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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Just a quick update to let you know that this issue was resolved in the recent 4.7.8 release of our platform. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue. If you are still seeing any issues after upgrading to this version, please let us know.
  2. Just a quick update to let you know that this issue was resolved in the recent 4.7.8 release of our platform. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue. If you are still seeing any issues after upgrading to this version, please let us know.
  3. Just a quick update to let you know that was added in the recent 4.7.8 release of our platform. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue.
  4. Just a quick update to let you know that this issue was resolved in the recent 4.7.8 release of our platform. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue. If you are still seeing any issues after upgrading to this version, please let us know.
  5. Just a quick update to let you know that this issue was resolved in the recent 4.7.8 release of our platform. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue. If you are still seeing any issues after upgrading to this version, please let us know.
  6. Just a quick update to let you know that this issue was resolved in the recent 4.7.8 release of our platform. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue. If you are still seeing any issues after upgrading to this version, please let us know.
  7. Just a quick update to let you know that this issue was resolved in the recent 4.7.8 release of our platform. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue. If you are still seeing any issues after upgrading to this version, please let us know.
  8. Just a quick update to let you know that this issue was resolved in the recent 4.7.8 release of our platform. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue. If you are still seeing any issues after upgrading to this version, please let us know.
  9. Just a quick update to let you know that this issue was resolved in the recent 4.7.8 release of our platform. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue. If you are still seeing any issues after upgrading to this version, please let us know.
  10. Just a quick update to let you know that this issue was resolved in the recent 4.7.8 release of our platform. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue. If you are still seeing any issues after upgrading to this version, please let us know.
  11. Just a quick update to let you know that this issue was resolved in the recent 4.7.8 release of our platform. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue. If you are still seeing any issues after upgrading to this version, please let us know.
  12. Just a quick update to let you know that this issue was resolved in the recent 4.7.8 release of our platform. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue. If you are still seeing any issues after upgrading to this version, please let us know.
  13. If you upload a fresh set of files from your client area, it will correct that problem for you.
  14. This was removed in some circumstances such as this, and setting dates in the past, due to causing unintended consequences in other areas of the software, unfortunately.
  15. You could try, however Im unable to advise on whether or not that would work unfortunately.
  16. I've moved this to our feedback forum, as this is not Something that is currently a feature on the platform and would currently require 3rd party modification to achieve.
  17. I can take a look to see why you are getting that message. Could I ask what you mean by it breaks? Stripe should actually work a lot easier than braintree, so it seems you have an issue individual to your site there somewhere, which Im sure we can get sorted with you
  18. We would need some examples of this, so we can take a look for you
  19. I have moved this to the suggestions area for something that you wish to have changed there.
  20. Thank you for your feedback. We would indeed tend to do this, however there are occasions where there is a fix involved, which would simply be added to the software for a future release, and requires development to intervene to resolve an issue. Where It's a widespread issue, we would of course then patch which negates the need there.
  21. Thank you for the confirmation, Editorn 🙂
  22. There are no presentation solutions that suit your specific preference. As mentioned, we certainly have plans for improvement on that area, however I would say, we have a fully functional trial of all products before you purchase any application on the platform,
  23. There isnt a way in which to do the opposite at present, without customisation
  24. I will certainly bring it up internally, however to me its likely due to the difference in action that would result normally from those links
  25. Im not sure this is really a bug to be honest. It does this as It's a clickable link to enter the inbox, rather than (as with the icon) a dropdown
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