logs in and have the accoutn flagged or perhaps this is another idea for a new plugin
  12. sasiko replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    i noticed my members always invite to themself so they can create alt account. is it possible to have a ip restriction check ?
  13. sasiko replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    most of my invited members got email isssue too... i tried sending invite to my test email but never received it. i tried ips default email test and i do receive email
  14. sasiko replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    why doesnt new registrants get any default invitation automatically?
  15. sasiko replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    @Adriano Faria can the members see status for the invitation he sent? would be a good indicator if his friend got invited or not.. i would like to see the pending, invited text in member area