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Cyber Apex [ Dark & Light ]


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This is the support topic for Cyber Apex [ Dark & Light ] :

We recommend to register to our site for full support to follow those links :

Edited by doc
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Update 1.1

- We fixed the border on profile for white version, the var was blank, now it's fine.

Added in this version 
- Countdown wich contains this options :

  • Enable / Disable 
  • Upload a background for countdown
  • Chose background opacity
  • Countdown title
  • Customizable message when the event is over
  • Set the date
  • Change the names for [days, hours, minutes, seconds] if you are using another language

- Special Subforum Tab wich contains this options [ this tab is for people who want to hightlight some subforums ]:

  • Enable / Disable
  • You can chose between theme color or special color chosed by your self
  • You can chose another icon for special forums, by default is using a diamond " <i class="far fa-gem"></i> " or you can use normal icon like other non special forums
  • You can put a tooltip for special forums, by default is set with the title of " This is a special forum ] -> you can chose if you want a tooltip or not
  • How to add / remove new id's : Go in theme editor ->  forums -> front -> index -> forumRow and search for this line " {{if in_array($subforum->_id, array("4", "16", "17"))}} " and add or remove new id's

- Added new badge topic, clean no more big badge
- Added swiper slider for sponsors wich contains :

  • Enable or disable slider
  • Enable or disable slider dots
  • Enable or disable auto slider
  • Enable or disable custom slides
  • You can put what title you want to slider widget from ACP -> by default is sponsor
  • You have 3 slides by default, with 3 upload spaces in acp, if you want to create more, you need to upload the images local in theme resources if you want to keep SSL ON
  • Space to add new slides
  • Set the slider height ( we recomend 144px )
  • Set the delay for auto slider ( in miliseconds ) -> by default 2500
  • Enable or disable auto slider on interaction
  • Set the direction for slider ( vertical or horizontal )









Special Forums & New Badge




Edited by doc
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Update 1.2

Fixed in this version:

  • Resolved slider vertical problem [ it was a bug from swiper slider cdn ], tell us if you still encounter this problem
  • Theme responsivness is now fixed on index
  • Now the customizer button it will apear just if you are logged in on mobile version
  • Fixed the back to top & copyright button on mobile version

Added in this version:

  • Theme will come now with a color pink by default [ last color from customizer ]
  • Theme will come now with a def header background [ bg1 from customizer ]
  • We added a button to on/off forums tab on index
  • Now you can select which theme will be default for users who have not yet used customization. You can choose between dark and light! -> by default is dark
  • Now you can dezactivate the button for switching between dark & light, and let just 1 color [ dark or light ] -> both options can be find in ACP -> Index Tab

If you still have problem with switching only for one color, delete the browser cache!

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On 8/26/2021 at 11:52 PM, doc said:

Update 1.2

Fixed in this version:

  • Resolved slider vertical problem [ it was a bug from swiper slider cdn ], tell us if you still encounter this problem
  • Theme responsivness is now fixed on index
  • Now the customizer button it will apear just if you are logged in on mobile version
  • Fixed the back to top & copyright button on mobile version

Added in this version:

  • Theme will come now with a color pink by default [ last color from customizer ]
  • Theme will come now with a def header background [ bg1 from customizer ]
  • We added a button to on/off forums tab on index
  • Now you can select which theme will be default for users who have not yet used customization. You can choose between dark and light! -> by default is dark
  • Now you can dezactivate the button for switching between dark & light, and let just 1 color [ dark or light ] -> both options can be find in ACP -> Index Tab

If you still have problem with switching only for one color, delete the browser cache!

I think 1.2 is not available yet.. download is still 1.1

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Update 1.3

Fixed in this version:

  • Fixed Sidebar Widget width
  • Fixed subforum responsivness
  • Fixed countdown errors when the function is disabled

Added in this version:

  • Added Animate on scroll index Forum Row -> by default disabled
  • Cosmetic update for profile


Update 1.4


  • - Fixed the customizer sliding problem
  • - Resolved profile separator on mobile


  • - Changed green & purple color with something more visible
  • - When Megafooter is disabled, now you have a smaller footer with copyright & links


Update 1.5

Christmas Update

  1. Snow customizable :
  • ON/OFF
  • Snow Speed [ Recomended value is between 0 and 20 to avoid lag ]
  • Snow Color [ 255,255,255 = WHITE by default ]
  • Snow Position [ Under or Abobe the layout / default = under ]
  1. Forum icons are now snowflakes
  2. Back to top icon is now a snowflake
  3. Inside the topic you have a christmas frame aroun the avatars
  4. Special Forums are now snowmans
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, @doc, I love the theme. Do you offer a way to disable the copyright message? Or, do you provide a (paid) copyright-free option?

Also, I am using the dark version of the theme. It appears locked, and pinned topics appear with black instead of white text, which makes these topics hard to read due to the dark background. All other non-locked/pinned topics show as usual with white text.

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4 hours ago, Subdreamer said:

Hey, @doc, I love the theme. Do you offer a way to disable the copyright message? Or, do you provide a (paid) copyright-free option?

Also, I am using the dark version of the theme. It appears locked, and pinned topics appear with black instead of white text, which makes these topics hard to read due to the dark background. All other non-locked/pinned topics show as usual with white text.

Hey @Subdreamer Send me a message on discord and we can talk there more dOc#3798

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...


  •     https://tectonicpx.com/board [ Here you can find support for our themes & demo for templates ]
  •     If you are a client, send me a pm on https://tectonicpx.com/board [ and you will get acces to client area ]
  • !!! We recommend even if you are a customer or not, to create an account to discover 100% the benefits and appearance of our templates. For customers, updates come faster than here on the market, given the fact that there is no waiting time
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  • 3 months later...
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