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    PrettyPixels reacted to Joel R in Custom fields everywhere   
    Personally, I never understood by IPS didn't allow custom fields everywhere, only in certain apps like Pages and Downloads.  
  2. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Allegheny in Extra Fields search is useless/do not work the way it is   
    I agree 100%.
    What it's forced me to do is put everything in the main body / description so it will be included in a search.  Which does get around the search problem but wrecks any idea of having certain types of data separated out for uniformity and other database type purposes.  Like you said.... pretty much useless.
    Which also begs the question.... The solution to not include extra fields in search results only speeds things up by having less data to process (odd solution for a search problem, as we want data and content).  But, since that forces us to put the data in an area that is indexed, the net result is the same (performance wise).  Sadly, this decision just causes us harm as now instead of having clean, uniform database like structures - we are basically left with the equivalent of static html pages.
    It causes us a whole lot of extra work and we loose all the benefits of a database.
  3. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to darth12 in Extra Fields search is useless/do not work the way it is   
    Can we get this feature please!?
  4. Thanks
    PrettyPixels reacted to Lucas James in Forum Sidebar   
  5. Like
    PrettyPixels got a reaction from Silnei L Andrade in Forum Sidebar   
    @Fosters - I'm looking for this same thing - the ability to add blocks in the spots above and under forums/threads, in addition to the sidebar. Depending on cost, I may be willing to sponsor the initial development of this feature. Please let me know if this is something you'd consider.
  6. Thanks
    PrettyPixels reacted to Adriano Faria in Error with furl changes   
    You can change the furl.json file in the applications/APP/data folder and rebuild cache later. But I'm not sure it works. 
  7. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Mercury Forever in Forum Sidebar   
    Hello @Foster
    I need the function that indicates @Silnei L Andrade
  8. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Silnei L Andrade in Forum Sidebar   
    Very cool, but is it possible in future versions to be able to insert the blocks below the list of forums in the categories as shown in the arrow in the figure below?

  9. Like
    PrettyPixels got a reaction from pequeno in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    Would also love to see this for Amazon SES.
  10. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Morgin in Why not offer push notifications solution   
    I suspect most of us like having users who keep our communities viable. >50% of mine use iOS to access via mobile browser. I don’t give a sh*t about android vs iOS or people’s inane fanboyism, I just want to service my users. 
  11. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to stoo2000 in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    SES is coming but not immediately (I'm on vacation at the moment).
    If you uninstall emails will send normally, but you'll also lose any historical bounce/block information that may be useful when you switch to SES. Leaving it enabled won't hurt anything even if you stop using Sparkpost, end-users that have already had their emails blocked will continue to get their emails blocked until they update their email address (so that aspect will still work based on data already processed)
  12. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Sonya* in Club Categories ( Support Topic )   
    I am not sure if you aware of: on mobile the categories are shown BELOW the clubs list. It should be above as nobody would scroll down in the hope to find category selector 
  13. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to AlexWebsites in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    Sparkpost is depreciating their free service which means time to move on. Was this ever made to work with Amazon SES?
  14. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Joel R in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    I'd like to officially lend my support for Amazon SES. 
    SparkPost currently costs me $20 / mo on a plan for 50,000 emails (and this was after I suppressed the majority of my email notifications to switch to a lower plan).  The equivalent cost on Amazon SES would be $5 / mo.  This represents cost savings of $180 / yr.  
    The cost savings are too big to ignore for independent communities.  
  15. Thanks
    PrettyPixels reacted to shahed in Pages Legend News - Supporttopic   
    This page is a "Category", so featured news section is never implemented there from the first place. Frontpage in the other hand though, are always gonna have that section. You can set to show 3/5/6 record there by options. however, you can't omit the whole section by a setting.
  16. Like
    PrettyPixels got a reaction from PPlanet in Limited Email Content   
    I second this! 😄
  17. Thanks
    PrettyPixels reacted to Pete T in TXT & PHP Widget   
    I have finial updated to 4.4.1 sorry delay been working overtime get this finished.
  18. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to ahc in 5.0 - A Discussion   
    I've seen posts from members, myself included, asking for more patreon-like features like this for clubs.  I was kinda hoping they'd be added before 5.  Our club usage has decreased rapidly because our artists would prefer setting different sub levels instead of having to average out a one level deal for the content they want to provide to supporters, and being able to do this directly on our website instead of having to have a separate off-site account is our end goal with clubs for now.  😞
  19. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Platinumwealth.co.za in 5.0 - A Discussion   
  20. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Michael R in Limited Email Content   
    Will this also work for PM notifications? My members are always replying to the email notification instead of going to the site and replying there.
  21. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to NoGi in Limited Email Content   
    From the other post:
    It would be good to be able to apply groups filtering to it if we wanted some groups to be excluded from getting the truncated messages like moderators/admins for example.
  22. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Angel Costa in Limited Email Content   
    Is it possible to leave some groups out? As an admin, it sucks to be restricted from my own board. lol
  23. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Adriano Faria in Expand ignore feature   
    Please, add the ability to ignore content itens on streams. There isn’t much sense in ignore someone else’s posts and then have streams constantly bumped with topics/posts made by a ignored user. 
  24. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Nathan Explosion in (NE) Dice Roller   
    Notice regarding IPS 4.4.0 beta 4
    This plugin has been tested against IPS 4.4.0 beta 4 and works as expected. If you decide to update to IPS 4.4.0 beta 4 and find a bug with this plugin then please feel free to report it here but do not expect a fix for the bug until IPS 4.4.0 has exited the beta/release candidate process and has been fully released.
    Regarding 'version 2'
    As mentioned previously, development work is ongoing on the next major version of this plugin. I'm taking the upcoming 4.4 release as an opportunity to re-do some of the database work involved in storing the dice usage and rolls in their own database tables instead of piggy-backing on forums_topics and forums_posts, and this requires a little bit of re-working of code (the good news is that there ends up being less code woohoo!!!)
    Once that new version is done, it will be released - am looking forward to seeing how the new features are adopted on the sites which currently use the plugin.
  25. Thanks
    PrettyPixels reacted to newbie LAC in (NB40) Recent Topics/Posts   
    Works without new feature https://invisioncommunity.com/news/product-updates/44-6-new-micro-features-r1118/

    I added it but I will wait 4.4 final to update the plugin on MP
    If you need new setting open xml-file or \plugins\nb40recenttopicsposts\widgets\nbRecentTopicsPosts.php
    if ($form === null) { $form = new \IPS\Helpers\Form; } change to 
    $form = parent::configuration($form);  
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