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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. I would advise on asking facebook what error they are encountering before you go any further on this. Otherwise you are essentially chasing an issue, without actually knowing what it is you are chasing.
  2. Please ensure you perform the actions mentioned on the mysql section, then test this again
  3. No, there is nothing outside of the method you are using to do this at present. So you're not missing anything there 🙂
  4. In addition to checking the above mentioned by Gary, please check your server error log. 500 is an internal server error which should be being logged in your server error logs.
  5. It would seem then it doesnt work perfectly, unfortunately. Please disable cloudflare entirely and then test this first of all. Its very likely that will work. If it does, you will need to find the cause on your cloudflare setup
  6. Is it a complete blank page you are getting? If so, please check your server error log, as its likely the issue is being logged there
  7. Things like modsecurity are another common cause of this
  8. There isnt a way in which to do this at present unfortunately, so indeed it would be feedback for something to add 🙂
  9. It would be worth letting us know what it is you arent finding here. What exactly is it you are looking to achieve? We can then either point you in the right direction or let you know how to do things here
  10. Please feel free to add this information to your topic in the developer connection forum. You now have 2 topics open on the same item, along with commenting on this one.
  11. This is not something we would offer as a service, no. Its worth noting, it's a feature you wish to have, not something that is broken here, unfortunately. There isnt really a simple way of going about this, unfortunately
  12. It works only on named guests. But going from your screenshot there, they all look to have been responses to the same topics which are actually using a named guest of Guest yisol88030 . So if you enter that, it will delete the topics there (of course including the replies
  13. If you go to Members->Content Moderation->Spam Prevention, you can delete all guests posts there. Note, this will be ALL guest posts, not just the ones you have just introduced
  14. I am not a developer on the platform personally, so could not provide these. I moved your other ticket to our developer connection forum to see if someone can assist you. It has not produced orphaned posts. It has left the posts as guest posts, as the members have been deleted. This has been the same functionality for multiple decades on the platform, and is used on many occasions by our users who do not wish to remove posts when they delete a user. As I mentioned above, I understand it may not have been your intention, however this does not make the function incorrect. I completely understand your frustration here, but unfortunately you are trying to do things quicker than anyone can possibly assist you in any way. You have had a post moved to the developer section to see if someone can assist. In the meantime you have gone ahead and done Something that has caused you unintended consequences. If I can offer one bit of advise, it would be to slow down a little. For example, you have typed 1 response, edited that response with more, and posted another reply, all while I am typing a single response to you.
  15. Yes, that is correct. It prunes only the users, not the content. While I understand its not what you wanted to do there, it does do exactly what it states. If this is an issue for you, you would be best to revert to backup. Its worth mentioning here, you appear to be blaming the tools that do what they say, when using a function which wasnt suggested and not awaiting an answer from ourselves when you asked the question.
  16. Im a little confused by your statement there. You used the prune function, and it pruned those members.
  17. Of course, creating a setting so a user can delete every topic and post on your site and give themselves access to your admin CP is technically possible. Its not really an argument for whether or not it should be implemented. Generally, we would not advise on functions that allow an end user to perform mass actions
  18. I have moved this to our developer connection forum where you may get better assistance on that. Generally we would not share things that are not explicitly tested for that purpose
  19. You wont see it until you have done a search. So you need to click the cog icon, set some criteria, and search
  20. There isnt a way in which to do this on the platform at the present time, unforunately
  21. If this relates to PMs, the same answer would apply there.
  22. To clarify, once you have restored your database and files to another location, please ensure you change your conf_global.php file to point to the database copy you restored. You will also want to change the licence key to your test key in the admin CP. This is your current key, with -TESTINSTALL at the end
  23. This has been resolved in your ticket. 🙂
  24. Its odd you are still signed in there. Please try clearing your browser cache and trying this again
  25. The only option would be to log out of one and log into the other. You would have to log out of both client area and community though. As you said, it would just log you back in otherwise. Alternatively, as mentioned, using 2 browsers may be preferable so you are always logged into both
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