Max started following Invision Community 5: Topic Summaries , Star for threads I've posted in , Invision Community 5: Week 1 Update and 6 others
Star for threads I've posted in
This is a big feature on our forums currently, everyone uses it. Hopefully it comes back.
Invision Community 5: Week 1 Update
So exciting, thanks!
Invision Community 5 Open Beta Testing
This is encouraging, Q1 of 2025 would be amazing!
Just experienced 10 minutes of downtime (Invision Cloud)
We have been seeing some issues on Sunday and again tonight.
Downtime now and on Sunday (Cloud Hosting)
Our forums were getting this error a few minutes ago and we had problems on Sunday during the NFL games. This happened a lot last year on game day. Is there anything we can do on our end to make things more reliable? Our users are getting frustrated.
My site is slow or down, again. And so is this site, again.
I have users hammering me over the same thing. They say the temporarily unavailable message happens regularly for them.
Site was offline yesterday
Thanks. I am actually glad to hear that it wasn't related to the NFL Draft traffic spike. I appreciate the responses.
Site offline
It is scary, we had the exact same thing. During the NFL Draft on an NFL fan site. Very frustrating we never had problems on classic hosting. Now we are paying much more and it seems like there are always problems on big traffic days.
Site was offline yesterday
Thanks! It was such a big traffic day for us, total bummer to crash. People are losing confidence in us since we went to cloud hosting.
Site was offline yesterday
We run a site that is NFL related and I have so many people telling me they couldn't access it yesterday during the NFL draft. This is our biggest day(s) of the year. I noticed the forums were offline this morning. I saw another thread and cleared my cache. But I had people reaching out saying they couldn't get in. Two questions: 1. Is whatever issue it was, fixed? 2. Can everyone get on now without clearing cache? Our posts counts were much lower than expected yesterday, this is very disappointing. We didn't have problems like this when we were self hosted.
Invision Community 5: Topic Summaries
This is so exciting. Would love to have an AI instance that has read every one of our posts and is available for questions. Tell me what x user said about this event in 2021. Big dreams, I know. 🙂
How to remove unverified members?
This was a huge help, thank you. Didn't know this option existed!
Community is temporarily unavailable error
I still haven't received a response. My primary email never receives them and I am not sure why. I put an alternate email on file, can someone send the ticket info and response to my secondary email? Thanks.
My site is down / slow
This is the exact same experience for us. We never had issues on our dedicated server. I love the idea of being able to scale with cloud hosting for our bigger traffic days. So far that hasn't been the experience and I am hearing it from the community.
Community is temporarily unavailable error
Thank you, I had sent an email but I will do it this way going forward. Please add my alternate email to the ticket, for some reason my primary email never receives them. Much appreciated.