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    balazsp reacted to Nathan Explosion in Copy Live-Content to Test-Platform   
    On the resulting test instance, please create a constants.php file in the root (same location as the conf_global.php)
    Content should be
    <?php and then think about the following:
    To avoid actually sending out email to users...(create an 'email' folder in the root of the installation)
    \define('EMAIL_DEBUG_PATH', 'email'); If you use Commerce, add this to ensure that you aren't going to end up double-charging for items that may be renewable
    \define('NEXUS_TEST_GATEWAYS', true); If you already have a constants.php file then it may have content in there specific to your production installation, and it may need to be modified to avoid affecting the production instance (caching stuff, for example) In this case, post the current contents for advice.
  2. Like
    balazsp reacted to shahed in Peacock Theme [Support Topic]   
    Update 1.2.0 for peacock Theme going to be a massive update with a lot of new features and functionality that will be release in near future.
    Summary of upcoming update 1.2.0
    Select style for User Hover Card:
    Update 1.2.0 will add a new section to theme settings: User Hover Cards (UHC). in this section, Admin can select one of three options to use as default UHC. 1) IPS Default 2)Horizontal 3)Vertical which last two are custom design and adopted to be use in Desktop/Tablet/Phone.
    Horizontal have special animation work so Demo will be a video clip:
    Vertical mode:

    User Hover Card section also gets a setting for making UHC with blur glass effect. can be set active/de-active and works on all styles. demo for default UHC:

    Select style for Page Title Box:
    Page Title Box have two mode in peacock theme as of now to show either inside the top cover image or in main area. when it's in top cover image , currently it is looks like this:

    Now this section have style select to make it in (Light mode/Dark mode/Pick color from palette)... addition to that, there is option to show them with blur glass effect as well.
    Light mode with blur glass effect:

    Dark mode (Normal/Blur glass effect)

    Color palette mode (Normal/Blur glass effect) which picks color directly from color palette per user choice

    Blur glassy effect for Header Slider:

    Maximum width button
    With a maximum width button at bottom-side of peacock, in Desktop users can decide to browse website in normal default width or stretched and max width mode. button can be active/de-active by admin.

    per Forum color setting in Alternative Design:
    With this option is active, Alternative Design for Forums uses Featured color that being set for every forum to display:

    Update will also adds many optimizations and refinements to various areas, included: buttons, widgets, color palette and ...
    Important Note: After this release peacock theme will see a price increase as well.
  3. Like
    balazsp reacted to Kirill Gromov in Avatar Hub   
    Hello, @balazsp, you can use something like this:
    Create a new Pages block with html and add this:
    <a class='ipsButton ipsButton_medium ipsButton_important ipsButton_fullWidth' href='#' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-url='/index.php?app=avatarhub&module=hub&controller=front&do=styleAvatar'>Select Avatar</a> Should work
  4. Thanks
    balazsp got a reaction from The Old Man in Which settings and options to use for oAuth to use GraphQL and REST API?   
    AFAIK Directory expects a full path... Like 
    <Directory "/usr/local/httpd/htdocs"> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks </Directory> If your code applies to all user's internal public_html folders, you may want to use DirectoryMatch: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#directorymatch
    If your full path is /public_htm/ from / , please ignore the above. 
  5. Thanks
    balazsp reacted to IBResource ltd. in Upgrade problem... Fatal error: Cannot use "parent" when current class scope has no parent in   
    By doing that you have excluded theme plugins from templates compilation. This is temporary solution until next recompilation.
    There is an issue with PHP8 uncatchable error, which was deprecated in PHP7.4. Some theme plugin hooks use trick with parent template function overloading in addition to documented hookData() method:
    public function includeCSS() { \IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles, \IPS\Theme::i()->css( 'somePlugin.css', 'core', 'front' ) ); return parent::includeCSS(); } As a workaround you can fool the interpreter by changing 
    return parent::includeCSS(); to
    return \call_user_func_array( 'parent::' . __FUNCTION__, func_get_args() ); The difficulty is that these new errors are not catchable by error handler, so you can't know which hook file is causing them. This often happens with this plugin https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9966-back-2-top/ and this app https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7940-iawards/
  6. Thanks
    balazsp got a reaction from SJ77 in Best upload_max_filesize to support plupload chunks when uploading large files?   
    Just my 2cents: if you have any AV (or mod_security) configured, you may want to exclude these large files (if they are not exluded by default), otherwise they can take up a LOT of memory while processing them. 
  7. Thanks
    balazsp reacted to tPx in Cyber Apex [ Dark & Light ]   
    will be re-added soon!
  8. Agree
    balazsp reacted to Interferon in In fluid forum view, make categories collapsable, and collapse by default   
    I like the fluid forum view for staying on top of the forum contents, but the categories list takes up a lot of valuable real estate on a page we are trying to make the most of. I suggest making the categories box collapsed by default, and then allow the user to expand it when desired. Maybe this can be done in a drop-down box like the compact view does it.
    We have a side bar filled with other stuff, and its a little awkward that the fluid and traditional views result in a side bar with a much different height.
  9. Like
    balazsp got a reaction from greg_repolitic in Innodb conversion on b_core_search_index table with 1.5m rows   
    It is possible that the timeout was from the webserver and the mysql command is still running. 
    You can check it in a new phpmyadmin window under status > processes:

    It will list the running mysql commands. If the conversion query is still running there then you should wait until it is completed. 
  10. Thanks
    balazsp got a reaction from Kazhal in Cursed User?!   
    @Kazhal modsecurity (if it is used) can do this if the username is any of the mysql commands or a substring of a known bad useragent string.
  11. Thanks
    balazsp reacted to sobrenome in Cached pages for guests on AWS Cloudfront or another CDN   
    Caching headers was not the issue. I found out that my domain was pointing to the ELB instead of Cloudfront.
  12. Like
    balazsp got a reaction from sobrenome in Cached pages for guests on AWS Cloudfront or another CDN   
    Hi @sobrenome 
    did you happen to find a workaround for this issue?
  13. Thanks
    balazsp reacted to WP V0RT3X in TXT & PHP Widget   
    Sry totally forgot about this, also have to use a friends installation for testing ...

  14. Like
    balazsp reacted to SeNioR- in WebP and reprocessing images   
    Has anyone tried this code?
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On # Check if browser supports WebP images RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} image/webp # Check if WebP replacement image exists RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/$1.webp -f # Serve WebP image instead RewriteRule (.+)\.(jpe?g|png|gif)$ $1.webp [T=image/webp,E=REQUEST_image] </IfModule> <IfModule mod_headers.c> # Vary: Accept for all the requests to jpeg, png and gif Header append Vary Accept env=REQUEST_image </IfModule> <IfModule mod_mime.c> AddType image/webp .webp </IfModule>
  15. Thanks
    balazsp got a reaction from Runar in Mark Topic   
    @Runar thank you for your app, it works as exactly as advertised.. love it! 🙂
  16. Like
    balazsp reacted to Rizenmusic in Option to not update download item when edited   
    And how does this help? Sorting by last update is the most logical way. It's set as default method because it's the most logical. But files popping up every time you change 1 word is neither logical nor user-friendly. I have to add a message every time I edit a file description because users think there's something new there. It's easily avoidable by adding a switch when you edit a file.
  17. Haha
    balazsp got a reaction from SeNioR- in admin notification spam   
    I have renewed the 6mo license, and still getting 15k+ admin notifications about expiring and expired licenses in the admin area. (Also, why am I getting warned about a license that will expire in 6mo?)
    Every admin page takes 30-60 seconds to download, or sometimes they just timeout. 
    I have emptied the acp_notifications table in mysql, but these still show up. 
    How can I get rid of them?

  18. Thanks
    balazsp reacted to CoffeeCake in Is it necessary Rebuil Search Index habitually?   
    There's no built-in way to reindex only a portion. It's all or nothing.
    If you're seeing recurring issues, it may be worth creating a ticket asking for assistance. I'd check IPS error/system logs as well for clues.
  19. Thanks
    balazsp reacted to DawPi in (DP42) Bot Group   
    give me some time. 🙂
  20. Like
    balazsp reacted to My Sharona in AdSense Crawler   
    Just wanted to give Nathan a little bit of love here and tell anyone that may need this, that it does indeed work.
  21. Thanks
  22. Thanks
    balazsp reacted to Daniel F in How do i download plugins?   
    No they're not. They can share their own applications, plugins, themes and translations wherever they want.
  23. Thanks
    balazsp reacted to InvisionHQ in iAwards   
    Check in "core_permission_index"
  24. Thanks
    balazsp reacted to Pablo BJB in Upgrade from IP. 3.4.x to IPS4.0 (updated)   
    Hello fellow forum owners, 
    I want to share details of my experience with the upgrade process, so that it can help others who might face same problems as I had. My forum has about 90k topics and 1.9M posts, dating from March 2005. till now (https://forum.bjbikers.com). 
    About 10 days ago I ran the upgrade process (it took about 9 hrs to finish) and even though I have followed the instructions precisely, I had to rerun it because charser wasn't converted properly. Second time I have ran the db convert utility from the command line and then it worked. Here is that screen and the cli command is the one at the bottom:

    Mind you though that this DB conversion utility did not look the same as in the screen above, IPS should update their Running the upgrade instruction page.
    After the upgrade process finished for the second time, my community was up, but the problems have just emerged in the form of background rebuilding stuff tasks. It was running those tasks very slowly even though I have used cron tasks. My community runs on a dedicated server with decent hardware (Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 16GB RAM, 2x2TB SATA HDD in RAID-1). However, cron tasks were doing very little dent to the background tasks progress, while at the same time my community was extremely unresponsive, with load times over 20 seconds. Progress for rebuilding posts was like 2 hours for just 1%. My sys admin has convered all tables to InnoDB, switched to the latest version of MariaDB, upgraded PHP to v7.0 etc, but very little improvement happened. It seems that Rebuilding Posts task is using disk extensively, which on my server was completelly stalling other db operations. Then we found the mysql setting which improved things significantly. 
    The param which improved the background task progress is the innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit, in conjuction with the update of innodb-log-file-size param from 1G to 256M. We changed the innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit from default value of 1, to 2. It improved write speed significantly, changing the progress from 2hrs for just 1% to 20% done in just 1hr. It did cause one db crash, but overall it was a life saver. Here is the info about that parameter from MySQL documentation.
    Now the community is running smoothly, but there are some issues with several users not being able to log in. Hopefully I will resolve this with IPS Support. 
    Just one final note. I am quite disappointed with IPS Support during this upgrade process. I have asked for their help in terms of advices, but all I was getting as their response were some generic replies like íts not us, its your server etc'. I understand that it was my server setting, but I was hoping that IPS support engineers could point me in the right direction when it comes to server configuration, especially db server. If I didn't spent like 2-3 days constantly trying to figure out why that db was performing so poorly, while having my community offline, my community would take a significant hit and I would have probably given up on IPS software by now. I think that it is reasonable to expect that IPS support is able and willing to share advices on what are the common settings which can significantly affect the server performance since from what I can see, IPS4.X requires significantly more hardware resources than IP.Board 3.4.x. 
    In any case, I hope that my experience can help someone still holding on to the v3.4 and planning to upgrade to v4.x.
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