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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Please disable 2 factor authentication temporarily, while we take a look at this
  2. Could you please also let us know exactly what they are trying to purchase, and the exact message they are getting when they attempt to do this?
  3. If you are doing a file move, then yes indeed its likely related to that, and not any other function. The reality is, there isnt any way for images to go missing on their own. The only way this can happen is if the source itself is deleted. If you can restore a backup somewhere, we can certainly take a look at that and confirm that this is the case, but in all honesty you are probably chasing an issue around that is simply going to be a user issue, not one on the platform.
  4. I have created you a ticket on this so we can take a closer look
  5. Glad to hear you found the issue there 🙂
  6. Marc


    Im also a little confused as to what you are asking there. You have said avatar image, but then also said you know. If you are looking for the template, it will be the post template
  7. You have a 3rd party item named menu icons that I have now disabled. This is what was causing your issues
  8. Please try saving the setting again. You shouldnt be getting that message if you are using our platforms email, as its not sent by gmail at all in that scenario. I suspect its not actually saved the setting properly
  9. Yes, its not interpreting PHP there. Usually tends to be an htaccess that has gone missing that some hosting panels create to say what to interprit PHP with (what versions)
  10. I would actually recommend disabling all 3rd party as a first instance, and test without. Until you do this, you are just going to be guessing at what may be the cause. By doing this, at least you can either rule it out, or rule it in. If you then find it is, you can start enabling things one at a time till the issue returns. One thing I would advise on checking first of all, is that none of the table types changed. Ensure they are all INNODB on your server.
  11. Your video doesnt seem to be working unfortunatetly. Please could you reupload this?
  12. This has now been reported as a new issue
  13. This being the case, the fact they can see reports when you select all is actually the bug. They shouldnt be able to, as they cannot action the reports Could you please clarify, that is indeed what you are reporting?
  14. This is still in a ticket awaiting developers at present
  15. You do not upgrade from your client area. You download your files from your client area. Please see the following which has more information https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/welcome/install-and-upgrade-r259/
  16. The advice in the first post was actually correct. There is nothing on the patch that states it will correct previous issues, and the patch is indeed what corrects the problem with dates changing. I'm not sure what you are seeing there, and that certainly doesnt sound related and needs looking into. Do you have the ability to record what you are seeing so we can take a look?
  17. The patched issue will only affect items going forward. It will not correct any issues from prior to the patch unfortunately
  18. If you upgrade to 8 (which you have to) you then need to run the upgrade manually by uploading a fresh set of files from your client area, and running the upgrade at /admin/upgrade . This is because the version you are on doesn't support PHP 8 so the automatic upgrader would be unavailable until that point
  19. You would need to contact the author of the theme in order to resolve your issue there. It looks like something is not compatible with the version you are running
  20. If you are still having issues, we will need to know the browser and operating system you are using. But at present I am unable to replicate this at all on our end
  21. I have just picked up and responded to that ticket for you. If you can respond with what you need removing, we can get you sorted there 🙂
  22. Click on "none" and click next. You should then be able to add permissions such as oembed
  23. Indeed as mentioned by my colleague, upgrading and testing again would be the best course of action. Once you have done that, if you have the same problem, we can of course take a look
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