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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Have you tested this? I'm not sure how else I can answer than the above, as what my colleague shows there is exactly what you asked for.
  2. It should show them all if you can post to them. Which forum are you looking for? I can take a look to see if there is anything obvious
  3. Thank you. I have created a ticket for you on this. Please ensure your admin login and FTP login is up to date throughout the investigation into your issue 🙂
  4. Can certainly never harm to ask 🙂
  5. They could ignore what you put on the manual method for instructions, and leave it there. In which case you would have an item there to approve, which you would have to sort manually
  6. There is no facility that would allow you to do this, no. You could potentially do topics, which would then delete the attachments with it, but thats the only method built in. The system won't allow items to be deleted that is attached to an item of content.
  7. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  8. Well, each item you select the payment methods that are allowed to be used The only thing I can think is going to be an issue here, is you 'have' to allow a least 1. So you may need to put a manual method in or something to state to use account credit. Its not a perfect solution, and there will be downfalls to this approach
  9. I know there was a suggestion went in for DDs above. Its not on the plans at present I dont believe, but thats not to say it wont be at some point in the future
  10. Feel free to post that up in the feedback forum if you wish to see change 🙂
  11. Its nice as a suggestion. I would say however, that unlike some things which will have auto complete (Admin CP search for example), there could be potentially millions of combinations for every keystroke you use. Its not likely to be something that is good for performance.
  12. Visit the admin CP, and go to the 'search engine optimisation' section. Here you can download the correct htaccess and upload that to your server. This is likely what is causing you issues
  13. It actually depends. If they are indeed separate items (posted individually) then of course they would be treated differently. If it's a topic posted from pages, then it actually posts a snippet on the topic to the full pages entry. In that respect its really no different to having a snippet and a link on any other page. Its worth noting, you should really test this on your trial. Our news pages are really quite customised here, so you may be looking at an example that isnt really representative
  14. You could disallow any other payment method within those items. That way they would only be able to pay with account credit
  15. Have you checked your sent mail to see its actually been sent? Also, have you checked your domain to ensure you haven't been blacklisted anywhere?
  16. Thought that may be the case. Glad to see you know whats causing it now, even if you havent got a full resolution as of yet
  17. You need to contact your host on that. Your database permissions are not correct for whatever details you are using
  18. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  19. Its not something in which we have in there currently
  20. We would need to example user who has done exactly the same that we can look at. Unfortunately as the situation has been rectified, there isnt at this point anything present for us to be able to investigate further
  21. You have cleantalk poping up there when I test this, and looks like it may be related. Please disable all 3rd party items, including theme, and test this again
  22. Please could you let me know the name of the forum you were trying to move topics from, and where to? I can then take a look for you
  23. I have created a ticket for you on this, so we can look further into the problem
  24. Im not sure there would be, to be honest. If they dont confirm the email, it simply wont make the change on their account
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