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Stuart Silvester

Invision Community Team
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Everything posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. Can you tell me... Which version of FireFox are you using? Do you have any extensions installed? Is your enhanced tracking protection preference set to Strict?
  2. You have a third party application installed and probably don't have the dev files for it.
  3. I can't say for sure, it is in our backlog however and will get addressed as we work through it.
  4. If a guide is out of date, just hit the report button and let us know. Someone will update it soon after we're aware. (Google and Facebook especially change their interfaces very often).
  5. Hi Gazza! Yes, this is enabled by our Progressive Web Application (PWA) improvements coming soon in 4.6
  6. Mobile Browsers will do this when a progressive web app (PWA) is supported, this is something that is coming soon!
  7. We also don't create sessions for all guests, this number would never be accurate
  8. You most definitely have outdated files on your server, download Invision Community from the client area again and make sure you upload all of the files overwriting any existing files. 4.5.x supports PHP 7.4, it does not support PHP 8.0
  9. It looks like you may have some old files from a previous upgrade attempt. Delete applications/core/* (and you can also delete the other default applications if you wish) then re-upload the files.
  10. I cannot, I haven't actually seen these display for any site yet. As I note though, with a lot of the structured data, it's completely upto the search engine what they choose to display. We support it, and the data is there so it will be used if they deem it to be suitable.
  11. We already provide best answer (or acceptedAnswer) information in the JSON-LD output. It's up to Google whether they actually use it for your site though. For example, this answered topic: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/461682-forums-card-title/
  12. Changing disable_functions at your account level on a shared server (and in may PHP configurations won't work because they're core directives) is not really seeing the point of these warnings. They're there because those methods could also potentially be used by other accounts on your server to exploit your data by bypassing the typical directory protections in PHP/open_basedir. They're as much about protecting your community and your data from other sites that may get exploited on the same server.
  13. It doesn't sound like a software change would address the issue of your members being impatient. I think you just need to be very clear that you process payouts on X day of the week and that's how it works (you've probably already done that though!).
  14. A SERVER_CONFIGURATION error suggests that PHP is triggering the error because of a PHP extension issue:
  15. Currency symbols and the price formatting come from your servers locale. Make sure that your language pack is using the correct locale (AdminCP > Customisation > Languages > Edit Language pack (s))
  16. You can go to https://invisioncommunity.com/clients/purchases/ and click renew next to the purchase
  17. You probably don't need it with 4.6, we've changed how the support section works so there's a simple button to clear caches. More info:
  18. Sorry, the mentioned fix is in 4.6, not a currently released version.
  19. I believe that has already been fixed as part of a different unrelated issue. We issue patches for critical or wide-impacting issues. These validation errors would not qualify as one of those.
  20. It sounds like your server no longer meets the minimum requirements for Invision Community. The DomDocument extension is enabled by default (and is perhaps missing from your PHP 7.4 build) and is required to run a lot of PHP based software. Please run our requirement checker to see if anything else is missing If that doesn't show anything missing, I would next suggest re-uploading a copy of Invision Community, overwriting your existing files.
  21. This was an issue in a release for about 1.5 hours before we pushed out to address it. If you're still seeing it, please submit a ticket and we'll take a look to see what's going on.
  22. As usual, if they submit a ticket we can look into it. It's likely related to the fact that we changed the policy after our last release which wouldn't allow Marketplace sign ins with expired licenses.
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