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Stuart Silvester

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Everything posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. I have sent you a renewal invoice 🙂
  2. Please submit a support ticket so we can fix that for you.
  3. I have generated a new renewal invoice for you (for Links Directory). After you pay that, you'll be able to upgrade. We're working on improving this flow in a future release.
  4. Your new PHP version is missing the mbstring extension, it may be missing more too. I would recommend running the compatibility checker - Note: PHP 8.0 is not supported at this time.
  5. Yes your thinking is on the right track, I encountered this a few weeks ago, it's specific to locales that use a comma for the decimal separator. It should be fixed in 4.5.5.
  6. There was a reason we didn't add it to profile photos in the first place, it caused some issues due to how some of the profile photos can be loaded in content via AJAX. We do ultimately want to move towards native lazyloading (which wasn't a thing when we designed this functionality) it would just be nice if Apple finally supported it on MacOS and iOS - https://caniuse.com/loading-lazy-attr
  7. A blank page would typically mean that PHP encountered a fatal error. Your server PHP error log should contain further information about the issue.
  8. No, not at this time. There are some backwards incompatible issues that may cause problems if you try to use PHP 8.0
  9. You should avoid using serialize, it has inherent security issues especially when using it with user generated content.. See warning - https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.unserialize.php I don't know how you're generating the 'youtube_json' value, but it would be better/safer to look into why the syntax is invalid and address that instead.
  10. Please have some patience and give the author a chance (3 hours is not enough time) to provide technical support if you are having issues. If the author does not reply, you can then open a support ticket in the client area. I would also recommend re-reading the terms and conditions that you agreed to prior to purchasing the resource (you can do this by clicking the buy button again). Filing a chargeback is not the solution.
  11. Gift cards are on their own page ( store/gift-cards/ ), by default they are in the community menu under 'store'.
  12. I would recommend submitting a support ticket so we can have a look at your error logs.
  13. You should always avoid using dots in your bucket name - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/BucketRestrictions.html It can cause SSL certificate issues in some situations.
  14. There is a constant ( TEXT_ENCRYPTION_KEY ) that you can set if you change your credentials. If you already have encrypted text stored, you would need to calculate the same MD5 and then save it to constants.php
  15. @InvisionHQ Has direct access to talk with us in real-time, they can ask us any questions if they have them. It is worth noting that if you install or upgrade an application with one that wasn't source via the Marketplace, you will not be able to upgrade it via the Marketplace in future. Just bear that in mind.
  16. Hi! Welcome to Invision Community! We don't convert subscription payment data from vBulletin to Commerce, so those IPN payments won't do anything in Invision Community (IPN is also really old and not a protocol we use anyway)!. Your best solution would be to cancel any outstanding subscription payments you may have set up via IPN and then manually set up a subscription purchase in Invision Community for those affected members set to expire on their anniversary date. When their renewal comes around, they'll be able to make their payment through the newer PayPal systems. Optionally, you can use Billing Agreements to automatically charge them every year. You may find these guides useful: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/suite-applications/commerce/getting-the-basics_384/setting-up-paypal-r329/ https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/suite-applications/commerce/products-purchases/selling-subscriptions-r308/
  17. Unfortunately, just because it has been part of your resource for a while doesn't mean it's the right way to do it. Re-using a core editor location for other things can cause issues that are really difficult to diagnose. Such as (but not including) rebuild issues, attachments and content mysteriously disappearing. It does mean that your plugin would need to become an application, which is a bit more involved than a simple update, but if you need any pointers or advice please feel free to post in our contributors section.
  18. Hi Victor, Our converter will already redirect vB Blog /entries/x URLs, all you would need to do is make sure those requests are redirected into your Invision Community platform i.e redirect yourdomain.com/blogs/entries/x-title to yourdomain.com/forums/entries/0-title our converter will automatically see this and redirect the request from there. We don't redirect article paths because they can greatly differ from one vB install to another and may clash with our own Pages URLs. The redirect rules are in the converter PHP files themselves /applications/converter/sources/Software/Blog/Vbulletin.php -> checkRedirects() Thanks! Stuart
  19. You'll need to submit a ticket for assistance.
  20. You could still upgrade your resource without submitting it as a new one if you prefer, see this contributors topic for more info: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/457670-moving-from-a-plugin-to-an-application/ Let us know via that topic if you have any questions.
  21. Run the support tool to fix and then apply the patch to prevent this occurring 🙂
  22. Good to know, I don't use Nginx personally. This is only for the initial login process, other Marketplace actions will work fine before a password prompt.
  23. I'm not familiar with Plesk so I'm unsure if you can edit the .htaccess file (although, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to). You can use something like this to exclude a path from the password requirement - https://stackoverflow.com/a/41289289 You would need to exclude /index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=marketplace Alternatively, you could set the test community offline instead of using a password prompt, it pretty much does the same thing. Don't forget though, our license terms do provide allowance for one test installation 😉
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