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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. There would never be a bug fix for this as we simply cant replicate it. If there is a way in which you find to replicate the issue, please do let us know, but in order to resolve an issue, we would actively need to be able to replicate it
  2. What I mean is the layout itself isnt built to accommodate that data. So not only would you need to change the output, you would also need to change the templates to accommodate that output. This however is a 'perhaps'. I havent tried or tested to do anything of that manner.
  3. If you are unsure how to use the plugin, you would need to speak to the author on that.
  4. Hi Haim, There isnt really a suspended/banned group. This is a state of a user account rather than a group. You can add custom profile fields for any extras you want to add like this. Please see the following guide on how to do this You would need to add your own markup for this within the group settings. You will see "Group Formatting" on there, which you can switch to use html if required
  5. You would need customisation in order to achieve something like this. Possibly utilise the field to add URLs and some heavily customised templates perhaps.
  6. I believe you may have read my previous response incorrectly. The intention of the feature is for delaying the publication of items. Feesability within the scope, and ability are not one and the same there. We do of course appreciate the suggestion there
  7. This is done within your moderator CP, which you can read more about here if needed https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/staff-and-moderation/the-moderator-cp-r83/
  8. If this is not the case, you need to update access details on file
  9. Unfortunately, until we look into these things fully, its not always certain how they will turn out. In the case here the correct fix was to make it work as intended, which was indeed what Matt had originally pointed out above. It simply wasn't feesable to do in another way, as it wasn't intended to work that way in the first place unfortunately.
  10. That does indeed indicate a default theme, however there were none of these on your site, other than that which I created. I have created a ticket for you on this, so we can look into this further for you Just to note here, only the M ones are liekly an issue here. The other templates there are likely from a 3rd party item, and therefore are custom
  11. This is correct There is no way in which to do this. The function you are looking at is simply not built for what you are trying to use it for there unfortunately.
  12. Before we continue here, could I ask if we are referring to gallery or attachments?
  13. This is being dealt with (as far as cloud is concerned) via your ticket. Please respond there and we can get you sorted out as far as purchasing the wrong invision product is concerned.
  14. This is incorrect. His site is already at root. Its just the default application that is not set to forums. If you wish to have forums as the default landing page, please go to System>Site Features>Applications and select the star icon at the side of the forums application
  15. I have split this into a new topic as it's a new item. Please could you give me an example I can take a look at?
  16. One drives me insane enough 😄
  17. There is an issue with something you have added thwere, as it shouldnt be saying install in progress ever. Please update your ftp details on file
  18. You would need to complete that upgrade from /admin/upgrade
  19. You should ensure all webhooks are selected in stripe
  20. Are you getting anything other than that, as thats just a URL rather than an error In answer to your questions 1) Facebook are actually making it increasingly difficult to integrate with. We are still working with it for the moment 2) The review process is something you will indeed likely need to do with facebook these days. Whether or not you decide to continue with it, only you can answer 3) Yes, you can. You would certainly need review for that. There is a link on how to do this here. Anything which is to be deprecated you can find here
  21. There simply isnt a facility for that at present. Generally patches will not tend to be critical in this manner. I can bring that up internally however
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