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Joel R

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  1. Like
    Joel R reacted to bfarber in Custom Featured Image for Social Shares   
    If you use the "Promote" feature to share the entry to Facebook, you are allowed to manually upload images during the promotion process (or choose an existing one from whatever images are available in the content you are promoting). This would probably work better for you than simply linking to a page and letting Facebook "figure it out".
  2. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Taylor M. in IPS Rules Application   
    Hi @Kevin Carwile
    I wanted to let you know that I use Automation Rules app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available. 
  3. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Fierce God in Feature for 3rd party Store Use in Commerce   
    Suggestions by clients, no matter how big or small, are always appreciated.  
    For the drop shipping suggestion, it's usually those services that develop the plugin to become part of the platform's ecosystem. I know IPS routinely evaluates and adds in integrations for the biggest services that can apply to a variety of their client base.  
    IPS offers Commerce as an ecommerce solution.  It has several options for admins to manage their inventory, sell, and ship and track.  If you don't have the app yet but would like to explore the Commerce app, you can request a courtesy demo for one free week at a time.  
  4. Like
    Joel R reacted to Robert Angle in Quick request if you have 2 minutes...   
    A little late to the game, but....
    "Our community outgrew the abandoned freeware forum scripts we were using, and Invision Community Suite saved the day. From a flawless conversion to regular software updates, new features, and fast and responsive customer support, our community is more active and growing faster than ever before."
    - Robert Angle
  5. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Ramsesx in Sticky Notes (support topic)   
    Suggested by my members:
    Ability to delete individual sticky notes Ability to delete all of their sticky notes
  6. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Michael.J in Expire PM Attachments (Support)   
    Following file.  
    Wish I had known about this sooner! 
  7. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from LiquidFractal in Sticky Notes (support topic)   
    Suggested by my members:
    Ability to delete individual sticky notes Ability to delete all of their sticky notes
  8. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Thomas P in Everybody is choosing "Night Mode" nowadays....   
    I'm personally mixed on your dark mode suggestion ... but not because I wouldn't want a dark mode.  In fact, on my smartphone I use a blue light filter and switch to dark mode for many apps.  I love dark mode to ease the strain on my eyes.  
    Keep in mind that for all of your examples of dark mode, the developer controls one user experience for all users. 
    For IPS communities, however, individual communities can develop and customize the theming to their hearts content, and that can include any variations like regular or dark mode.  
    Will IPS earn major street cred for coming out with dark mode? Yes.  But is it something they need to do or should it be left up to the themers? That's a little more nuanced.  
  9. Thanks
    Joel R reacted to Makoto in 📁 Bulk / Zip Downloads   
    Sorry for the ambiguity, I'll update the file description with some more screenshots and try and make it a bit clearer!
    Basically, if you upload multiple files to a single IP.Downloads submission, it will provide a link to download all of those files at once in the window that pops up asking the user which file they want to download.
    For example,

  10. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Michael.J in Auto Welcome Support   
    Hi @Mike John
    Hello to my most favorite developer.  I wanted to let you know that I use Auto Welcome app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available. 
  11. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from GrooveOnBeat in Trophies and Medals - Supporttopic   
    Hi @Fosters
    My most favorite developer in the Marketplace (I promise I don't say that to every developer 😀).  I wanted to let you know that I use Trophies & Medals app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available. 
  12. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Tripp★ in Auto Welcome Support   
    I'm posting it everywhere, because I need 4.4 for a critical fix so this is my way of notifying authors their app compatibility is a high priority for me and my community.  
    I enjoy this app and would like to continue using it for 4.4. I'm not sure what the problem is for you in notifying Marketplace contacts that I would appreciate a prompt review of their file when 4.4 becomes available? Many of them have dozens of apps and plugins, and feedback like this from clients can help them figure out which ones to prioritize.  
  13. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from andrewbiggs in Newsletters   
    Hi @HeadStand
    I wanted to let you know that I use Newsletter app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available. 
  14. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Davyc in Sticky Notes (support topic)   
    Hi @TheJackal84
    I wanted to let you know that I use Sticky Notes app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available. 
  15. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from TAMAN in Magnum Theme [ support topic ]   
    Most mod authors may need a couple of days since 440 just officially became available as of this morning.  
  16. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Steph Jensen in Trophies and Medals - Supporttopic   
    Hi @Fosters
    My most favorite developer in the Marketplace (I promise I don't say that to every developer 😀).  I wanted to let you know that I use Trophies & Medals app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available. 
  17. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from crmarks in Bookmarks - Support Topic   
    Hi @Fosters
    I wanted to let you know that I use Bookmarks app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available. 
  18. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Hegnauer.io in Auto Welcome Support   
    I'm posting it everywhere, because I need 4.4 for a critical fix so this is my way of notifying authors their app compatibility is a high priority for me and my community.  
    I enjoy this app and would like to continue using it for 4.4. I'm not sure what the problem is for you in notifying Marketplace contacts that I would appreciate a prompt review of their file when 4.4 becomes available? Many of them have dozens of apps and plugins, and feedback like this from clients can help them figure out which ones to prioritize.  
  19. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from CheersnGears in Auto Welcome Support   
    I'm posting it everywhere, because I need 4.4 for a critical fix so this is my way of notifying authors their app compatibility is a high priority for me and my community.  
    I enjoy this app and would like to continue using it for 4.4. I'm not sure what the problem is for you in notifying Marketplace contacts that I would appreciate a prompt review of their file when 4.4 becomes available? Many of them have dozens of apps and plugins, and feedback like this from clients can help them figure out which ones to prioritize.  
  20. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from CheersnGears in Newsletters   
    Hi @HeadStand
    I wanted to let you know that I use Newsletter app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available. 
  21. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from DSystem in Delete My Account   
    Hi @Adriano Faria
    I wanted to let you know that I use Delete My Account app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available. 
  22. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from DSystem in IPS Rules Application   
    Hi @Kevin Carwile
    I wanted to let you know that I use Automation Rules app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available. 
  23. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from DSystem in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    Hi @TheJackal84
    I wanted to let you know that I use Members Shop app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available. 
  24. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from DSystem in Auto Welcome Support   
    Hi @Mike John
    Hello to my most favorite developer.  I wanted to let you know that I use Auto Welcome app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available. 
  25. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from DSystem in Sticky Notes (support topic)   
    Hi @TheJackal84
    I wanted to let you know that I use Sticky Notes app, and would appreciate an upgrade to 4.4 when it becomes officially available. 
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