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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Sonya*

  1. Create a new group. There are some settings, that are not available for users but for the group. Move the bot to the new group, then exclude the group from leaderboard, reactions, filtering in search, force anonymous login, forbid ignoring and so on. To close profile from everyone try this plugin


  2. Custom field of type CheckboxSet has always multiple values. It cannot be used with type INT in database, or you get an error for wrong integer type '' if no value is selected. However, in the converter you set the field to the type INT if is not defined as multiple:

    				case 'CheckboxSet':
    				case 'Member':
    					if ( $data['multiple'] )
    						$columnDefinition['type']	= 'TEXT';
    						$columnDefinition['type']	= 'INT';
    						$columnDefinition['length']	= 10;

    It is not possible to save a record with field type CheckboxSet that is defined as INT.

    The type should be moved down to:

    				case 'CheckboxSet':   <-------------
    				case 'TextArea':
    				case 'Upload':
    				case 'Address':
    				case 'Codemirror':
    				case 'Select':
    				case 'Youtube':
    				case 'Spotify':
    				case 'Soundcloud':
    				case 'Item':
    					$columnDefinition['type'] = 'TEXT';


  3. In Pages: we can add custom fields to the database. If the fields are empty for the record, they are not displayed on the record view page. Except of the field of type Item. It is always shown even if it is empty. I know that we can control display with {if}-clauses. However, it would be more consistent, if this would be default as for other field types and no code is required to suppress it.

  4. Manually delete, or you create database and uploads folder backup just before starting the conversion. 

    If the conversion is not complete,  you can just continue and finish in ACP. If it is completed, then just replace database and uploads with backup and start from scratch.

  5. 1 hour ago, SammyS said:

    all of them now create better content tha before because they cant hide behind an username, they have to use their real name.

    It is not true for all projects. I have some communities where people are BECAUSE they do not want to use their real names. Think of medical content, psychological and other vulnerable issues that people do not eager to share with the whole world. 

    1 hour ago, SammyS said:

    Search engines penalices forums for their low quality content. 

    Sure, there are forums with low-quality content, they should be penalized. The same way the content sites are penalized. I think forum structure in generally is the reason why search engines cannot pick valuable content properly (if there is any).

    1 hour ago, SammyS said:

    We should drop that elitist way of thinking that "people using SM are retarded, all the good people use forums". That may be conforting but simply no true.

    We should stop to think that all SM users can be somehow converted to forum users. 😜 

    1 hour ago, SammyS said:

    We should learn from them in terms of simplicity, UI design.

    Agree. Poor usability, complicated forms, and overloaded interface - these are real points where communities can gain many improvements. 

  6. 5 hours ago, SammyS said:

    And I see SM crushing forums, so may be we should learn from them.

    It is not worth to try "beating" SM. Forums will never attract the majority of users from social media. Most people there do not create any useful content. They post:

    • cat Giphys and co.
    • repost content of other users
    • spy others

    This is not the behavior you wish in one forum, and you would not like to target those users. You can have 100000 Giphys posters or 10 content creators. The latter is what a good forum community need.

    I would not say "SM crushing forums", I would say "search engines crushing forums". Many people do not really know there are other possibilities than SM or content sites. If you search for major keywords you would never find forums, but tons of (often useless) content sites that generates articles, steal and rewrite the content from each other and buy tons of links to get search rankings. Forums get long tail keywords. Something that pretty specific and goes into depth. I am sure one get more from search results using schema markup, like Question, Answer, QAPage. 

    The era of "pure" forums is over. The era of forums with general content is over. But there is a large opportunity for subject-specific communities with rich content, events, reviews, directories, Q&A and so on. All these elements can become a beginning of the conversation, discussion, what forums are. 

  7. 8 hours ago, Paul E. said:

    Are you all certain the spam is coming via the form rather than emailed to the community account?

    We have thousands of messages inbound in contact us and the only spam we see is targeted stuff intentionally sent to us by someone trying to market to us.

    In my case, 99% of spam comes through contact form. See my logs in the review of the plugin 

    You can stop bots, but you cannot stop human that really fill out the forms. In my experience, the best way to stop spam is to block their IP addresses, their E-Mails and to investigate the E-Mail content to find spam links in it. The plugin above is ready to use and free for 7 days. It is worth to test it.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Daniel B. said:

    When a record is added to the Database through a Club, it is then is it visible for all clubs with access to the same Database/Category, and Pages displaying the same Database? Or each record added by the club is "isolated" and accesible through the Club page.

    Technically, it is a category in Pages database that is assigned to this club only. It behaves the same way other club nodes do, like forums, blogs, galleries and so on. 

    7 minutes ago, Daniel B. said:

    what happens to the Database entries when the Club requires users to join to display the contents?

    The same as above. Database categories within clubs inherit club permissions and ignores permission set for the whole database in ACP. So, yes, if it is a private club, one has to join to see the content stored in this database category. If it is a public club, it is visible to any user, like any other node within public club. 

  9. 6 hours ago, kmk said:

    From member view, can not see the filter

    This is not a filter on your screenshot. These are fields that are editable while viewing the record. The fields are only shown to those who can edit records. Filter is a block that can be added to a sidebar on the category view. The fields that can be used in the filter must be defined in the APC as those. 

  10. @Nathan Explosion, that's true. IPS Suite is not installed on https://invisioncommunity.com/forums It is installed in the root of domain. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums is just an application like https://invisioncommunity.com/files/. I believe the topic starter means the case when IPS Suite is installed in subdirectory /forums/. (???) Then it is not possible. In case Forums is just not a default application, then this absolutely possible with Pages. @6ichem, what is the root of your IPS installation? What application is set as default?

  11. 46 minutes ago, 6ichem said:

    I've seen sites that have a landing page on their domain.com and forums on domain.com/forums

    The landing pages that are outside of IPS root, are not made with IPS. The sites that probably have it run ancient version of IPS. It was earlier possible to have IP.Content in the root of the domain and forums in subdirectory. With the new version (Pages) - it does not work. If you have some example links for what you mean, you can post here, so that one can investigate how it is achieved in certain cases.

  12. You should define your sever first. E. g. it is 1. Forum. Follow the guide to set up server on forum, then create clients on 2. Blog and 3. Page. Disable all other login methods on the clients and do not allow registering. While configuring clients you will be able to define what should happen to the data that does not exist on the client or differs from the server. You can also set up the login behavior, so that login is not presented on the client if the user logged on the server. As Administrator, you will always see the login form, so you should check it with a user account.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Michael Pedrotti said:

    I mean SEO wise for ranking. 

    I agree, if your main focus is SEO content, you should go with WordPress, if your main focus is commerce, you should use Shopify, Presta or Magento. If your main focus is community, you should go with IPS 😜 If you have a mix, you can mix different platforms to get the most of them. Integration is technically not so robust as all-in-one-solution and requires (a lot of) custom code to get it work smart way together. 

  14. Hi, I am struggling with (both) sidebars.

    1. The width of IPS sidebar is ignored. I see that you've defined 390px as fixed value in your CSS. Intended?
    2. Where can I change the width of the navigation bar? I can see --ta-sidebar-width variable in your CSS but cannot find where the value can be set. 
    3. Is it possible to have the navigation minimized by default? Right now it is extended.
    4. If I disable "Add "Contact Us" button in sticky sidebar" I can still see the arrow to expand the button.

    Thank you!


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