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  1. Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src
  2. Google Two Factor Auth (2FA) QR Code image is broken .
  3. Dear Team , we are getting this error on our home page with 500 internal server error CONTENT; return $return; } function embedInternal( $html, $js ) { $return = ''; $return .= << CONTENT; $return .= \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( "global", "core", 'global' )->includeMeta( ); $return .= <<getTemplate( "global", "core", 'global' )->includeCSS( ); $return .= << var ipsDebug = CONTENT; if ( ( \IPS\IN_DEV and \IPS\DEV_DEBUG_JS ) or \IPS\DEBUG_JS 😞 $return .= << CONTENT; if ( \is_array( $js ) 😞 $return .= << CONTENT; endforeach; $return .= << bodyClasses as $class 😞 $return .= <<application 😞 $return .= <<module 😞 $return .= <<controller, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_DISALLOWED, "> {$html}
  4. Dear Team, How to deal with this error . [[Template core/front/global/globalTemplate is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the to restore the default theme.]]
  5. ok thanks for feedback
  6. Want to add captcha in login forms how to do ?
  7. is there is any functionality that when I login to my laptop then at the same I logout from other devices .i.e (one should login once at one time with same user login credentials) ?
  8. Dear Team, Please help us in solving that in invasion community Same user can log on to multiple devices at the same time .
  9. SDT

    Url encoded

    How User input is URL-encoded before it is embedded in a URL (yellow color highlighted indicate the same)
  10. Dear Team , PFA while inserting these value I got 2 result Found .Please help us in resolving this query. Is it any way to white list only specific accepted values?
  11. Dear Team, How User input is URL-encoded before it is embedded in a URL in our CMS?
  12. CMS has a RISK Of LDAP injection how tosolve this issue
  13. ok I marked this as solution .Thanks
  14. while deleting any document we get it in response (RAW)
  15. how to disable Username and Password Field with Auto Complete and Copy Paste in admin login form ?
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