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Stuart Silvester

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Everything posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. You're absolutely right, I was using the same terminology the health dashboard uses. We have pushed out a bulletin to those affected but it may take a few hours to display (depending on when the community checks for new bulletins).
  2. We've made an optional patch available to address this (and issues with the admincp upgrade when PHP 8 is used), go to AdminCP > Support > and click optional update in the 'Invision Community' block. The captcha issue did only affect specific configurations of the registration form where the full form was in use (instead of quick registration).
  3. There are many legitimate reasons why you would still want the payments to go to the gateway when using test gateways. A big one is that we wouldn't be able to test issues customers reports or work on bug fixes/features with out it, it is extensively used through our development process and by customers who provide development and support to other users of Commerce. The thing is, the constant will change most gateways to send data to their sandbox/test environments instead of their live environment but Stripe does not work in the same way. Stripe relies on the API Key provided to determine if the data is for a live transaction or a test transaction. If you're using a live API key on your test site then Stripe is going to interpret the data as live data. TLDR, Generate a test api key and use that on your test site instead.
  4. This issue appears to be caused by invisible recaptcha, switching to recaptcha 2 will fix the issue. We're still looking into the issue of whether it's a Google problem or something we need to fix.
  5. Yes, the language string you're looking for is 'notification__new_mention_title'. There are also others that start with notification__ that are used in push notifications
  6. It's working for me, you may find that your device has cached the old manifest so it hasn't seen your new updates yet.
  7. If your GD/ImageMagick libraries (whichever one you may be using) support WebP you will see webp listed on the allowed extensions when uploading images.
  8. The issue OP was facing wasn't software related, but we had it fixed fairly quickly. This kind of thing could be anything from a permissions issue not allowing an extracted file to overwrite an existing one or maybe your specific PHP install being unable to extract the archive. Unless you submit a ticket, we simply won't know and won't be able to do anything to correct it if it is a genuine issue.
  9. mod_security lets you define and set which rules are enabled, you should be able to identify and disable the specific rule that is causing the problem without disabling everything.
  10. The placeholder applies to the plain text field (and it's applied to the textarea) that's hidden by the autocomplete Javascript. However, the value displayed in the autocomplete itself is not customisable at this time (it's set in a JS template).
  11. Thank you, I have created an internal bug report for this.
  12. Thank you, I have created an internal bug report for this.
  13. Thank you, I have created an internal bug report for this.
  14. That sounds like you've got something like mod_security on the server blocking the post submission. Your server administrator should be able to assist with that.
  15. WebP has the correct file extension in 4.6.3
  16. The enclosure is the related image (it would be the record image in this case), Summary and Thumbnail are not valid elements for an RSS 2.0 feed - https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/rss2.html Category is really the only thing that would be 'possible' to add.
  17. The replacement in that string is '_date_month_year_short'
  18. I would check that your language pack has the locale set correctly for your region, you can also translate dates in the language pack, search for 'January' for example and you'll see a number of available strings to translate.
  19. Yes, if you're having an issue, let us know about it You won't when upgrading from 4.5 to 4.6, it's a one-time thing that happens when you upgrade from 4.4 or older.
  20. I don't even see the service worker, I'm getting immediately redirected to the /forums/home/ page.
  21. The images with size requirements have them listed (there's only one). The other images can be whatever size you wish. Your community is showing the PWA is installable now (don't forget the manifest file may be cached, so it may take some time for the testing service/browser to see any updates you make)
  22. This is your remaining problem, something is redirecting that request to the homepage instead of showing the Service Worker JS. We don't have any redirects in this controller so I suspect it may be something third party or server related.
  23. If you can submit a ticket via the client area, we'll look into this for you.
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