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Stuart Silvester

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Everything posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. That looks like you have notification data in your database for Reactions (likes) on personal messages, but the app that they reference (which is a 3rd party) no longer exists (or is disabled) on your community. If you've deleted the application and the issue still exists, it may be worth letting the author know so they can make sure they're cleaning up the data appropriately when their application is removed.
  2. There aren't any changes for Twitter integration in this version. As noted in the support ticket, Twitter have started locking down access to some APIs (for new developer accounts) and if you want to use them now you need to apply for elevated access to use them. We're still evaluating using alternative APIs, but that won't be something that's included in 4.6.10.
  3. I see, I created a bug report for the suggestion to upgrade not being consistent between the requirement checker and the software itself. In this case, this wouldn't be a bug. We display the database server version verbatim, this is exactly what the MySQL/MariaDB server tells us when queried.
  4. It looks like you're reporting an issue in the requirement checker, this is a standalone script and not part of our software release. I have filed an internal bug report so we can check this, it should be consistent with the checks with run in the software.
  5. We have deployed a fix here for this issue, it will be included in the next beta.
  6. Thank you for letting us know, this will be fixed in an upcoming release.
  7. If you want everything to be behind a login/register prompt, edit the Guest group (AdminCP > Members > Groups) and disable 'can access site?' This will force every visitor to register/login to browse your community.
  8. Your administrator account is using UTC time (as is the default), it's not currently using your own timezone. We auto-detect this on the front-end. You should find that if you log in there, your admin user will set to the correct timezone. You can also see which timezone is in use on the AdminCP Member profile, on the left under Devices & IP Addresses.
  9. It sounds like you may have configured IP pruning for content (AdminCP > System > Settings > Posting) but not for profiles/device management. Go to AdminCP > Members > Member Settings > Profiles > Profile Settings and configure 'Prune Member IP Addresses'
  10. We wouldn't recommend it, EOL versions of PHP have known security vulnerabilities that may put your data at risk. When we set a new minimum version, we'll also start using new features PHP introduced in that version, it's highly likely it won't work and we would be unable to provide technical support.
  11. Sucuri is serving up some kind of Javascript redirection page to us.. <html><title>You are being redirected...</title> <noscript>Javascript is required. Please enable javascript before you are allowed to see this page.</noscript> <script>var s={},u,c,U,r,i,l=0,a,e=eval,w=String.fromCharCode,sucuri_cloudproxy_js=\'\',S=\'cz0iMCIgKyAiIiArIjZzdSIuc2xpY2UoMCwxKSArICAnJyArJycrJ3JRMycuY2hhckF0... You'll need to whitelist or somehow allow these requests to /index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=marketplace to reach your origin.
  12. The task system isn't designed to run tasks at specific times, what you want to do isn't possible. Instead, you may want to have a cron on your server run a file in your apps interface folder at a specific time instead.
  13. Yes, PHP 8.0.x is. it is PHP 8.1 that isn't officially supported yet.
  14. Your screenshot doesn't show the same issue, did you click convert and continue the UTF8 conversion?
  15. Make sure that your code is the same as mine, I edited it almost immediately after I posted it, but perhaps after you saw it.
  16. No, if you skip UTF8 conversion your entire site will be unreadable. Try changing if ( \count( $nextBatch ) and ! \count( $batch ) ) to if ( \is_array( $nextBatch ) and \count( $nextBatch ) and ! \count( $batch ) )
  17. Yes, it wasn't a good enough workaround. I went a different route for the fix I have committed.
  18. I have submitted a potential fix for the upgrade SQL issues when upgrading from < 4.0.0 using MySQL 8.0.2 or newer. Following review and approval this change should be included in an upcoming release.
  19. Revert your changes to upgrade.php and then change line 1116 to the query I have posted here: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/464771-upgrade-sql-syntax-error/?do=findComment&comment=2876454
  20. This should work. Edit applications/core/setup/upg_32000/upgrade.php line 1116 and change it to \IPS\Db::i()->query( "UPDATE `" . \IPS\Db::i()->prefix . 'groups` SET `g_view_board`=1 WHERE `g_id`=' . (int) $INFO['guest_group'] ); You would need to disable the upgrade file check with: \define( 'UPGRADE_MD5_CHECK', FALSE ); In your constants.php file. Make sure you remove this after the upgrade.
  21. `groups` is a reserved keyword in MySQL 8.0.2 and newer. 3.1 predates this by many many years. You may need to do the upgrade on an earlier version of MySQL, but I'll see if we can come up with a workaround.
  22. If you enable/disable lazy loading and rebuild existing content, the background task is unable to complete for this app.
  23. Our policy (requested and backed by Marketplace authors) is that an active license is required to use the Marketplace. The only exception to this is where you have purchased something, you are still entitled to access it whilst your purchase is active.
  24. You can continue to upgrade paid resources if their renewal period expires after your license (or they do not have one). You cannot renew a paid resource without an active license.
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