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Is it necessary Rebuil Search Index habitually?


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Hello, A moment ago I had rebuild the search index, because the correct search results for the topics did not appear. Only results of some contents appeared.

After Rebuild Search Index everything seems to work fine again. I'm using elasticsearch and it worked correctly. What can be happening to have to rebuild the index again?


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Generally, no, you should not need to manually rebuild the search index at all after it's set up.

I've noticed it become out of date a few times myself and needed to give it a rebuild but this seems rare, and one time was a result of it crashing from running out of memory.

If it happens to you frequently I would log a support ticket.

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  • 1 year later...
On 4/5/2019 at 3:24 AM, pequeno said:

Hello, A moment ago I had rebuild the search index, because the correct search results for the topics did not appear. Only results of some contents appeared.

After Rebuild Search Index everything seems to work fine again. I'm using elasticsearch and it worked correctly. What can be happening to have to rebuild the index again?


@pequeno did you happen to find a fix for the issue? thanks in advance!

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If elasticsearch is unavailable when content is created or edited, then the result isn't inserted/updated. That makes it not appear in searches.

Rebuilding search index tells the process to start over a fresh.

If you're seeing issues with results, check your elasticsearch logs (have your elasticsearch provider help you do this).

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Thank you.
I have zero errors in my local ES logs and the only warnings I can see is from the elasticsearch_deprecation.log: 

[2021-02-28T23:38:55,744][WARN ][o.e.d.r.a.s.RestSearchAction] [HOST] [types removal] Specifying types in search requests is deprecated.
[2021-03-01T01:42:39,874][WARN ][o.e.d.a.c.CommonAnalysisPlugin] [HOST] The [edgeNGram] token filter name is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please change the filter name to [edg
e_ngram] instead.
[2021-03-01T02:05:40,315][WARN ][o.e.d.r.a.s.RestSearchAction] [HOST] [types removal] Specifying types in search requests is deprecated.
[2021-03-01T07:40:33,976][WARN ][o.e.d.r.a.d.RestUpdateAction] [HOST] [types removal] Specifying types in document update requests is deprecated, use the endpoint /{index}/_update/{id} instead.
[2021-03-03T02:02:41,197][WARN ][o.e.d.r.a.a.i.RestCreateIndexAction] [HOST] [types removal] Using include_type_name in create index requests is deprecated. The parameter will be removed in the next
 major version.
[2021-03-03T02:02:43,526][WARN ][o.e.d.a.b.BulkRequestParser] [HOST] [types removal] Specifying types in bulk requests is deprecated.

Is there a way to manually rebuild the last hour's content? Maybe a script to call?
I'd be happy to do that to make sure the users can see all the latest contents. 


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1 hour ago, balazsp said:

Is there a way to manually rebuild the last hour's content? Maybe a script to call?
I'd be happy to do that to make sure the users can see all the latest contents. 

There's no built-in way to reindex only a portion. It's all or nothing.

If you're seeing recurring issues, it may be worth creating a ticket asking for assistance. I'd check IPS error/system logs as well for clues.

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  • 2 weeks later...
22 hours ago, Claudia999 said:

I also have to rebuild the search index (made with Elasticsearch) from time to time. This happens when the memory usage of our server was very high.

May I ask how big your SQL DB is? And how much memory you give to ES?

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