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(NB40) Recent Topics/Posts

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​Are you planning adding these features?

  • Auto-refresh with AJAX every X time
  • Be able to position this block in the middle
  • Be able to activate deactivate the tabs we want to show (recent, replies, etc)

If so, count me in as a client ;)

​These are great addition to this plugin

Also would be nice if each tab has a separator or some sort (so you'd know which tab you're in

Edited by Bruce_man
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  • 2 months later...


I am a 3.4 customer, preparing to upgrade to ipb4 and checking the availability of hooks and plugins before I upgrade. As an NB34 customer for "recent topics/posts", do I need to re-purchase the NB40 version?




Yes. This is new plugin. Every updated plugin (from hook 3.4 to plugin 4.0) done from the scratch

Edited by newbie LAC
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Yes. This is new plugin. Every updated plugin (from hook 3.4 to plugin 4.0) done from the scratch

Hello newbie,

I haven't updated to 4.0 yet as this hook is one I currently use on 3.8.  Will the one for 4.0 be available for each Forum page as well as the index page?  

Before moving to 4.0 I'm hoping that I can set up each forum page as we did before with with Replies / Posts above the RSS sidebar widget ( unique RSS feed for each forum page.

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Now sidebar hook is a widget. You'll need drag-and-drop widget twice (for index page and for all forums). Although I have no idea why the block is needed in the pages of forums :)


Since I run a hockey forum I have members who login via bookmark to specific team forums.  By having the newest Topics / Posts on each Team Forum page it increases the number of page visits as a hot topic about another team or general forum may interest the member for additional conversation.

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Since I run a hockey forum I have members who login via bookmark to specific team forums.  By having the newest Topics / Posts on each Team Forum page it increases the number of page visits as a hot topic about another team or general forum may interest the member for additional conversation.


When I wrote message I thought "Widget with recent posts for current forum/category" :) So I was at a loss


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How can I get these stats to display to guests? Even though I don't want guests to have actual access to the posts themselves, I would like them to see the titles in the recent topics/posts widget. Do I need to change all of the permissions on each forum and category?


You can change code


		$topics = \IPS\forums\Topic::getItemsWithPermission($whereTopics, null, $limitTopics);

Change to 

		$topics = \IPS\forums\Topic::getItemsWithPermission($whereTopics, null, $limitTopics, null);


		$posts = \IPS\forums\Topic\Post::getItemsWithPermission($wherePosts, null, $limitPosts);

Change to 

		$posts = \IPS\forums\Topic\Post::getItemsWithPermission($wherePosts, null, $limitPosts, null);


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