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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Sonya*

  1. 4 minutes ago, DawPi said:

    Why? 🙂

    If the table core_applications has been added in 3.X first, then:

    • Upgrade routine from 2.X to 3.X will create it. The upgrade assumes you upgrade from 2.X.
    • Upgrade routine to 4.X assumes the table is already there and you upgrade from 3.X

    Just thoughts. I have no idea in what version the table has been added.


  2. Please add a possibility to exclude some databases from search engine indexing. There should be a possibility to add

    <meta name="robots" content="noindex" />

    to all database records in one database at once (probable via page database), and to exclude certain databases from the sitemap.


    1. Databases with thin content, like database relationship records created only to group the main records.
    2. Databases with quotes, citation, news snippets - not unique content.
    3. Databases created from forum topics, blogs etc. - duplicate content.

    Thin, not unique and duplicate content is terrible for SEO. It would be perfect if we could control, what databases should be indexed and what not. 


  3. 2 hours ago, Mark Round said:

    Surprised this hasn’t been addressed really, just curious as to how others are doing this are successful platforms using a forwarding service ?

    I use own server. 

    • E-Mails are sent via SMTP.
    • I have SFP, DKIM and DMARC.
    • abuse@mydomain.com and postmaster@mydomain.com are set as alias

    Have you checked if your domain or IP is blacklisted? E. g. here https://mxtoolbox.com/blacklists.aspx


  4. On 9/19/2021 at 9:13 PM, Miss_B said:

    Do those apps have their online system? A.f.a.i.k. they do not.

    There is no online system per app. There is a list of online users https://invisioncommunity.com/online/ You wrote "fake members will appear to read random topics". If Forums is not installed, there cannot be any random topics. I assume that your app assumes Forum exists and enabled. You can add a check: 

    if (!array_key_exists('forums', \IPS\Application::applications() or !\IPS\Application::applications()['forums']->enabled)) {
                \\ do not pick anything to read or check other apps to pick random items (like articles or products)
  5. I have a German project. The date is shown like:

    September 20, 2021

    It should be:

    20. September, 2021

    Where can I change this? I have Plesk with Debian (both latest). The Locale for language in ACP is correct.


    This is not crucial, but I do not like this. Can I change it somewhere? Is it OS, Plesk or PHP setting? 

  6. 39 minutes ago, Matt said:

    There's a lot more going on behind the scenes than you may think. 🙂

    This was not meant negative. Just an example how urgent help topic can look like.

    Me, personally, I hate ticket support in most cases 😄 I like community support:

    1. Searching before ticket can give a fix within minutes. Writing down and waiting for support can take hours.
    2. See if the issue is a known bug. When a support thread becomes hot or there are many similar threads, I can see that the issue is a bug and just wait for solution instead of ... you know, writing down 😄
    3. Get several ideas, brainstorming. While waiting for solution, I get answers from community, that probably do not contain a solution, but kepp me busy (I hate waiting). 
    4. Just browsing through threads a while. It's a kind of permanent knowledge update for me. 

    1 and 2 save IPS support time that is (hopefully!) invested into developing new features 😉

    Even if I can understand the reasons, why others would like ticket support, I am happier with community support.

  7. Hi, there is a small issue with the block. If user belongs to the user group that is forced to log in anonymously, then he is logged not anonymously via your plugin. It would be perfect if the app could consider the settings of the user group. Thanks!

  8. 15 minutes ago, Yamamura said:

    Sorry, but "support" from the community on forums is inherent in free software. When a client pays money, he wants to have a private communication with the support (there can be many reasons for this).

    To be fair, consider support communities for paid software:

    Searching for already fixed issues can save time. 

  9. Just now, rnorth6920 said:

    Would previously purchased Marketplace items still function as they did previously, just without future updates?  And I would like to add that I would lose IPS spam fighting tools as well if I fail to renew. 

    Yes, all Marketplace add-ons will continue to work. It is just like frozen development, no new feature, no bug fixes. But it works.

    1 minute ago, rnorth6920 said:

    I would lose IPS spam fighting tools as well if I fail to renew. 

    I do not rely on IPS spam fighting. I use CleanTalk that works whether your license is active or not. It is free for the first 7 (?) days. The prices are democratic, worth to try.



  10. 38 minutes ago, rnorth6920 said:

    And to add to this, the payment will be processed on Sep 23rd or 24th based on previous renewals. So actually, I have LESS THAN 9 days notice to prepare for a payment that is more than twice my anticipated renewal costs.  100% unacceptable!

    You do not need to pay. You can just not renew. As long, as you like. You will not get any update, you will not get IPS support und you will not be able to use Marketplace. But your site would be still online. It does not depend on renewal.

    1. Import, export database including records, categories, page, CSS and JS, blocks and so on.
    2. Include CSS/JS templates and database page into application like HTML templates.
    3. Field Button with custom PHP actions on pre-save, post-save or display (alternatively bind fields to hooks)
    4. IPS classes from CSS framework in CKEditor, like warnings, section header, blocks, any kind of typography.
    5. Custom areas in template where the fields are placed (above or below the content is not enough). 
    6. More control for the forms, like selecting tabs, adding AJAX, toggle on/off, generally all options we have in Field class.
    7. Field keys and record data available in the form - this is really essential
    8. Include custom CKEditor plugins into applications. 
    9. Rework filter block to use and/or logic, filtering by Address field
    10. Language (my personal pain). Just 5 options in language tab are not enough for the most languages out there. 


  11. 10 minutes ago, CEP said:

    @Sonya*will you update it for IPS 4.6.4? I am going to purchase it, but it is unavailable on IPS 4.6

    I did, but update was rejected because of one language string not implemented properly. 😐  I will resolve the issue and hope it will be approved soon.

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