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Stuart Silvester

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. I just wanted to clarify the NGINX 'issue' (although this would apply to any server/proxy/CDN setup that doesn't pass the required header). You will need to make sure that the HTTP Authorization header is passed through to PHP. Making that header available will enable Zapier to communicate with your community. You'll also need to do this if you want to use other features that use HTTP authentication such as the REST API.
  2. They also say that it can be something at the OS level, which I would also agree with. You can see the available locales on your server with `locale -a` To test whether a locale is supported, we try setting the locale (via setlocale( LC_ALL, $locale ); ) the various possible names of the locale (some systems have .UTF-8 or .UTF8 in the locale name). If this fails (at PHP/OS level, i.e. the locale isn't present or working), it won't be available as an option on the list, or usable as a custom definition.
  3. That shouldn't be the case, I will test further. Our response logs shows that a security hash didn't match. That comparison wouldn't occur if the offline page was blocking the process, but it is an interesting point.
  4. Hi, It looks like you managed to sign in successfully. I think you may have tried to sign in again before your server had received/processed the previous sign in attempt.
  5. Hello! It's simpler than that actually, all you need to do is paste the URL from your browser address bar and it'll automatically embed. So pasting: https://vimeo.com/164641495 becomes:
  6. Hi John! If you go to 'Applications' you should see an 'Update Available' label showing next to the 'System' application: Click to start the upgrade process.
  7. You don't need to do anything, we're working on regenerating recent thumbnails from the full size image. You should see them gradually re-appear.
  8. Hi, Thank you for letting us know, we'll make sure this is fixed in a future release.
  9. We've got an open task to upgrade our integration to the latest version. I have just added a link to this blog post to it, so we're aware. Thank you for letting us know.
  10. No problem! I'm glad to see that you've got it working.
  11. You would need to check those boxes on the right for the endpoints you want that scope to have access to. The scopes, as part of the OAuth standard, you pass when you authenticate the user - https://aaronparecki.com/oauth-2-simplified
  12. If you are using OAuth authentication, the endpoints must be configured via the OAuth client scopes, sending the users access token as a bearer as detailed in our documentation. API Key authentication and OAuth authentication are not interchangeable, you would use one or the other for your requests.
  13. Go to AdminCP → System → REST & OAuth → OAuth Clients, click edit next to your OAuth client and then click on the 'Scope' tab. You will need to either create a new scope depending on your needs, or add endpoint permissions to an existing scope. If you add a new scope, you will also need to add it to your OAuth authentication code.
  14. I was reading the first post of this topic, obviously you added that after the post sync was disabled 😄 I have disabled purchases on this for you.
  15. This is for attaching audio files to content/posts they'll automatically turn into an audio player if the browser supports it (like videos do). I don't believe that affects how your app works 🙂
  16. You will need to show us the full code, the example provided has this issue and it would explain the problem you are seeing.
  17. Unfortunately, it's not really that simple. You can have posts that are hidden or unapproved that may or may not be visible to the person the link is loading for, and depending on those hidden posts, the actual last post might be on a different page. We have effectively removed these kinds of redirects for guests though in the SEO updates, I think you'll like the results.
  18. It could be be that $member isn't defined when you pass it to \IPS\Session\Front::setMember();
  19. We've got a fix for this issue coming in 4.6.7. You're absolutely correct, it's an issue with generating the email notification to let the member know that they've been awarded a new badge.
  20. If you use the pipe/incoming email functionality, anyone regardless of whether they are registered or not can create tickets by emailing you.
  21. This constant doesn't affect the speed at which emails are sent, only the amount that are processed 'per cycle' and background tasks are designed to run as many cycles as possible in within the allowed server resources. There isn't a way to restrict how many emails are sent per time, perhaps you may want to look at a service such as SendGrid or SES that can handle the volume.
  22. Yes, I would recommend upgrading to 3.4 first, then going to 4.6
  23. This feature/change was introduced in 4.4, so it should be the same 🙂
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