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Stuart Silvester

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. We were seeing reports that having the support for audio would keep browsers/devices awake and not allow them to sleep regardless of whether the end-user had sounds enabled or not. In addition to that, Browsers are getting much stricter about what can play/trigger a sound and in many cases it no longer worked. You can (except iOS/Safari) use push notifications instead now and allow them to make a noise on your device.
  2. You can also allow your members to use one Invision Community account to login to both of your communities
  3. It looks like some of your templates/CSS may be out of date. I would recommend reviewing your theme (including CSS) and merging in any changed that were introduced in 4.6.x.
  4. I'm slightly confused because there issue you reported is related to pagination in the SQL toolbox. It isn't related in any way to Redis. I would recommend submitting a ticket if you're having an issue.
  5. We added it to profile photos. We can't completely replace the Javascript solution yet, Safari & iOS do not support the native method. It is on our radar though and we're keeping an eye on support.
  6. Thanks, we're looking into it.
  7. MySQL added 'member' as a reserved keyword in 8.0.17 and 8.0.18 and then removed it again (thanks Oracle!). I have submitted a change for this, but an alternative fix would be to upgrade to a newer version of MySQL 8.0.x
  8. Flagging as a spammer does do this if the 'delete' content option is selected.
  9. I really wouldn't worry about deleting the accounts, you're talking [usually] at less than a kilobyte of data per member. (average in my dev environment is 435 bytes and those are accounts that haven't had things like signatures etc deleted). If you trust the moderators, then setting the action to delete the posted content is a good approach, that would have a greater impact on data usage than the account. As you've noted, keeping the accounts there prevent the email address from being used again.
  10. Sorry, I thought you were asking about how the remote part of the process works. You can configure what flagging a member as a spammer does please see this guide - https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/security-and-rules/spam-prevention-r9/#spammers It also contains other useful information about configuring the various options.
  11. You can find out more information about our Spam Defense Service here: https://invisioncommunity.com/features/spam/
  12. The converter will only read from the paths/database credentials you provide, but @CoffeeCake does offer sound advice if you're concerned about causing issues to your live site.
  13. Thanks, I've opened an internal issue so we can review this.
  14. Submit a ticket and we'll take a look. I haven't seen this happen before.
  15. I did. I suspect your user has created 2690 topics/content items? Reputation points were not part of the calculation of member ranks in older versions, it was purely content count.
  16. If you select to keep your existing ranks during upgrade, we insert two rules to keep the functionality the same New comment item is posted Comment/reply is posted
  17. It sound like this may be the same as this issue? If so, we already have an internal bug report open for this
  18. Thank you, I have created an internal bug report for this and we'll review it soon.
  19. Thank you, I have created an internal bug report for this.
  20. 4.6 added support for native web sharing, so if you have WeChat installed on your device, it will automatically be an available option for sharing
  21. Our reply was asking you to use the email address tied to your license, so you won't see the response in the client area. It should be in the email inbox you used to send the request though. We will need to look further at this via ticket. To save time, feel free to go ahead and create a new one from the client area 🙂
  22. Hi, Go to <url>/admin/upgrade and see if anything is available to upgrade. It sounds like this process hasn't been ran. p.s. I just checked our tickets and it looks like we replied to you about 4 hours ago.
  23. Patches are always included in the client area download and upgrade via the client area. As usual over holidays, our support agents will be available for any urgent issues but response for other general requests may be delayed. The PayPal error is very clearly an issue on their side, other customers have been using the marketplace successfully both before you tried and after you tried.
  24. This exception suggests you have notification data in your database for a notification that no longer exists (or the application no longer exists)
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