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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. It means it cannot be purchased unless they have also purchased an item that you have selected it has to be associated with, in the setup of that product
  2. In practical terms if someone can sit and add 20 thousand subforums to a club before its been moderated, I would argue that performance is the least of your issues
  3. Anything being deprecated would be shown in the tracker, as mentioned above. We're certainly not getting rid of pages databases 🙂 With regards the "5 years" question, unfortunately out crystal ball is out for repair at present 😄 In all honesty though, its very very very unlikely to go anywhere in that time, and is very much an actively developed part of our suite
  4. They would have to click to register at the top of the page as normal. There is no other way around this at present
  5. Its not something we would be able to isolate easily for your specific site unfortunately
  6. Performance of almost every area has been improved in version 5. However this wouldnt mitigate what was mentioned above. 20k forums is simply not a normal use case unfortunately
  7. They could, however in the same way guests could spam your site and so could members. You can simply ban a member. Guests will just keep coming
  8. There isnt, however if you log out, then use the forgotten password link and enter your email, you can change recover it. If you are having issues, please let me know This wont help if the user cant log in 🙂 If there is no ACP link in the menu, then its not an admin login
  9. You would need to be logged in as a member of admin to get to the admin CP. When you opened the trial, you will have been sent an email with admin access details on
  10. This is because it was being used as a target for spammers to test stolen credit card details.
  11. You need to get the old one working properly. You cant create a new one and have peoples logins working from the old link as they are linked to a different facebook application
  12. This is intentional on the system. Guests cannot use the donate system. They have to be logged in
  13. Do you have any other 3rd party items running? If so, please try disabling those
  14. Ive removed myself from facebook groups because of it, simply because its annoying as a user.
  15. I have forwarded my colleagues last email to you, as I suspect you may have missed that
  16. Its worth noting there may well be strings used both in the ACP and on the front end
  17. Im still extremely confused as to what you think people can see here. You cannot search for topic titles in the admin CP.
  18. We do not publish roadmaps for the product. Posting in here is the correct thing to do, and if things like this are to be added, you would see them appear in blogs
  19. As mentioned above, it would indeed refresh on some browsers, but thats a browser issue rather than a software one
  20. As mentioned there is no webhook for member tagging at present, unfortunately. Please feel free to post this up within our feedback forum if it is something you would like to see in a future release
  21. Looking at the last message, you are missing tables there. I would suggest a restore at this point before you continue any further
  22. Within each forums settings, on the first tab, you have "Users can see topics posted by other users?". But this would apply to everyone other than staff
  23. We would need to know the name of the member deleted, who you tried to add it to, and a couple of example items that didnt merge
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