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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. This would indicate you need to change the limits there, yes. This however is a server side issue rather than one with your software. It indicates a header that exceeds the size of the limit on your server
  2. Are these all on the same server? A 400 error would be the server stating it cannot process the request for some reason. Are you seeing anything in your server error logs?
  3. A ticket has been created on this for you. Someone will be in contact as soon as possible.
  4. The moderator permission is there on the content tab if restricted, but all your moderator entries are not restricted. So everyone should be able to set this. Could you let me know who you are logged in as?
  5. Ah Indeed, thats my mistake. You would not be able to do that at present.
  6. Which site is this referring to? I can then take a look for you
  7. You would change the domain in your conf_global.php file once you have moved all the files to the new location (if indeed you need to move your files to somewhere else). Once that is done, you then need to visit your client area, select your license, and click change URL. This will reset your licensed URL so your license shows correctly. With regard 301 redirects, this is something you should speak to your hosting company about. This is usually done with an htaccess redirect file, but it will depend on your hosting and where exactly files are being moved or not moved on your host. The sitemap you dont need to worry about at all. The software submits sitemaps itself.
  8. This has now been dealt with for you. Please check your emails
  9. If thats the case, its not actually running the cron enough when running with traffic. I would advise on setting up a cron job on your server for this, as stated in the message. I would also double check with your hosting provider on the cloudflare thing, as it does indeed look like its caching. I realise you mention you added an exception, but the message there would say otherwise
  10. You would need customisation in order to achieve this. There is no built in option to do this at present, unfortunately.
  11. You cant. They are only enabled and disabled for individual items in that manner.
  12. Yes, thats correct. If you dont want them to be able to purchase anything at all, just block the checkout module./
  13. They are going in system logs, rather than error logs. Not sure if you can catch those as they are validation rather than an error
  14. My apologies, I thought you had disabled it because of compatibility. If its compatible, and causing you errors, you would need to report that to the author
  15. Not necessarily. It was probably a valid link, however that item would no longer work with the current release.
  16. Please could you remove the birthdays widget altogether and test that again?
  17. Good call, yes. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  18. These seem to be 2 different issues here. The OP was reporting it was switched on, and shouldnt have been. Whereas thats an issue when it is on. I will take a look at that and report back shortly.
  19. Glad you found the issue, and of course check that on your next upgrade. If it switches again, let us know
  20. I havent seen any other reports of this. Are you saying that should have been selected, or it seems to have switched on upgrade?
  21. Members can only edit up to 60 minutes, as per the settings on your member group (content tab). If its happening with admin, I need a specific post, and specific admin to look at
  22. I would need to know what you are trying to edit, and also which user you are logged in as
  23. You mention this, but havent mentioned what you are trying to edit. The message however would indicate you have a time limit on editing set on your usergroup
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