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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Sonya*

  1. You write on the Additional Information tab:


    Adding Category images. You can add category images for the main level by adding the Category Image plugin from the Marketplace. SuperHelp will support images uploaded this way automatically.

    What plugin do you mean? I could not find in Marketplace. 

  2. There is an issue with custom fields. I have fields where Show in listing template is disabled. These fields are shown in the listing template (using display view format) despite the setting. Can you please adjust your template the way it respects the fields that should not be shown in the listing? Thank you!

  3. I would like to use some font awesome icons in WYSIWYG block. I have added them via HTML source:

    Lorum ipsum <i class="fa fa-users"></i> lorum

    It shows as expected. If I open the block for edit, the icons are removed. I have tried to add the classes fa and fa-users to Allowed CSS classes in the editor settings. It does not help. Is there any way to use icons in WYSIWYG block?

  4. Adding 'parse' => 'html' has solved the issue

    $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Radio( 'cui_icon', \IPS\customusericon\Member::loggedIn()->cui_icon ? \IPS\customusericon\Member::loggedIn()->cui_icon : 0, FALSE, array( 'options' => $icons, 'parse' => 'html' ) ) );

    Can you please update the app? Thank you!

  5. On 4/8/2021 at 11:04 PM, Chris Anderson said:

    This is a product support board, not an emotional support board.  Enough with all the touchy feely emojis, gifs and any other means of expressing emotions, whether positive or negative.  All communications should be done in a completely neutral fashion.

    I would miss something like this https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/459696-flag-ipsdbselect_sql_calc_found_rows-not-working/ if there would be complete neutral fashion. IPS could you please stay a bit ... unneutral? 🙂


  6. After upgrade to 4.5 we have broken images that have been previously cached through image proxy feature. The source looks like this:

    <a href="http://othersite.com/fotos/30d2eb4f33948317.html" rel="external nofollow noopener" target="_blank">
      <img class="ipsImage" alt="33948317_m.jpg" data-imageproxy-source="http://images.othersite.com/ii/1617576632/30d2eb4f/33948317_m.jpg" src="https://www.oursite.com/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://images.othersite.com/ii/1617576632/30d2eb4f/33948317_m.jpg&amp;key=5d0fc5f7c212e8119b19af2f57d1fe0bca189fad97fbb9edf46a0ae336442db8">

    Does it work as desired? I have not seen any rebuilding task after upgrade. Should there be any? Any possibility to start it?

  7. Just now, Daniel F said:

    Have you tried creating a plugin to replace every langstring  containing clubs with e.g. guilds just before the strings are returned?

    No. This was just an example for English usage. 🙂 For my case, I need something to upgrade my Russian and German projects more efficiently 😉 

  8. 9 minutes ago, CoffeeCake said:

    Just a note that this helps with fully English projects as well. We often use different phrases and words for built in features and use the translation/language tool to maintain this.

    Yes, the best example are Clubs. Some communities keep Clubs, others want Groups, there are also Guilds or Teams. Changing those strings makes you actually non-upgradable. All new strings go to default language, and you have to update your custom language somehow manually.

  9. I have some non-English projects, where I have made some changes to the language strings. These changes should be permanent. There is also a language pack in Marketplace. When I upgrade the project, I have to make many steps to keep my custom translations. This is how I do it:

    1. Download the custom language as XML (Custom package)
    2. Download Marketplace package as XML (Marketplace package)
    3. Copy Marketplace package (Merged package)
    4. Upload a new version (Custom package) on Merged package
    5. Change the name of the package back to Merged
    6. Set Merged package as Default
    7. Disable other language packages

    When I'd like to change some strings in my project, I have to go this way

    1. Make changes in my Custom package
    2. Download Custom package as XML
    3. Upload a new version (Custom package) on Merged package
    4. Change the name of the package back to Merged

    When there is an upgrade for Marketplace package:

    1. Upgrade Marketplace package
    2. Download Marketplace package as XML (Marketplace package)
    3. Upload a new version (Marketplace package) on Merged package
    4. Upload a new version (Custom package) on Merged package
    5. Change the name of the package back to Merged

    This is quite time-consuming. I wish parent/child construction (like themes), where my custom changes just overload the Marketplace package. Additionally, a filter where I can see what translations differ from parent version. This would help to prevent all these steps above, keep my custom translations and still use Marketplace updates without loosing my custom changes.

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